Chapter 9

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We need to go now! Said venom, why? Said Mira, because I said so said Venom, okay let me just pack somethings said Mira but it was to late the cops came with their hand guns out at Mira as they saw blood on the ground as one cop said HANDS UP! NOW! Mira put her hands up as her hands want back down as Mira put them back up. What are you doing? Said venom, I'm not going to get shot by the cops said Mira. HANDS ON YOUR HEAD AND ON YOUR KNEES NOW! Said one cop, please sir I can't said Mira, then they taxied Mira as she screamed out of pain as did venom as she fell down onto the ground and she block out as she closed her eyes.

Later at the police station

Mira's pov
I started to wake up as I heard venom saying wake up Mira! I waking up said Mira as Mira got up and noticed she was in a cell, oh great said Mira, I know said venom as he turned into his form around Mira's skin as venom ripped opened the cell door as more cops heard what happened as venom said SAY AWAY FROM US! Said venom as he attacked the police officers as Mira and venom was out of the police station as venom turned Mira back into Mira human form as Mira saw a car as a man come out of it as he walked to Mira as Mira noticed who it was it was her father Ezra bridger. He turned into raven as Mira got scared of it raven walk up to Mira as Mira said father please don't do this said Mira as venom took control of Mira as he said your father has no memory of us Mira why have to fight to survive him because my brother has took over his mind said venom, but can we help my father? Said Mira, probably we can said venom but raven jump onto venom and said DIE LITTLE BROTHER! As he was going to stab venom with Mira in him but venom made a shield to protect both of them as venom kicked raven away from them both.  Venom said we need to get out of here now! As they turned around themselves as they saw Sabine, mother? Said Mira within venom, that is your mother bridger but is it really her said a other voice as it was wedge as Sabine said Mira don't join him! He's evil! Said Sabine, oh Sabine but I'm not said wedge as raven grabbed Sabine. NOOO!!! Yelled out Mira as venom attacked raven as they all got into a fight as venom said to Mira, Mira we have to go! Said venom not without my mother said Mira, agh fine said venom as they both jumped into the air and kicked raven off of Sabine as venom grabbed Sabine and said HOLD ON! As they ran away from wedge and raven. Raven tried to run after them all as wedge said no we'll see them again said wedge as they where gone.

Later on...

As Mira and Sabine and venom got somewhere safe to hide as venom put Sabine down onto a bed as he turned Mira back human again.

Sabine's pov
I started to wake up to see Mira sleeping besides me as I smiled happily as I saw venom walking up to me and he said you feeling okay Sabine? Said venom. Yes but I feel pain in my head said Sabine, hmm let me see if you want me too said venom, okay said Sabine as venom said it won't hurt you I promise said venom as he turned Sabine's back of her head as he noticed something in her head, hmm I see said venom, what? What is it? Said Sabine, it's a chip in you head and it's a little bomb I must get it out of you now said venom, what do you mean? Said Sabine, it would kill you if I don't get it out of you now, let me go into your head said venom. Okay do it said Sabine said venom want into Sabine's skin as venom got the chip out of her head as he got out of Sabine's skin as he showed Sabine the chip. I don't want to see it said Sabine, venom nodded as he crashed it into his hand and dropped it onto the ground. Thanks venom for taking care of Mira for me as you promise me long ago said Sabine, your welcome said venom as he want back into mira as Sabine was happy to see her daughter okay as she was proud of Mira and venom together as one like her father was with venom onec before. Sabine kissed her daughter forehead as she landed her daughter down onto the the bed as Sabine walked into a room and found a lot of guns she can use it against wedge. Her father onec teach Sabine how to use a gun a lot of guns when she was younger like Mira's age. She then heard Mira say mother what did you found? Said Mira, some weapons I can use against wedge said Sabine, you can use guns? How? Said Mira, my father teach me when I was younger as your age said Sabine. Oh okay said Mira, well me and venom are going out to buy some food and things we need said Mira. I'll come with you said Sabine as she picked up a hand gun and put it hidden in her Jens pants. Okay I'm ready said Sabine, okay let's go said Mira as they together walked to a store.

Later on...

Mira's pov
We finally got back at the place where me and venom found as we walked into the house as I locked the door behind me as my mother said you hurgey for something to eat Mira said Sabine. Yes said Mira, I am too said venom as Mira sit down onto a chair close to the table with her mother as venom eat the food with Sabine and Mira as he said he's coming said venom. Who? Said Mira, your father said venom, get ready to fight said Sabine as she put a bettle profu vist on herself as she grabbed a rifle. Venom got out of Mira's skin as he said get ready said venom as they all got ready as venom and Mira with Sabine heard gun shots going off as venom grabbed Sabine and made a shield to protect his family as the gun fire was gone as Sabine grabbed her rifle and shot at the men as venom said stay here we will fight them said venom as he and Mira attacked the men as one of them was Ezra as he turned into raven as raven attacked venom and Mira as he got on top of both of them as raven ripped venom off of Mira's skin as Mira said VENOM NO! As Ezra and raven was going to kill venom but Sabine shot at raven with a shotgun as raven dropped venom as Mira put her hand down to let venom come back to her as venom took over Mira's body as he screamed as he and Mira attacked raven and Ezra but raven stabbed venom and Mira into the chest as Mira gasp for air as venom noticed raven was more powerful then venom himself as raven kicked venom away from himself as venom took Mira out of him as he noticed Mira was hurt and was bleeding badly. Mira? MIRA? Said venom, as venom noticed his friend wasn't doing good as Sabine said what happened too Mira? Said Sabine, as venom said take her and go this is my fight now said venom as Sabine picked up her daughter as she put Mira into a car and drove off to a hospital. So little brother I see I hurt your partner haha said raven, I'm going to kill you said venom as he attacked raven as he punched raven as raven made a knife to stab venom but venom broke it off of raven as raven screamed out of pain as venom used his brothers own weapon against himself as he stabbed his older brother into the face as raven dropped down dead as Ezra was human again as venom picked up Ezra. Ezra opened his eyes and said do it venom kill me said Ezra, no I will not said venom as he put Ezra down. I'll help you from wedge said venom. Together as one? Said Ezra, yes said venom as he got into Ezra's skin as he said we have to find Mira and Sabine said venom. Good idea old friend said Ezra as they ran together to find Mira and Sabine in a hospital as Ezra saw his wife with blood on herself as Ezra said bine? Said Ezra, YOU! YOU DID THIS TOO MIRA! Said Sabine, it's wasn't me bine it was wedge raven took control of me and my memory said Ezra, I don't care said Sabine, the doctor walked out to see Sabine and said your daughter is fine you can see her now said the doctor as Sabine walked into the room where her daughter was at as did Ezra as Mira saw her father. Father is that really you? Said Mira, it is Mira dear said Ezra, Ezra walked up close to his daughter and hugged her as Mira hugged her father back as Ezra said I'm sorry what I did too you and your mother, it's all my fault what happened said Ezra. It's not your fault father, it's was wedge and ravens fault that did it said Mira, she's right said venom in Ezra's head as Mira said where's venom? Said Mira, he's here with me said Ezra, okay that's good said Mira as she landed down onto the bed again as Sabine walked up to Ezra. So it wasn't you that attacked our daughter? Said Sabine, it wasn't me bine said Ezra as Sabine hugged her husband as Ezra hugged his wife back as the both stopped hugging each other as they looked into each other's eyes as they kissed each other as Mira smiled happily at her parents.

Too be continued...

I hope you guys like this newest chapter of Ezra is venom. Tell me if you want more chapters of this book.

Mammal out!!!

And don't let venom eat you.

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