Chapter 12: to give up or not to give up?

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Ichigo's POV

After my serious talk with Toshiro, I lied down on my bed. I let out a sigh before I closed my eyes. I was nearly asleep when I heard my phone beep. 'Someone texted me. Who could that be?' I grabbed my phone and when I read the message, I quickly headed to Urahara's shop/place.


"What happened? Why did she left? Did you find her already?" I asked them continuously because I'm so concerned with her, with (Y/N).

'Wait, I felt her reiatsu when Toshiro and I was talking awhile ago...'

"She can't go that far... But to be honest, we don't know where is she right now... She just left us this note." Urahara-san gave me a piece of her uber cute sticky notepad. that's how she addresses it as far as I can remember.

I read the note, it says...

>I will be back soon, promise!
-Sincerely yours, uhm... sorry I have no idea. XD


"I'll find her." I told them.

"Ichigo... why is she this stubborn now? She's not like this before. She always follow me and never resisted any of my orders even though she didn't understand anything. But now... She changed. Tell me, aside from you, is there any other shinigami she's seeing?"

I answered him quickly saying I don't know. I'm not sure what I was doing anymore but this time, I'm sympathizing with (Y/N). I'm on their side, along with Toshiro.

I managed to stay calm before I went off to find her.

'(Y/N), you have the right to be free and to love... I'm here to help. You're such an idiot. You don't need to hide from me...'

I was panting really hard when I saw someone I was looking for. She's sitting at an old bench facing the scenic view. I called her. I know she heard me but she didn't bother looking at me. I sat near her and started asking.

"Why did you just pouted off like that!?! Didn't you know how much we worried about you!?!" I asked her but she didn't seemed to listen.

"Where is he?" I froze on my spot as she asked me something I'm not prepared to answer.

"He? Who? L-let's go now... You didn't even take a nap. Look at your eyebags!"

"It's my fault... It's all my fault... " She uttered with her voice trembling. She looked at me then she said, "I need to see him... He's the only person I wanna be with right now... Ichigo, where is he? Where is Shiro-chan!?!"

I looked down. I wasn't able to say anything in return... It hurts to hear what she just said. I chuckled as I felt tears running down my face.

"Am I really that useless? Why does it has to be him!?! I've been here for you ever since but you never notice me... But when Toshiro saved you from a hollow just one f*cking time, you felt something already!?! What is wrong with me!?!" I can't hide it anymore, I need to spit it out or else I'll explode because of all this emotions.

"Ichigo..." She muttered. "I'm sorry... I don't mean to hurt you..."

"It's okay. I can't do anything about it anyways..." I chuckled but I didn't look at her. I can't.

I startled a bit as she reached for my hand. I looked up to her and our eyes met. She smiled at me compassionately. I felt my face flushed.

I suddenly wonder, Of all of the places, why here? But I didn't dare to ask her. Instead, I told her to walk with me back home.

"Go on, I'll stay here... I'm still waiting for Shiro-chan..."

I closed my hands into a fists. Then I exclaimed in full annoyance, "Can't you see! He already left you! He told me to take care of you because he doesn't know if he can still come back!!!"

No wonder why she's teary-eyed. What I said hurts, but it's the truth. And I can't tell her where or why Toshiro left. I promised him that. I remembered what he told me...

I don't want her to be worried...ever. Just tell her you don't know anything either... I know I can count on you.' And that's what I'm gonna do.

"B-but... I saw you two when you're having your conversation last night. I heard it. Haven't he told you anything? Like where he went and why he left?"

"I-im sorry i have no idea. You're his girlfriend, right? If there's someone who should know where he is, it is you."

"He doesn't tell me anything about him leaving..." She covered her face, crying really hard.

I put my arms around her affectionately.

"(Y/N)..." I replied. "If he really loves you, he'll be back... But, you should be ready about the consequences... What if he didn't come back? Don't tell me you're gonna waste all of your time crying for him... You shouldn't stop living your life just because he left! That's not the (Y/N) I know..."

She didn't answer but I guess she understand what I was trying to tell her...

"Ichigo..." She then muttered my name and so I answered back. "Yes?"

She looked down. She stopped crying but her voice is still shaky. "H-help me... I don't know what's happening anymore... What should I do? Who should I believe? Please..."

I was surprised by what she said but I smiled at her saying, "Just stay with me... And I'll take care of the rest. I promise!"

She smiled back while rubbing her tear off her face. She nodded in agreement and so I grabbed her backpack and we headed back to her house.

I couldn't help but to smile.


After we got home, we quickly prepared and ran to school. Even when we're tired.

"We didn't get any sleep last night and I know you hadn't gotten much the previous night... Can't we just go home? I'm so sleepy..." (Y/N) muttered while were having our class. As she was sitting behind me, Its easier for her to talk without being caught.

I can't talk like she does so I just write what I wanna tell her down a piece of paper. It says, No, we can't. Besides, that's your punishment for running away from home last night! :P

I passed the paper backwards for her to read. After reading, I heard her mutter, hiding at my back. "Okay... But on our lunch time, let's eat real quick so that we'll be able to take a nap even just for a while..."

I smiled. I write down fine at the paper and hand it to her.

"Yay! Thanks!" She told me a little bit loud but luckily, our teacher didn't hear it. Inoue and Chad, on the other hand, looked upon us curiously. We just waved at them before I face her saying, "shush!"


