Chapter 8

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Hey guys mammal back here. Sorry I haven't been updating this book for awhile but now I am. I hope you like the newest chapter. Tell me if you want more.

Ezra's pov
I finally drive back home as I opened the door of my house to close the door and locked it behind me, hi bine I'm home! Said Ezra, ezzy your home said Sabine as she kissed her husband as Venom said hello again mrs bridger as venom should himself to Sabine as Ezra said he's back again said Ezra. Oh hi again venom said Sabine, I see your pregnant? Said venom, yes I am and soon to have her said Sabine, okay good to know said venom as he want back inside of Ezra's body. Hm that just happened said Ezra.  Yeah it did said Sabine as she smiled at Ezra and walked away from him as Ezra put the things he had away as he heard venom say "what do you have?" Said venom. Baby things and food for Sabine as Ezra pulled out a place of chocolate as venom said ymm chocolate said venom. It's not for you said Ezra, why is it not for me? Said venom. It's for Sabine but I have this for you said Ezra as Ezra pulled out more chocolate as venom said ymm thanks Ezra said venom, your welcome buddy said Ezra. Ezzy said Sabine, yeah hun said Ezra, she's coming! Said Sabine, who? Mira? Said Ezra, yes!!! Said Sabine as Ezra helped his wife into the car and to the hospital to have Mira.

Later at the hospital as Sabine had Mira.

Sabine's pov
Mira was finally here as me and Ezra where happy to be a mother and father now as we named our daughter Mira wren bridger. Let's go home ezzy said Sabine as Ezra nodded and took Sabine and Mira back home.

Later at home

As Ezra helped his wife inside of their house.

Ezra's pov
I opened the door of my car for Sabine as she walked to our house as I opened the door as we walked into the house as I closed the front door and locked it behind him. Can I see her! Said venom, said venom. Sabine can venom meet Mira? Said Ezra, sure but she's sleeping in my arms said Sabine as venom came out of Ezra as venom said she's cute and she looks just like you Sabine said venom. Thanks venom said Sabine. Ezra walked up to venom as he said so what do you think venom? Said Ezra. Can I be a uncle to Mira? Said venom as he looked at Ezra as Ezra laugh a little bit as he said sure you can your part of the family said Ezra. I am? Said venom, you lived with us for awhile now venom and yes you can be said Sabine. Thanks you guys I'll do my best to protect her little Mira said venom. Mira looked at venom as she giggled at him and put her little hands on venom's cheek as venom heart sucked down in love with Mira, I really promise you Ezra and Sabine I'll do my best to protect her said venom. You said that venom said Ezra. Okay I'm putting her to bed now said Sabine as she walked upstairs to put Mira to bed.

5  years later

Sabine's pov
Come on Mira! Your going to be late for your first day of school said Sabine, coming mama! Said Mira. Here's your things for school said Ezra, as Mira grabbed her things for school, okay thanks said Mira. Okay let's go said Ezra as he picked up his daughter and walked to the car with Sabine.

Later at school.

Ezra's pov
Me and Sabine walked Mira into school as we said goodbye to Mira. Venom said I should stay with her said venom, no it's okay said Ezra in his head as venom said how long is school for Mira? Said venom, just for a hour said Ezra. Okay said venom.

Later on

Sabine's pov
I finally finished my newest song as I drove to the school to pick up my daughter as I saw her waiting for me. I walked out of the car and said hi dear how's your first day of school? Fun! Said Mira, that's good let's go home to daddy said Sabine. Okay said Mira. As they got home Mira walked into her home with her mother Sabine as Ezra was working on paper work for his newspaper work as venom said chocolate? No not right now venom I'm busy said Ezra, okay said venom as he eat the chocolate. DADDY! Said Mira as venom hides inside of Ezra's skin as venom doesn't want Mira to know about him so far. Hey honey said Ezra as he picked up his daughter and sit on his lap as Mira said you eating chocolate without me daddy? Said Mira. No I've haven't teach it so far but you can have the last of it said Ezra. Thanks daddy said Mira as she grabbed the chocolate and ran to her mother. Oh so you gave her your place of chocolate of ours? Said venom, yes I did, she did great at school today said Ezra. Okay said venom, back to my paper work for the news paper said Ezra.

Many years later.

