vi. hopeless

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· 。゚☆: *.
»»————- act one. the very best
SIX ━━ hopeless

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⋆⋅ ━━━━ ‧ ༻✩༺ ‧ ━━━━ ⋅⋆

    FLORENCE O'MALLEY LIKES TO THINK SHE IS NOT STUPID. SHE THINKS IT TO BE A PRETTY FAIR ASSEMENT OF HER CHARACTER, BUT JANE JEFFORDS LIKES TO BEG the differ as she observes her closest friend obliviousness to the longing stares of a certain Quidditch Keeper. JJ thinks Flo should pick up a leave from her own book, or better said the book she makes Percy Weasley follow like it is the holy bible.

    Because while Percy may be pining after Penelope Clearwater, afraid to speak of his true feelings while the blonde Ravenclaw is equally as interested in the Weasley boy. Florence can't for the life of her realise Oliver Wood is hopelessly, completely and irreversibly in love with her.

     It drives JJ mad on numerous occasions

     "You know, you and Oliver have been spending an awful amount of time together over the Summer?" Florence is completely oblivious to the suggestive tone of her curly haired friend.

     The blonde hums not taking her eyes from the book laying open in front of her. It's a tattered and faded version of Quidditch Throughout the Ages—and at this point Flo has possible added more notes and scribbles than there are written words by the original author.

     That book is her holy bible.

     "I don't think we spend more time together than usually." She speaks up, sparing her friend a brief glance, "We always hang out to go over Quidditch plans and plays. I mean I practise most of my Summer Holiday anyway. It's much more fun to play with him than with my shadow."

     JJ just rolls her eyes, the blonde not even taking notice as she stuffs the last piece of buttered toast in her mouth.

     "Well he seems to enjoy spending time with you a lot Flo." JJ presses, leaning forward slightly on her elbows, and from the corner of her eye she can see Oliver—who had been listening in on the conversation blush a feverish red colour.

     "He is one of my closest friends J." Florence drawls, finally closing her book to give her friend her full attention and she feigns a offended look . "I actually hope he likes spending time with me. It be rather concerning if he didn't."

     "How on this good gracious earth can you be equally as smart as you are dumb." Angelina, who had been quietly observing the conversation from the side lines muttered under her breath.

     "Not even being locked up in the locker room brought some sense into their messed up bludger brains." JJ hissed under her breath as she thought back to their elaborated (—consisting of pickpocketing their wands and hiding the key.) plan.

     "Are you sure this won't go wrong?" Angelina wondered unsurely as she exchanged looks with JJ. The curly haired girl wore a mischievous smirk on her face as they hid in the bleachers of the Quidditch Stadium.

     Both Oliver and Florence were trudging around the field to collect their used supplies after spending twenty minutes trying to catch the Golden Snitch because Charlie didn't have time to do so.

     JJ and Angelina had been freezing their arses off while they waited.

     They even managed to rope Charlie in on their plan. All the redheaded Quidditch Captain had to do was leave the locker room key with them—but hey! He could have said no.

     The last part of their plan was in motion as all that was left was bringing the supplies inside. And while Flo and Oliver remained in an animated conversation about the Holly Harpies and Puddlemere United. JJ had snatched their wands from the bench they had placed them on while Angelina stood waiting inside the shadows of the locker room.

     "Go, go—go!" JJ whisper-yelled as Florence and Oliver disappeared from view and Angelina was quick to close the door and turn the key to lock the duo inside.

     "Think Ollie will confess his undying love?" Angelina wondered as the two leaned against the wall.

     "Hopefully he will." JJ sighed.

     He did not.

     When Angelina and JJ returned an hour later to grant the two Gryffindors their freedom, all they found was the two in a heated discussion with all kinds of Quidditch plays and tactics scribbled on the chalkboard and scattered papers.

     "But onto far more important matters." Florence begins joyfully and all her friends (--with the exception of Oliver, obviously ) groan in displeasure, knowing already what words will leave the lips of the girl. "Quidditch season is soon upon us, which means we need to get all of your arses into gear."

     "Isn't Charlie—you know the actually Captain, supposed to plan these things?" Angelina inquires unsurely, not having any first hands experience on the inner workings of the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

     She wasn't sure if she should be happy she made the team at this point.

     "Oliver and I took matters in our own hands over the summer when someone—" Her blue gaze settles on said captain walking in the distance with a familiar redheaded girl. "Thought his relationship was more important."

     "It was like he didn't even remember what Quidditch was!" Oliver added vocally, his own eyes narrowed and glued to the two seventh years in the distance.

     JJ and Angelina exchanged infuriated glances. Only Flo and Oliver would think spending time with a significant other was pointless compared to Quidditch.

     "I don't think it is more important..." Angelina trails off, "I mean it's just Quidditch. And Charlie did say he was going to marry that girl like a week after they started to interact last year."

     Florence just waved at her friend, clearly not even listening anymore. While her Quidditch bible had been closed, the blonde had another piece of parchment in front of her, and from what the dark skinned girl could see, it consisted of mostly Quidditch plays and tactics.

     "Completely hopeless." JJ mutters annoyed, "Unbelievably hopeless." Angelina added.

     "Did you say something?" Florence peered up again.

     "Nothing—absolutely nothing."

· 。゚☆: *.

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⋆⋅ ━━━━ ‧ ༻✩༺ ‧ ━━━━ ⋅⋆

     BY NEXT AFTERNOON, ALL THINGS QUIDDITCH WERE FORGOTTEN IN A RARE OCCASION FOR FLORENCE O'MALLEY AS SHE SAT AT THE GRYFFINDOR TABLE WITH Percy, who had been on one of his many 'Penelope' spiels . Prattling on and on and on about the pretty Ravenclaw girl.

