Double Trouble pt.1 ✦ Four

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In this school, people just love to group themselves into typical stereotypes. I'm telling you the basic and the most common of it. The rest? It doesn't matter.

The first one is the common, your everyday teacher's pet. See that dude in white and glasses? I'll tell you something. He's annoying. Even just hearing the sound of my breath can make him go gangsta. Well, maybe my fault for misplacing my sandwich on his chair and he fortunately sat on it. Condolences to the smarty-pants.

Ever since that, it's harder to jump over the school fence that we had to change our escape route every day from getting caught and reported by him.

The next one is the typical emo kid. Practicing social distancing at its finest and sitting at the far end beside the window like any certain male anime protagonist. Unexceptionally good at everything that doesn't involve talking. People scared to see him in the eyes or else he'll beat you the crap out of it and I assure you, this rumours are real.

Fortunately for me to lose on a bet with Blaze, I challenged him for a staring contest that day. He is not impressed.

Only this two particular person, are so dedicated onto getting my head's off my neck just for the reason of simply existing--or so that's what I thought. That they had to join forces and do a fan club meeting to discuss how to bring me down.

How do I know that last part?

Well, you see... I actually would never know of it until now, if it's not for the reason they have to handle their meeting in the rest room and I just happen to be in one of the stalls, minding my own business.

"Do you think they actually found us out? I mean, we've been doing this for months and that he suddenly show up." Solar asked, his voice are a more lighter in tone between the other. Footsteps can be heard as he seem to be pacing around.

"I should've killed him that day." Thunder grumbled, making the other one to stop.

"You can't do that. Remember, he wants him alive. Anyway, " Solar paused, leaning his back beside the wall in between the stalls. "Cyclone's bodyguard is in the way. They ordered to proceed plan B today."

"What's your call?" Solar asked.

Thunderstorm's voice muffled. Leaning closer to the door, I try to hear him.

"...let's go now. Annihilate him before the class end. Then we ambush Cyclone before he arrives home." He can feel his smirk in his tone, before his voice dropped into a harsher sound. "I can't wait any longer."

Annihilate? Ambush? Plan B? So they actually meant it to kill me? Why do I have to be right at times like this?!

I have to warn Kassim.
I have to go now-

The stall's door slipped open when I accidentally pushing my hands forward to stand up. Great. I forgot to locked the door.

Okay, Cyclone. They're speechless. Play dumb now!

"Ahaha...Constipation sucks does it?"

Not THAT dumb!

"UM, BYE-"

Kaizo sighed, sitting on the bench at the bus stop. His hands tentatively opening the burger wrap he bought from the restaurant across the street.

Literally he can't do much right now since the elderly butler will question him why is he already back home and expecting that he should have wait six hours for the satan's spawn to get his educations done. The only golden time for him to infiltrate that mansion is during the night time where everyone's sound asleep.

Just as he about to take his first bite on the scrumptious, soft fluffy bread with the hidden chunky beef squishing in between his fingers, a distant screeching of his undercover name can be heard.

His afternoon breakfast was slapped away from his hand, and his wrist been grabbed, forcing him to stand up and run abruptly while he witnessed every painful seconds that slowed down when his holy burger reached the ground and to be mercilessly stepped on.

'For the sake of it. Somebody, please tell me what kind of sin I'd committed in my past life-' The voice of his head screamed, which would never be heard by anyone but himself.

Kaizo had enough.

He yanks his hands away, and grab Cyclone by his arm tight.

"You have three seconds to tell me why I should not kill you." he rasped.

"NOT YOU TOO KASSIM!" Cyclone gasped in horror but soon was cut short when a sudden stray kick flying between them, which Kaizo ducked in the last minute.

Thunderstorm regained his compose, his hand pulling out something behind his back as the other hand outstretched, ready for incoming attack. The fact Solar isn't around bring dread in Cyclone mind.

"What a sissy. Hiding behind your 'hero' huh?" Thunder smirk, provoking Cyclone as he pulls out the dagger he hid under his clothes. His eyes darted to Kaizo in a more serious note, as the man didn't seem to be unnerved.

"Finally an action. But I'm hoping an adult's fight." Kaizo smiled, cracking his knuckles. Funny how they actually running around in circles until the back of the school, how panick could Cyclone get?

"I assure you. This is not for entertainment purposes." with that said, Thunderstorm charged, swinging the daggers right to his face and Kaizo dodge it by bending himself away.

His hands moving fast, turning the daggers downwards on motion to stab him down and Kaizo kick himself away, rolling over and making a safe distance between them. Their agility on par and he noticed something is wrong with him.

"How much they pay you?"

"None of your concern." Thunder seethe, charging once again but this time, Kaizo took him by the arm, locking him and throw him hard to the ground. Thunderstorm hissed before before yanking his arm forward, causing Kaizo to stumble and kicking him hard to the head.

Kaizo groaned in pain, holding his skull from vibrating and losing his stability. Thunder take this chance to sweep him of his feet but Cyclone suddenly lurched towards him, holding his dagger with both hands and aiming his chest. Dodging in the last second, a thin cut sliced through his arm as it slid past him-- tearing his sleeve. A red symbol inked on his revealed skin and it didn't go unnoticed by Kaizo.

Thunder turn his whole body, kicking Cyclone on his back as he crashed to the ground hard. Kaizo interfere by aiming to hit his face but Thunder block it with his arms, their eyes met.

"Thunder?" Kaizo questioned.

Thunder snorted and Kaizo noticed the shift in his eyes, quickly backing away when a bullet get shot right past their head. He's not alone.

"RUN!" He yelled to Cyclone, kicking Thunder to his abdomen before running into the alleyway.

"How many are they?" he ask as they ran, dropping trash can in their way to slow down the culprit. "Two!" Cyclone exclaimed in between pants. He stops abruptly when a bulky figure closing the other entrance ahead them. Another figure came, jumping down from the emergency stairways.

"No way to run, huh~?" Solar hummed. They all inch closer to them. The bulky one glaring down at Kaizo, his hands outstretched.

"You are surrounded, now hand me that kid."

Cyclone froze in his spot, sweat rolling down his face as he gulped in fear. Kaizo arm outstretched instinctively before him, shielding him from the incoming danger.

A guilt pang resides in him, the fact he is protecting him and might get more hurt for his sake cause Cyclone reflecting on his actions before. Recognition dawned on his face.

"I-I'm sorry..."

"Kid, you have that thing I gave to you?"

"T-the... g-gun-?"

Cyclone remembers the gun he had stuffed deep inside his school bag. Kaizo forced him to bring along with him. Why it have to be at somewhere inconvenient for him when he need it the most?

"No. But get ready to attract attention." Kaizo said, loosening his tie.

And eventually starting buttoning off his shirt.

"H-huh?" Cyclone can't help but confused before the shrill cry of his bodyguard dominating the air.

...and this is how to use your brain when you're a devoted crackhead.

......ah, yes. crap's going down after this.

hear that? that's me crying on how actually to end this chapter. skkssk gotten way too long so part 2 gonna roll soon~
and I'll get some rest from updating tomorrow, tysm❤

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