Mira's pov
I'm now 12 years old as I was in grad 6 as I was talking to my friends outside of school as I said goodbye to them as I heard a voice as I looked behind me. Hello said Mira, Mira said venom as Mira got scared as venom said please don't be scared of me, I've been with you since you've been a baby with your father and mother too said venom, so who are you? Said Mira in her head, my name is venom uncle to you said venom, okay uncle venom said Mira, let's go back home in hungry for chocolate and pennut butter said venom, me too said Mira as she saw her father drove up to her, okay Mira get in said Ezra, okay father said Mira but venom turned on himself to protect Mira as he got out of Mira's skin to protect her as Ezra ran to his daughter but it wasn't Ezra it was a robot killer sent by wedge. Venom took control of Mira as he protected Mira like he said he would as a other robot assassin attacked venom and Mira as venom grabbed the robot by its neck and crashed it into his hands as venom turned around to see more of them assassins waiting for Mira and venom. Why are they here for venom? Said Mira, I don't know but we'll find out together as one said venom as venom attacks the assassins as he grabbed on of their guns as he shot at them all killing them all as venom dropped the gun and said hold on said venom as he ran to their home to see something or someone in the home. It was venoms brother raven as he had Mira's mother and father by their necks, hello brother said raven, LET THEM GO! NOW! Said Mira as venom said too raven OR DIE! Said venom, oh did don't think so, you have to pick one of them to live said raven, what wait you can't said Mira. MIRA DEAR SAVE YOUR MOTHER! LET ME DIE! Said Ezra, NO EZZY! Said Sabine, yes good choice said raven as he though Sabine to Mira and venom, let there be death! Said raven, NOOO!!! Said Mira as she and her mother and venom saw raven stabbed Ezra into his chest to his heart as raven dropped Ezra onto the ground and said we will meet again said raven, as he was gone. FATHER!!! Said Mira as venom want back into Mira's skin as Sabine was holding onto her husband as she was crying as Mira said is he really dead? Said Mira as Sabine said he's gone said Sabine, no said Mira as venom said raven will pay for his sins for what he did on my world and yours and to your father said venom as Mira said we will both get him together as one said Mira, indeed said venom.

Weeks later...

Mira was in school as he bully's where making fun of her again. Let me come out and eat them! Said venom in Mira's head as Mira said no let them pick on me said Mira in her head. As one bully grabbed Mira's hand and said your as beautiful as your mother said the bully, will thanks but let go of me! Said Mira as she push the bully away from her as he said your going to get it now Bridger! Stop! Said a young man as he turned the bully away from Mira, what are you doing? Said the bully, helping Mira bridger said the young man, fine you got lucky this time bridger said the bully as he walked away from Mira. You okay Mira? Said the young man, yes thanks to you and I haven't seen you before? Said Mira, because I'm new to this high school said the young man, (Mira's now 15 years old) oh I didn't notice you before, what's your name? Said Mira. My name is Kanan and it's good to meet you said kanan. You too kanan said Mira. You want to eat lunch with me? Said kanan, sure said Mira as she grabbed her lunch and Mira and kanan eat their lunch together.

Later on after school.

Mira's pov
Well it's the end of the day of school said Mira.
Yeah I know said kanan, anyway my mother is waiting for me, I'll see you tomorrow said Mira as she walked home. He was nice to you said venom in Mira's head, I know said Mira, you want to buy more chocolate and punnnet butter? Said venom. We have some at home said Mira. Oh right we do said venom, well let's just go home now said Mira as she walked home.

Sabine's pov
I was waiting for Mira as I heard her say hi mother I'm home said Mira. How was school today Mira? Said Sabine, it's okay just school I guess said Mira. What's wrong Mira? Said Sabine, it's just I miss father so much mother said Mira. Oh Mira I know you miss him, I miss him too said Sabine as she hugged her daughter as Mira hugged her mother back. They both stopped hugging as Mira said oh I meet a boy today said Mira, a boy? Hmm I see said Sabine, what no not that what you're thinking about said Mira, okay but what's his name? Said Sabine, his name is kanan he's my age said Mira. That's nice said Sabine, okay I'm going to do my homework now said Mira, you want any help Mira? Said Sabine, no I'll be fine said Mira as she walked upstairs to her bedroom and closed the door behind her. Venom come out as he said homework? Said venom, yes I have homework said Mira, cool but I want chocolate and peanut butter now said venom, you're really that hungry? Said Mira, yes said venom, okay fine said Mira as she walked back downstairs to grab the peanut butter, as Sabine saw Mira as she saw venom with her. Mira? What are you doing with that thing? Said Sabine. You mean my friend venom? Said Mira, yes and why is he doing here for? Said Sabine, he's here to protect me, you don't remember what he promised you and father? Said Mira, yes I remember but venom's brother killed your father my husband said Sabine, I know mother but venom is my friend said Mira, fine but you can't tell or let anyone see you and venom together so no one can find who we are okay Mira said Sabine, yes mother said Mira. Then they all heard a knock on the door as venom said don't open it said venom, why not it's my friends that I sing with said Sabine as she opened the door to see wedge as he pointed a gun to Sabine's daughter as Sabine took the shot for Mira. MOTHER NO!!! Mira yelled out as wedges men walked into the door as wedge said I want it now bridger said wedge. No you can't said Mira, as she back up away from wedge and his men, okay I'm sorry I have to do this to you said wedge as he pointed a gun to Mira NO! Said Mira as she got shot at but venom turned onto Mira's skin and body as he saved Mira's life, as venom said YOU HURT HER YOU DIE! Said venom as he attacked the men that attacked Mira as he killed them all as wedge was gone. Venom turned Mira back human again as Mira said I was shot? What happened? Said Mira, I saved you said venom, okay thanks said Mira, where's your mother? Said venom, MOTHER! Said Mira as she saw just blood on the green as Sabine wasn't there, where did she go? Said Mira, I know said venom, then they both heard cops coming, we need to leave said venom, wait what why? Said Mira, because I said so said venom.

To be continued...

I hope you guys liked this newest chapter of venom. Tell me if you want more.

Mammal out!!!

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