(Lunch time)

After the bell rang, she grabbed my hands and pulled me running to the rooftop. She ate fast! I mean she ate not exceeding 15minutes. 'She wasn't kidding when she told me we should eat real quick.'

After we finished eating, she leaned on my shoulder. I wasn't able to react. As I felt my face starting to flush, I didn't look at her. But after a while, I felt her breathing still and I finally find courage to look at her.

'She's sleeping.' She's looks so innocent, peaceful and calm. It makes me wanna be with her even more.

I leaned her closer to me. She sleeps defenselessly as if she trusts me that much. It makes really me happy.

'Toshiro, I'm sorry... I tried... But I don't think can give her up that easily.'

I wanna kiss her, but I can't. I won't. 'Not until she let me...' instead, I muttered to her ears, "I love you..."

After that, I felt someone watching us... No, more like watching me. I closed my eyes and feel who it was. When I opened my eyes, I muttered "Inoue..."

I startled as (Y/N) slowly rubbed her eyes while yawning. She stared at me curiously while asking, "did you say something?"

"I... I don't!"

"Okay... Ichigo, if your shoulder aches, just tell me... A-am I heavy?" She asked me seriously.

"N-no, you're not! H-here, lean on me again as long as you would like... I won't mind..." She followed me, but this time, she leaned her back on mine.

I didn't let her know I felt so embarrassed... But I like it, of course...

I didn't know what happen next because we both fell DEEP asleep.


I woke up and looked at my phone. I saw the time. 'What!?! Its too late... We didn't attend our afternoon classes!?!' I was about to wake (Y/N) up until I noticed she's not behind me anymore. I looked around and saw her talking to someone. 'Inoue...'

I was about to walk towards them when I heard Inoue pleaded her to leave me alone. (Y/N) asked her why and my eyes widen as she opened up. "I like him... No... I LOVE HIM! I love kurosaki-kun! I know you can have anyone you would like, but please, not him... I'm the one whose always here for him! You can't love him the way I does! I-if you're really my friend.... Stay away from him! Please..."

I wasn't able to move. I don't know what to do. 'Should I confront them?'

"Sure." My heart completely broke as I heard (Y/N) agree to her without even doubting. Inoue asked back about what she meant and she replied shortly, "Sure, as in no problem. He's like a brother to me... That's all." After that, she turn away, facing me. She saw me staring at her. There was a concerned expression on her face but she just walked away. I tried to stop her but she just told me to talk to Inoue instead. I was left that instant.

"Kurosaki-kun!" Inoue called me. I didn't face her. I felt angered but I know how she felt.

"Kurosaki-kun... I'm sorry... I just... Love you so much!" I didn't answer back. I have nothing else to say.

I turn to face her and leaned for a hug. "I kinda understand you because we're the same... But I can't love you the way you wanted it to be... I'm sorry. I love you, Inoue... I love you as a friend..." I kissed her forehead as she was sobbing. I walk with her on her way home without any conversation, before I head off.


I quickly headed upstairs when I got home. I burried my face in my pillow...

'I thought I can do anything and have all that I want... I'm so idiot for not knowing that all of that is just WHAT I THOUGHT... I'm Ichigo Kurosaki! Why do I need to feel this way right now! This is insane!'

"Ichigo!" I heard a familiar voice call my name. "R-rukia!?!" She popped out of nowhere.

"What is happening to you? You're acting strange! There's something much more important than that!"

"No, rukia... I-" she didn't let me finish. She quickly grabbed me nearer while she stated something that made me surprised. A bit.

"Soul Society detected a powerful reiatsu here in Karakura town last time. They say its from a shinigami, which is... unknown. He has a powerful reiatsu to kill SO many hollows in a day! But after that fight, he disappeared. We didn't found any traces of him until now... We need to know who he is... He could be a helpful shinigami, or a disastrous enemy!"

"She." I replied. Rukia didn't get what I mean so I cleared it out for her. "That shinigami you're talking about is a she. A girl, I mean."

Her eyes widen as to what I told her. She asked me how did I know and blah blah blah... She won't stop until I told her so I just did. I told her everything about her, about (Y/N).

After that long and tiring story telling, rukia didn't say a thing. I got curious and so I asked why. She then replied, "Let's go help her." Her fists cletched and she looks decided.

She looks serious... *sigh*

"Okay. B-but how!?!" I questioned her.

"By giving her what she deserves. She's my friend too, Ichigo. She needs to go home... Back to where she belongs..."

'She's right. But how about Kenpachi-taichou. He would be in trouble if they found out. Although he's a war freak, he's actually good to us...'

"We'll be hiding the fact that she's kenpachi-taichou's daughter for a while. For now, we must bring her to Soul Society with us and so that, She can live freely! And to find Hitsugaya-taichou..."

My head heated in annoyance as I heard of that name... "Why him!?!"

"Because... You told me they're in a relationship. So... To continue their love story! KYAAAAAAH!!!"

"E-eh!?! O-okay..." *sweatdropped*
The last part isn't really necessary...'

"Ichigo! Don't just give up. She needs us... And more importantly, she needs you! Its you're time to help her!"

'As usual, she knows how to awaken me.' "Hai!"


I'm not contented about this chapter myself XD. Its just that my unbiological sister forced me to make this chapter for her beloved Ichigo so yeah :D

Don't worry I'll make better chapters very soon :)

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