Chapter 1

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Everyone looked at the redhead after he said that as they looked at each other as if holding a silent conversation before the albino was the one who spoke up first again.

"Well... if you are that determined, letting you try to be one, is the least we could do!", he said as the redhead's expression turned into a smile.

"Really?! So I can join you guys?", Sakata asked, hope clearly visible in his eyes as Amatsuki looked at the others first before offering the redhead a smile as well.

"Well, I think that we should give him a chance guys~", Amatsuki said as the older brunet and raven-haired make looked at each other before sighing and nodding.

"I guess we can try... But do anything suspicious and I will make you regret doing this.", Soraru said as he made a swift cutting motion to his neck.

Sakata gulped but only nodded as he offered Soraru and Kashitaro a smile as well as the older brunet gave him a small, polite smile in return while the raven-haired male only crossed his arms and looked away.

"Anyways, now that we're done with everything here, let's go back.", Soraru merely said before he walked away, leaving the others behind.

Amatsuki and Kashitaro followed them and Mafumafu was about to follow them as well before stopped when he saw Sakata being down.

"Hey hey, no need to worry about Soraru-san! He just needs some time to open up to you and such~ He'll open to you in no time if he realizes that you don't hold any evil intentions!

And if not, I'll try to talk to him! Ama-chan and Kashitaro-san say that I could convince him of most things so leave it to me!", the albino assured him giggling as Sakata gave the other male a thankful smile.

"Thanks, Mafudon! You're really nice!", Sakata thanked the other male who looked surprised before scratching his cheek.

"You think? Thanks... Anyways, let's get going now before we are being left behind!", Mafumafu exclaimed before he started running, startling Sakata who quickly followed him though.

And so, Sakata came one step closer to becoming a hero who he strived to be. It would take some effort to completely win over the trust of everyone but even so, he would do his best to do so. So his dream would come true.
It probably would be an understatement to suppose that Urata was angry. He was ready to summon the veins and crush everything into small pieces, although there wasn't such an opportunity. He was annoyed by crushing all of his plans, but he was even more annoyed by the fact that an idiot without proper magical education managed to hurt his teammate - a very strong person, if you asked Urata.

"Are you okay, Luz?" - above all the problems, even other team members weren't able to find another way to distract themselves rather than bothering an injured villain (and playing on Urata's nerves). Although it was expected, because everyone in the squad deeply cared for each other - maybe, sometimes even too much.

Someone needed to resolve everything and get everybody back to work. Unfortunately, Urata was that person - he was the leader, after all. And now it was his time to take action.

"Now you all, stop it. Worrying about nothing won't bring anything useful, so make your lives more meaningful and get back to your work!" - he ordered everyone, trying to make his voice as calm as possible. After saying it, he turned his head to the pink-haired male.

"Except you, Nqrse. I need you to watch over Luz in case he wakes up. Also, while doing so, you need to check his injuries and make a report on everything you find strange. Everyone understood it? Then go back to work!" - Urata ordered, and everyone hurried to leave for work. Awkward and sad atmosphere, although, remained.

When in the room wasn't anyone except Urata and Nqrse, the brunet decided to ask something:

"I wonder, why does he feel so bad? These injuries... are very different from the ones we saw before" - Urata said, taking a quick look at Luz's wounds, which were bandaged now.

"It is too early to suppose something, Urata. I know you're worried about him - everyone is, but hasty conclusions will worsen everything. Now, if you excuse me..." - Nqrse said, averting his gaze and starting to check Luz's states. Urata stood up, not willing to interrupt anything.

The brunet left the room and went to his workplace, turning the laptop on. No matter what happened, he still had some things to finish.

'We have to do everything... to not mess up things again' - he thought, typing something at the keyboard. - 'I'm not sure we will have another second chance'
A little but important update)
Hopefully you enjoyed reading it!
Have a good day and see you in the next chapter!)

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