Chapter 3 New life in a new world

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The bullhead flies through the sky as it reaches its landing spot in front of the castle known as Beacon Academy as the girls steep of the bullhead with (Y/N) behind them as he takes it all in

(Y/N): Oh, wow this place looks amazing and its much cleaner than some of the places I know of back in my world, this place could easily be a wing back in the city.

Ozpina: Why thank you (Y/N) while I don't know what it means to be a wing I would love to hear more once we can talk in my office, but I need to set up the teams for this school year would you like to watch?

(Y/N): hmmm sure I guess this can be a bit of a learning experience for me and she who you run your school Ms. Ozpina.

The group move to a large auditorium where the other students of the new first years and second to fourth years of the school were waiting from them to return as the girls go to the front while Ozpina had (Y/N) stand next to Glynda as she begins making the team based off the chess pieces they picked up as Team CRDL, Team JNPR lead by Jane Arc, and Team RWBY lead by Ruby Rose.

Ozpina: Now I would like to welcome a very special guest up (Y/N) if you please [you go and stand next to her as some of the students' mummer to themselves about him and his wired outfit] Now now I know that he might look a bit strange but trust me if I say this he is quite the strong individual he single handily killed and Nevermore and Death Stalker in one hit! Tho he wasn't part of today initiation instead stumbling on the initiation grounds I'm not one to throw away good talent when I see it so I would like to welcome (Y/N) as a last-minute decision to the school! 

The auditorium erupts into cheers as people where happy for you while other weren't Team JNPR and Team RWBY were especially happy.

Ozpina: Now since he is joining without a team, I would like to give you a decision (Y/N) you can either form your own solo team or perhaps you would like to join one of the new first year teams.

(Y/N): hhmmm well since I'm quite new to this world and don't know how this world works, I would like to join team Rwby for the time being if that is alright.

Ozpina: Alright as of now (Y/N) will join team RWBY as beacons first five-man team! Now please all listen to Ms.Goodwitch because me and (Y/N) have to discuss stuff in my office come along now (Y/N) Team Rwby is allowed to come since I know your curious about your new teammate as well.

Ozpina leaves as (Y/N), and Team Rwby follow her into an elevator taking it all the way up to her office where they all get seated in front of her desk with Ozpin behind it.

Ozpina: Now I would like to again welcome you to Beacon (Y/N) but now I'm quite curious about your semblance and where you even came from [she said getting serious as she shows footage of what he did today]

(Y/N): Right well first I'll tell you where I come from. I'm from another world completely different from this one the rule here are much different than the ones back home if I was to describe this place it would be heaven. 

Blake: is it really that bad over there in your world?

(Y/N): Yes much worst, the place I lived is called The City everyone lives in it and only few people dare live in the outskirts with the dangerous monster that lurk in those dark woods, The City is split into 25 or 26 Districts each run by a large corporation each labeled after a letter of the alphabet A-Y it unknown if a Z-Corp and district 26 exists at all. If you worked for the corporation in your district, you are a feather in the nest of your corporation, and your corporation is your wing you basically living the best life every besides having to pay higher taxes not to get evicted and if you're not in the nest you're in what we call the backstreets were the poor people and criminals live of course these Districts have rules that have to be followed no matter what side of the fence you're on your break the rules or a taboo as they call it your dead period. [you say coldly as the girls shiver a bit from what you said]

Ozpina: sounds like quite the dangerous place you lived in. Now can you tell what this L-Corp you work for is?

(Y/N): Right the corporation I work for is L-Corp also known as Lobotomy Corporation we mainly produce a reusable energy source called Enkephalin that we extract from what we call abnormalities which are well monster that we contain and do various things to study them and extract the Enkephalin. 

Ozpina: and where do you get these abnormalities for your corporation?

(Y/N): I'm sorry but I cannot tell you that...not because I can't, but because you're better off not knowing what we really do at L-Corp and how get them [you tell them as the room went cold] but as a compromise I'll tell you what abnormalities are, they are monsters born from the human mind that have crossed into our reality and don't follow our laws of physics and are basically unkillable  

Ozpina: hmmm I see these abnormalities are quite dangerous then especially if they get into the wrong hands.... now let move onto different maters, so tell me about your semblance. 

(Y/N): My what now?

Ruby: your semblance! you know that monster you turned into when you saved me!

(Y/N): Oh, that form? That was my True E.G.O I could go into a long definition of what I mean by that, but I don't want to fry all your brains with hard-to-understand concepts so to put this simply is that if I am wearing the clothes and using the weapon of an abnormality that I know of I can turn into a human size version of them will all of their power.

Ozpina; hmmm that is quite powerful, but it seems you only have that one red suit and weapon so you can only use one form [ she said looking at both mimicry's] 

(Y/N): Yea that is true, but I do have another ability called mimicry because technically what you see on me is all part of my body now so these wings on my back there where just things, I just put on the back of my suit but now [you flap your wing making the girl surprised except Ozpina as she saw you fly to the cliff] they are actually functional wing which in my opinion is awesome! 

Blake: So that would make you a Faunus in our world...[she said as she begins to think to herself about this]

(Y/N): A Faunus? What's that are they some kind of green deer?

