Did you notice??

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Here is to see how much you actually noticed or remember during that intense chapter of important reveals!

1. Anyone remember Johnson? In chapter 10 of GF the Nyx briefly said to Seto that a man named Johnson stalled the effects of the curse on Tyler. But how many of you remember Johnson? Let me pull up the passage:

"They had another hanging today," Seto quietly said as he took the flour and opened the bag. He took the contents and poured them into a separate container.

"Another? That's a real shame, who was it?"

"Trader Johnson."

Yep, Johnson was the man hanged in chapter 1 of Falling to Rise.

Johnson has healing magic, and if you looked at the 2nd lesson on magic, also in this book, which covered abilities and whatnot, it says that healing can also stall the effects of the curse. 

2. Who recognized the descriptions and phrases being said in Seto's uncovered memories?

Things like:

----"Just leave me alone! Liar! You lied--you promised!"

----Seto looked up for a moment. He saw the face of someone sad,

----Just die. Just leave me alone and die. You lied!

If you don't recognized these, that is ok. Just look back at Chapter 26 of Falling to Rise

3. That piece of clothing that Seto's father gave to Seto and then bound illusion magic to is the very thing that Seto wears now. He doesn't necessarily need to have it on for it to work, but the magic just needs to be in effect and the illusion will remain.

4. Both in Chapter 1 of Falling to Rise and Chapter 10 of Grasping Fate showed mentions of Seto's father using magic, and when he did, his eyes changed to blue, because his magic is represented by a blue color. If you remembered that then when Tyler's glasses broke, Ch 7 of Grasping Fate described this:

For a moment, he caught a glimpse of icy blue colored strings of light floating from the glasses, paired with green light too. But they were so thin and faint, he hardly believe what he saw was real.

It was possible for you to figure one could've been the fathers, which it was. It was only the green light which would've been hard, because that is Johnson's magic. And Johnson died lol, and his role was never revealed until now.

5. Tyler knew of Seto having magic which is why some of you were confused that when Seto and Tyler met up in F2R he did not react to him having magic. He's always knew.

6. The very last part of the memory was Seto saying: "New Years!" I'm surprised no one mentioned the 'To the Sun' short in Falling to Rise. And if you look back at Ch 18 of Falling to Rise, Seto has a flashback to a conversation he had with Tyler:

"Ah! Sorry I'm late!" Seto looked to see Tyler rushing up to him, running and slipping through the sand before plopping next to Seto.

Seto nodded silently, the two of them sitting in silence. Tyler broke the silence, "Do you remember twelve years ago?"

"What?" Seto looked up as Tyler laid on the sand staring up at the sky.

"When we got into that argument, just a week before new years."

"What? What argument?"

"....Oh, right, you don't remember..." Tyler sat up and frowned sadly.

See that little slip up Tyler made XD.

7. The Nyx mentioned Alu. Remember Alu? Look at Ch 17 of Falling to Rise for a bit of a refresher on what transpired there. 

If you remember then, guess what! Ty's mother wasn't the only survivor, but she was the only Vragan witness. The Magicks family only survived that ordeal, because they happened to be in Keuta at the time for business... Who'd have thought they wouldn't return home after the news reached them. Seto's father was probably close in age to Ty's mother at the time.

To you Destiny Calls readers! (read only if you've completed Destiny Calls) 


1. After Seto regained his memories, the Nyx said this to him:

"I have watched humans live, fall, and be reborn. For some time I did not trust myself around them,

Any of you guys able to take a gander what he is talking about? No, then how about re-reading Chapter 13.

2. When the Nyx said:

"I found that I could grant a fraction of my godly duty to a human. Equivalent to ¼ of my godly powers.

This is similar to Max and Jin. Wither gave them powers too, the only differences is that the Nyx made his a genetic trait, and the Wither physically grants her power.

3. Alista. Yes that name. It....It sounds so familiar.... Wait. WAIT. NO. Not her! Not that super aggressive tall chick that tried to kill Max, O:

Yes, it is that super aggressive tall chick that tried to kill Max. Not she is in Vragan. Now, who did Alista meet first, Seto or Max? The answer is Seto.

If you read Ch8 or Destiny Calls, go all the way to the end. You'll see someone say "They're late". That is Alista. Now, there is no way you guys would know what the dates are that these things happen, so don't worry if you don't know them. I'm going to tell you them so that the timing is understandable. 

When Alista says that phrase, it is on the 16th of the month of Aeth, sometime during the day. the 16th is also the day Seto talks to the Nyx, so it is after she says that she later returns home to Vragan.

Now obviously she heads back to Duhita because she still has to meet Max, which happens on 18th of the month of Aeth, but for now she is in Vragan.




Was that fun? Did it make sense?

Were you suddenly hit with some realizations that made you go 'OH SHIT WHAT!' And they you were like, "Holy fuck everything makes sense now'

If you are confused about anything, ask. I want to make sure all my readers enjoy and understand the story. 


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