For Once ✦Eight

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"Took you long enough."

Retakka stood with his back facing to the man that entered his room. His face were shadowed by his bangs and the hood of the dark rain coat. His hand holding a bucket, with clean and dried...faces.

He continue forward, placing the bucket at his side as he taken the three flat wood piece and start attaching them to it. Retakka has his nose scrunched up, turning to walk out from the room.

"When you're done, proceed with the execution. Bring me the kid as well."

"Clean it up before tomorrow, Ice."

" you mean?" Cyclone staring down at the knife in his hand. His reflection can be seen on the blade and he saw it.

The terrified look in his eyes that hunt him for 8 whole years.

"Should I rephrase?" Kaizo walk nearer, his back hunched peering him eye to eye. "What will you do,"

"If the one who kill your mother, was sent by your own dad?"

"How did you-"

"Will you kill him? Your dad?"

Will he?
He was abandoned since then.
Even causing mischief would not steer his father attention to him.

But ever since Kassim came...

He never really thought about it much anymore.
It's like he finally get the attenttion he ever wanted.
And probably the care he craved from a father... or in this case, a brother.

"I won't." a faint whisper.

The dream of her death will forever taunted him.
Killing the cause of it would only add the pain that he wished to let go.

"It doesn't worth it."

A soft hummed coming from Kaizo.

He stood up straighter before him. A soft exhale through his nose. "I see."

"But really Kassim, how do you know-"

"You asked who am I, right?" Cyclone shuts up, waiting for him to answer. Kaizo seem to start packing up some things, getting ready for his tonight's infiltration mission.

"I'm going to be blunt. Amato have been suspected for leading a large drug syndicate case for the past few months. I have to find out about his latest plan and it will be a huge help if you're giving me a hand here." The cat's out of the bag. Kaizo waited for Cyclone's response only to be replied with a snort.

"You're joking right? You're really bad at jokes Ka..." His voice faltered, as the man giving him his infamous glare face, "...ssim... ."

Cyclone catch the thing he throw to him. His batch and ID. "Kaizo?"

"People like you, believe in justice doesn't it?" Kaizo asked, placing a gun neatly to the strapped pack on his thigh. He walks back to him, taking his things that he held. Cyclone face can't be more dumbfounded. This kind of act never crossed his mind.

"I..." he found himself hesitating. Suspects, his dad, drugs, police... can't he have an uneventful day for once?

"So in the end, dad still do that kind of job, huh." His throat tighten, as if there's lump in there.

And for once, he want to have faith in his own dad.

"Everything will be alright, I'll protect you."

The pat on his shoulder are firm.

His red eyes were warm. Soft.

Just for once, let him believe again.

"I'll show you his office."

There's nothing in his office, not even in his bedroom. One thing for sure, Amato keeping his little secret neat and away from the likes of him.

Cyclone step down from the chair after peering the top of the shelves. Nothing seems weird to him, or anything drug related. He shook his head when the adult glance at him.

How annoying. Kaizo clicked his tongue.

Cyclone walks towards his dad's closet. His mind in a blur, silently he pray.

For his dad's innocence.

Holding hopelessly onto that tiny little hope--that his dad is free from this accusation.

A small red box rested at the far corner in the closet. A wedding ring box. Opening the lid, the sound of mechanism rumbling under the tiles. He jumped a few meters back.

The closet moving, attaching to the wall and turn, revealing a metal board behind it. Notes, displays flickering and pictures on it's screen. His eyes glued to the picture of the beaming woman sticking on the metal.


"Good job, Narnian." Kaizo pulled out his phone, scanning the board. Just when suddenly his hands were slapped away and the phone snatched from him.

"NO!" Cyclone shouted, holding the phone out from the window. His face flushed, jaws clenched. "Don't-" he choked, "Don't take him away!"

Kaizo sighed. Just as he thought he had him convinced. So what do you call this act? A display of loyalty? Why they have to be so painstakingly pathetic? "Cyclone, give it back." he commanded.

He glanced back to the board.

72 Million-Rintis Port-4AM


"Cyclone." The cool tip of the gun rested on the latter's head. "Don't make me do this the hard way."



The door behind them blasted open along with the sound of a gunshot. Kaizo pushed him away as he dodge the incoming bullet, barely missing his arm. The elderly butler ran to Cyclone, holding him up by the arm. "Are you okay?"


"Argh, really now?" Kaizo complained, exasperated. Tok Aba stood up, shielding Cyclone behind him, cocking the gun forward. He was wise to ran there the moment he heard the rumbling sound from upstairs earlier. But to engage a fight with a police? Not so.

For the least he could wish is for the safety of his grandchild.

"Old hag, I'm not going easy on you. Give me back that phone and we're cool." Kaizo tilt his head motioning to Cyclone. "There's no need to cause a drama now, should we?" he warned.

"Over my dead body." The old man snarled, his eyes glaring.

Kaizo sighed. His patience running out.

"We only need Amato alive."

"As you wish."

The gun shot from both parties, but the winner to this one sided battle is evident. His movement matching the noise of the thundering bullet, he ducked, lurching forward and taking him by the collar. The gun cocked under his chin and the trigger is pulled.

One man down, one more left.

Cyclone fall to his knees. His hands trembled, reaching out to the fallen saviour. His fingers curled, holding the wet cold thumb.

The shadow towered before him. Warm fluid rolled down his cheeks meeting the gaze of the way too familiar of red.

If he feign for ignorance, would he still live?

Just for once, was it a sin to believe?

What in the name of justice is this?

wattpad being annoying im skkskskskk (frustated noises)


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