Chaotic Hell ✦ Nine

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"The proof." he slurred, glaring down at the trembling teen. His hands clasped tightly at the nearest object.

"Why..?" his voice cracks, sticking the gun up from the floor. Kaizo snorted.

"A change of heart I see." he sneered, reminding his answer upon the question of killing someone. "Finally your senses coming useful?"

"I TRUSTED YOU!" He screamed, nose flaring and his chest rise and low with his short breathing.


Kaizo took his hand. resting the gun on his forehead. The warm nuzzle are fresh on his skin. "Do it,"

"Kill me." He taunted.

Cyclone hands shook, trembling in utmost fear. His index finger rested on the trigger, too heavy to pull that little steel.

The gun clicked.


"Too bad, no bullets for you." Kaizo smirked,  releasing his hand as they fall with a thump on the floor. Standing up, he pick up his phone from Cyclone, typing out the info.

"Hesitation kills a man." Kaizo turns to him, "Remember that."

Naïve. He was too naïve.
Why did he trust so easily?
Why always have to be him to end up hurting?

Another unexpectant blow crashing through the windows. At that second, he was whisked away from there, no chance for him to breathe and process. His head shot up to see Kaizo's back in front of him.

The person stood up after his dramatic entrance, blade dipped red and the security alarms aren't blaring still.

He cleaned up everything.

"Sucks to be you kid." Kaizo can't help but sigh. One after another, and he doesn't even suited as "Princess" Cyclone's prince in a shining armour. Just his luck.

The intruder pulled down his hood, ice cold eyes facing him. He knee that look too well.

"Your eyes shone purple in those lens."

"Shut up." Thunder said, charging forward to attack. Kaizo draw out the knife from his pack, their blades meet. The clang of steel ringing.

"Go to hell!" Thunder bellowed.

"Where do you think I'm from?"

Kaizo stumbles back from the kick to his abdomen, not sparing a chance, a cut made it's way to his arm, slicing the skin open. He pulled back, hissing in pain.

"Get the car. Run." He glance to Cyclone at his back, before blocking the incoming attack with his good hand and kicked him out the room, "GO NOW!"

Scrambling back to his feet he ran, loud gasp and clanks of metal emitted from the fight that he don't dare to look back.

Running is the only thing he's good at.

"I didn't expect you to remember me." Thunder said in between his pants. It took him to hold the katana both hands, exhaust on putting up with their warm up fight.

Kaizo grinned before gritting his teeth, holding back the stinging pain at his wounded arm. Blood trickled down to his finger, and the smirk on his enemy grew wider.

"This is not the kind of reunion gift I expected."

"8 years..." Thunder stood straighter, holding up his weapon. "I'll put an end to your life!"

Red clashes with red.

Of course, who will missed a person like him?

Like the old days.

The day he betray to seek power for vengeance from Retakka,

The same day he released from chains of hell by Maskmana

Just like a twig in the same branch. Same but different ends.

Thunder strikes, his katana swinging aiming to Kaizo's chest. The latter dashed forward, their attacks once again clashed but this time both not going to back down. Thunder weighing himself down, forcing the blade in Kaizo's hand cutting deeper into his own hands. He groaned in pain, pushing them upwards and taking the chance  by shooting his thigh. Thunder yelped, fall on one knee.

He ran off, entering the car and pressing on the pedal hard. Speeding to the only destination in mind;
Rintis Port.

3 more hours left.

He take a quick glance at the rear mirror, Cyclone have his knees up to his chest, face buried and arms shaking. Kaizo turns back to the road. Lips pursed.

"One trouble after another,
Pain staking on each other.
One who broken and one who murder.
Ends up both are monsters."

Maskmana stood by his table, gazing out from the window mesmerized by the city lights. The sound of chaos in the main room did not fit the serene looking night. His door knocked once, and blasted open by none other than Kokoci.

"Sire! We got intel from Kaizo and a call related to the syndicate! It's not a one-man party. Rintis Port, this 4 am! Orders sire?" His voice trying to keep calm but the rush is unbearable which less to the masked man liking.

"Send the special crime ops and back up. Get ready for an ambulance as well." he replied. "Knowing him, it wil be a blood heist.." his voice dropped, eyes darted to the frame image on his table. Kokoci nodded and roaring orders outside the room.

All of this are a mess, chaotic of a hell.

Passing past the table, his finger glide onto the frame, facing it downwards.

The image of him and Retakka.

I'll be dead soon, I dont have enough brain sjshhshs and I was thinking about writing his character analysis~
once this done maybe

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