    And as a self-certified best friend, Florence had always promised no matter the circumstances, she would take time to sit and listen to the redhead's words. And yes that even included Quidditch. Nothing but Percy could come between her and the Wizarding Game.

     Between mouthfuls of sandwich bites, the boy had vented for the last fifteen minutes as the blonde idly listened. Of course Percy's rants had been mostly self-deprecating, as he always found it in his own actions he was at fault.

     Florence pitied how much pressure Percy had put on himself since childhood. And while most of his siblings simple labelled him as boring, brooding and far too serious, the blonde new it stemmed from a place to please others but mostly himself.

     He after all grew up far less fortunate than the O'Malley girl did. There was far more pressure on getting a good paying job and thus good grades and clean records. Percy had confided early on in his life he wished to become something great to be able to repay his parents for all they did for him and his siblings.

     Florence admired it very much.

     Of course she had always been clear on her path—a path to professional Quidditch—the Holly Harpies in specific. And while her future sounded more fun and adventurous, she had the privilege to follow those dreams unlike her redheaded friend.

     Percy on the other hand, strived for a high place in the ministry, one with influence and status. He wanted to make his family's name great not only among friends and family, but among the whole Wizarding World.

     Sadly because he mostly confided only in her, and otherwise found himself with his nose stuck in a book, his social skills were somewhat skew.

     And it mostly showed in the way he had tried for so many years to find the courage to talk to Penelope Clearwater. Florence had never seen him so nervous in her early Hogwarts years. The boy could barely look at her without turning a scarlet colour. And don't even ask her about the stuttering mess he became when the girl would only greet them in the corridor.

     It was only in their third year, Flo managed to get the two talking. It might have been totally uncomfortable for the first ten minutes as they sat in silence, but when the two had found common ground, how pleased the blonde had been.

     Who knew people could bond over their shared interest in becoming Prefects?

     "I don't even know what happened, one moment we were working on the assignment for Sprout and the next Davies just comes barging in—" Percy let his head drop on his folded arms. "—and drags the girl with him to do, and I quote stuff."

     Flo gives him a pitiful smile, gently rubbing his back. "Maybe it was important and he could tell her with you there. Not everything is for everyone to know."

     "She probably likes him. Fancy Davies with his fancy hair." The boy muttered bitterly. "And he loves her probably, I mean who wouldn't? She is so smart, and kind and her smile..."

    "Perce, you are great. Just as great as fancy Davies." Florence promised him firmly, and her tone was just as serious as it was when she talked about Quidditch. "You are smart, and sweet and thoughtful."

    Brown eyes peered up at her and Percy smiled at the blonde. He never vocally said if often, but Florence was one of the most important people in his life. His first friend, first kiss and the one person he knew he needed in his life.

    She understood him so much more than his family did. And he didn't blame his siblings or parents. Percy had early on acknowledge that he was just different from his family. But with Florence he could always be himself without the pressure to be perfect or to be seen as fun.

    "Thanks Florence."

    "No problem Perce." She nodded, retracting her hand from his back to brush her own hair out of her face. "And just say the word and I'll go scare Davies away from you girl. I got a mean right hook."

    The boy chuckled and he cracked another smile, and in return Florence let her own smile widen. "I don't think that's necessary Flo."

    "Whatever you say. You know I'd do everything to make you happy."

     "I know."

    Silence followed as both teens focused on their meal, the idle chatter of other students surrounding them.

    "Erh, Percy?"

     Both Gryffindors looked up to see a slightly nervous looking Penelope Clearwater standing behind them. She held her hands clasped together in front of her as she balanced on the ball of her heels.

    "Pene—" He cleared his throat. "Penelope. Everything alright?"

    "Yes. I'm good. I just wanted to apologise for earlier. I shouldn't have left. It wasn't fair of me to let you do all the work. It's just, Roger has been struggling a lot with Potions, and well I'm fairly good at it. He doesn't like talking about things he finds difficult." She paused. "I just wanted to make sure you know I didn't run off to do something useless."

    "It's okay. I was confused though." He hesitated, sharing a quick look with Flo who gave him an encouraging smile. "I thought you were waiting for erh—an excuse to leave..." He trailed of.

    Penelope's eyes widened at the statement. "Oh no! of course not. I actually really like working with you...and spending time together." She blushed.


    "And I just wanted to clear this up. I value what you think of me." Penelope smiled sweetly. "So do you want to finish the assignment later tonight? I promise no interruptions.

    "S-sure." He stammered and Penelope nodded, quickly waving at Florence before rushing back to her own table.

    "I value what you think of me." Florence wiggled her eyebrows suggestively and Percy turned as red as his hair.

    "Shut it."

    Florence batted her eyelashes mockingly at the boy. "I promise no interruptions." She grinned. "This so is a date."

    "No it isn't!" Percy exclaimed. "Right?"

    "You're unbelievable Percy."


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𝚘𝚘𝐨. ┊CHLOE'S NOTES ! ✎↷:     ❪  𝙰𝚄𝚃𝙷𝙾𝚁𝚂 𝙽𝙾𝚃𝙴 ❫ ❁ཻུ۪۪∘. 𝙑𝙊𝙄𝘿𝙇𝙀𝙂𝙀𝙉𝘿𝙎 ━ 🗒✏️🖇 : hi everyone! so this story is now fully up to date with the rewrite. Therefore I will be focusing on the first book in this duology. Naturally is set a year before the events of this book. So I want to catch up there to avoid too many spoilers. I hope to finish catching up as soon as possible. Until I have finished it, this book will be on hold. Thank you all for you patience!

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