Whispers of the Zephyr✦Five

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The sounds of a distant arguing woke me up. Seems like they are at it again and its getting worse. Unable to fall asleep as fear and exaggerated thoughts dawned in my mind, I get up. I decided to check on them behind the small gap of my bedroom door.

"Do we have any other choice? Do you know how hard I have to work for the company?!"

"It didn't give you the right to do as you please!"



I frozed upon the sound of the loud clap after dad slaps mom across her face. Her hands clutching her cheek as she staggered backwards, and for a millisecond I noticed her hand wiping the corner of her eyes.


A soft whisper shook me and I saw Tok Aba, our oldest butler in the household, standing before the door. He crouched down, patting his large rough hand through the tousled of my hair. I exhaled the breathe that I haven't noticed I'm holding. "This is an unsightly scene for you. Please go back to your bed." he whispered, the glum in his look keeps me to not to ask anything further.

The next night, mom laying beside me on the bed. Gently pulling me into her embrace. Slightly I pulled myself away, looking up at her with concern.

"Mommy, does it hurts?" I ask, holding her cheeks softly. Just below her eye were a cut, faint but there.

"When I fall from heavens?" she teased but quickly she stopped upon my silence.

Her head hung low as a smile plastered on her lips, contradicting to the glossiness in her eyes.

"It doesn't Cycy. Don't sweat it okay?"

"Mommy's lying. Did mommy do something bad?"

Her eyes widen upon the question. But what does she expect from a seven years old? They learn from what they see, and only speak the truth.

"Hehe, my precious son, what do I do without you?" she sighs,

"Everything will be alright soon dear. They always are."

and I nodded, believing it.

That kind of reassurance, I hate it.

The sound of the gunshot ringing, to the point it could crack the skulls. As if the sound of it could purify a mind.

She fall forwards, her embrace on me loosen as she just get heavier above my smaller frame. The warmth of her blood was still draining her exquisite dress, running warm the floor underneath us. My stomach lurched, witnessing what just happened in the span of two seconds.

There were no remorse in that crazed eyes. Only satisfaction is the perfect word to describe over his sneering smile. Holding up the gun he used to take her away from the living, the loud bang never come at me. The boy being held down, red eyes glaring back at mine.


Such hatred in one's eyes.

Eventually, dad was sentenced for prison. For plotting a murder and framing attempt on the plagiarism scandal to his collaborating business partner.


"Go away. My parents told me not to be around with you."

"Oh look, let's see did he inherit those killer skill~?"

While he's in prison, the world turn its back on me.

Nothing feels real anymore nor does it feels false.

Never ending, and it will never cease.

The pain playing a loop in my head, there's no room for rest.

Seven years and I'm now sixteen.

Sleeping is a torment now, trapping me in my nightmares.

Again unconsciously, a smile ghosted on my dry lips despite how wet my eyes are.

"Everything will be alright soon dear. They always are."

The kind of reassurance, I need it.

what is this? a revelation of one's backstory~? yes. The tea is spilling now.

it's pretty short and this is much of a filler chap.

few more after this and we will be back on the track

stay tuned!


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