Ozpina: Not quite but your right about the deer part slightly Faunus are a race of people that look like humans but have animal features some examples are having bunny ears, maybe a tail if they are monkey, or cat ears. [Blake finches a bit when she said that]

(Y/N): Huh I see how neat that remind me of R-Corp and their team of elite mercenary's the Rabbits, Reindeer, and Rhino Teams, tho I think there just using the names of those animals, but the reindeer team does have antlers but not sure if there real or implanted for their mind attacks. [you hum and think about it]

Blake: well, if that the case and you're a Faunus in this world then what kind are you since you have two different wings that no one has seen before.

(Y/N): Oh, I got them from killing a god and an apocalypse. [you said as everyone was just in stunned silence from what you said as Ozpina was very nervous and cautious cause if what you said true does that me you could kill the brother gods, her, and Salem?]

Yang: hahah very funny (Y/N) there no way that is true right?.....right?

(Y/N): nope I mean it I legit killed a both a god like and an apocalypse type abnormality for both of these wings, so I guess that make me an Apocalyptic God Faunus! hahah! [ you say proud of yourself with the other laugh nervously]

Ozpina: I'll make sure to make a note on that but back to what we were talking about your mimicry power.

(Y/N): ah right sorry about that got sidetracked by new knowledge hehhe well the power is quite simple I can mimic and clothes or weapon I see or already know of in my memoires [you demonstrate by changing you clothes to those of the girls and your weapon to theirs as well]

Ruby: woah so cool! that means we can be twins! [she said with sparkles in her eyes]

Yang: heheh calm down ruby but I have to admit that a great ability to pull pranks with [she said with a smirk]

Weiss: oh, I don't like the look on her face.

Blake: me either 

Ozpina: now I'm sure you'll have all the time for pranks later in the school year, now I have all my questions answer (Y/N) is there anything else you would like to share? [(Y/N) shakes his head no] alright then here is your new uniforms and your scrolls they will tell you where your team dorm is as (Y/N) will have his own dorm next to and connection to teams RWBY dorm so you can easily interact with each other easily but no funny business your all still kids after all. [she giggles as the group have a slight blush across all their faces as they collect their stuff and head out wishing her a good day as she heads down the elevator as she ships her coffee] this is goanna be quite the interesting year especially thanks to you (Y/N) maybe now I can end this war [ she said looking out the window at the setting sun]

Meanwhile at the Library on the Floor of Technological Sciences 

Angela: [walk into the room] Yesod how goes the work on the protype warp portal? I Hope that you have some good results for me.

Yesod: I'm doing the best I can Angela it's quite hard to guess and remake the singularity that W-Corp bought even with the information in the books [he told her as next to him was the Books of the WARP clean-up crew and their recent get of the books of the Cane Office] I still think this is a waste of time that tracking device you put in him is probably just broken he's gone just accept it already.

Angela: [gets a dark shadow over eyes] I'm goanna pretend I didn't just hear that from you Yesod cause if you're really meant it then you wouldn't feel just my wraith now would you [she said coldly at him making him shiver a bit]

Yesod: Fine I apologize alright just don't tell her what I said I don't want to get beaten up like Chesed did [he said as he continued to work on the protype till he finishes it and steps back] alright hopefully this will work now [he takes out a remote control and presses the on button as in the room was crudely put together portal frame as it starts to spudder and spark to life as a blue and purple portal open] Haha it works but [checks the readings] its unstable it'll most likely stay open for an hour before it close and I have to try and make the liquid again.

Angela: that is plenty of time I'm sure our gift has already collected enough gifts for him. [she said with a slight smile as the small sound of robotic feet enter the room.

???: Mama Angela! I collect enough items from the other Mama's and uncles to give to papa! 

A robotic girls voice as what enters the room was a small child size robot girl with a white metallic body with long white hair and dressed in a white dress with her only other distinguishing color being her red eyes and red bows on the back of her head and front of her dress as she carries a sack full of gifts.

Angela: hehe hello Alice good job getting all those gifts today I'm sure papa is going to love it when he gets them now make sure give papa this important letter when you find him okay [she said as she hands the small robot a letter as she takes it]

Alice: of course, mama! I'll find papa and gift him the letter! [she said cheerfully as she walks up to the portal] Bye bye mama Angela and uncle Yesod I hope to see you again in the future! [she said her goodbye as she steps through the portal, and it closes behind her as the frame collapse] 

Yesod: looks like I'm going to have to fix the frame too ugh now everything in this room is a mess if you excuse me Director I have to clean now.

Angela: of course, hopefully we'll make it better to send all of us to him [she said as she leaves him and his floor] oh (Y/N) you won't escape me this time and when I catch you, I'm going to punish you for thinking you can run away from your job and lovers [she smirks evilly as she goes to meet up with Binah to discuss their plan for the big teleport by using the Head, Eyes, and Claw themselves]

(A/N): that seems like a good place to stop just what are those yandere girls planning and what will happen to (Y/N) once they get him? who know we'll have to find out in the future but for now (Y/N) has to survive going to school first surely his first day wont too crazy right. See you all next chapter.  (2372 Words)

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