Chapter 4: Mission: School, Objective: Survive

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We start our first new morning in a new world like every other day in our world still asleep in bed not wanting to get up but sadly our sleep will not be respected as not only our alarm goes off, but ruby blows her whistle hard enough that you can hear it your room making you fall off your bed.

(Y/N): [you grumble as you shut off your alarm and go to the door connecting yours and RWBY's dorm and opens it seen the four girls with Ruby, Yang, and Blake in their school uniforms will you and Weiss where still in your pjs] OI! what's with the loud whistle in the morning and I thought my alarm was annoying.

Ruby: hehe sorry didn't think the walls would be so thin in the school. [she giggles and rubs the back of her head]

Yang: Naaa it's got to be your killer lungs sis you can scream quite loudly. [she said as she puts her arm around her shoulder]

(Y/N): whatever one is right just don't do it again and no more whistle!

Weiss: I agree with (Y/N) throw that whistle away ruby! [she said as she gets off the floor]

Ruby: Never! and beside we have something much more important that a whistle to worry about! It's our first order of business as a team.

Weiss/(Y/N): and that is?

Yang: [hold up a bunch of random objects] Decorating!

Weiss: you can't be serious!

Blake: we still need to unpack [her stuffed suitcase bursts opens and dumps all of its contents on the floor] and clean.

(Y/N): yyeeeaaaa you girls go have fun with that I'm going to do my own things [ you close the door and start to do your daily routine as you did back in Lob. Corp. as you hear RBY yell banzai through the wall] hehe these girls are going to be quite the hand full...... I wonder how everyone back at facility is doing hopefully my sacrifice made them get to day 50 of A's big plan...... though knowing that bastard he probably didn't plan anything for the two of us.... [you get stuck in your own thoughts thinking about him you don't notice a rift opens above you and a lot of stuff falls onto you making a loud crashing sound]

RWBY: [bursts int your room] (Y/N) are you alright! [they say as the look around your room before noticing you on the floor with some books on top of you and other items along with a small girl at the top of the pile]

(Y/N): ugh what is all this stuff? Books? and is that coffee? and wait is this!

Alice: Papa Alice has arrived to help you! [ she said as you look up at her in total surprise]

RWBY: PAPA! You're a father!?

(Y/N): What Alice! how did you get here! And no, I'm not she just likes calling me that! [you say franticly as you get up from under the pile of objects and dust yourself off and look down at your small robot daughter as she looks up at you with a smile] Okay first off how did you get here Alice, and Second what is with all this stuff and books?

Alice: I got here by using W Corps warp singularity that mama Angela and uncle Yesod built in the library to send me to you cause mama tracking device on you started to work again! The items and books are from all the mama and uncles plus big sis bong bong! oh, and mama Angela to me to give this to you! [she hands you a letter in a very fancy envelop as she turns towards Team RWBY but before she can ask them questions, she notice the mess in their dorm] Mess detected! activating cleaning mode! [soon robotic arms come out from under her dress as she runs into Team RWBY's dorm closing the door behind her]

Ruby: ummm should we be worried what she might do in our dorm?

(Y/N): oh Alice? No, she is harmless girls, she a repaired version of an abnormality I took care of back in my world called All-Around Helper she basically a cleaning robot that looks like a little girl or at least this is the only version of her out there that I fixed up and got all the anomalous code out of her [they soon hear lots of constructions noise come from the other room] well almost all of it hee-hee....[you laugh nervously as you decide to the read the letter Alice gave you]

Letter Angela: Dear (Y/n) If you are reading this then I'm glad that this letter has found you, if you are not (Y/N) either destroy this letter or deliver it to (Y/N) or meet a very gruesome fate if I ever find you. Now assuming that this is (Y/N) reading this letter I'm sure you have lots of questions however I'm only going to answer a few of them. Frist, your sacrifice during that breach did save us that day and we were able to get to Day 50 and finish his plans but in the end, it was for nothing as I stopped it due to me and you didn't get a happy ending like the others did so I took his gift to the world and used it for myself to try and make myself human for you. Of course, the others weren't that happy but Binah was on my side and so I turned the lab into a library to collect the knowledge and light that was in the City plus gave the others a human body again as a little reward to keep them from trying to fight against me. Second, we have acquired some knowledge from W-Corp that we have used to make a small and temporary warp device to get to wherever you are and sent Alice to find you and take care of you until we can come ourselves and don't worry your little head, we have a plan for that. Finally, the stuff that Alice as brought are gift from all of us and books that contain abnormalities in them. Yes, they became books when I turned the corporation into a library hopefully, they ones that we gave you can be of help to you surviving in the world you're in be it friendly or deadly I hope you enjoy then. Love Angela P.S. once I find your Me and Binah are going to have a looonnggg talk~

(Y/N): [you shudder in nervousness reading that last part] oh boy that won't be good, but I should at least put that stuff away, so none get hurt from them.

Alice: [comes back inside] Papa! I have finished cling the rooms of these girls that papa is with!

Ruby: Oh, oh really! let me see let me see! [She rushes into the room and cheers happily as the rest of you go inside and see that the room is not only clean, but that Alice had made bunkbeds] Yes bunkbed they were totally going to be my ideas for the beds oh thank you Alice! [she picks her up and hugs her]

Alice: Alice is glad you found my work satisfactory!

Ruby: hehehe now we only have one last thing to worry about which are [takes out a book and starts to read it] classes so we should have a few of them today one starting at 9 o'clock

Weiss: Wait! you said 9 o'clock right ruby.

Ruby: yea I did is something wrong?

Weiss: Yes! Its 8:55 you dunce! 

Ruby: ummm quick to class!

Everyone quickly runs out of the room to get to their first class as JNPR rush out as well as you were the last one out to follow them as you had to grab all the stuff and Alice as Ozpina and Glynda watches you all rush to class as Ozpina gets curious see the stuff in your hands as you all make it to your first class of Grimm studies as you were in the front row with Team RWBY as Alice was sitting on your lap while you focused on the story port is telling while Ruby was napping, Weiss was doing the same as you, And Blake and Yang just paying intention to him as he tells a bad joke making Ruby wake up.

Port: Uhhhh... And you shall too, upon graduating from this prestigious academy! Now, as I was saying: Vale, as well as the other three kingdoms, are safe havens in an otherwise treacherous world! Our planet is absolutely teeming with creatures that would love nothing more than to tear you to pieces! And that's where we come in. Huntsmen! Huntresses... [gives Yang a wink, which she groans uncomfortably at] Individuals who have sworn to protect those who cannot protect themselves! From what, you ask? Why, the very world! [a random student then cheers making a small seen before he sits back down embarrassed]

Port: That is what you are training to become. But first: A story. A tale of a young, handsome man... Me! When I was a boy... [He then begins to go on a long story about himself when he was a young boy as ruby didn't pay attention instead doing childish things that slowly made Weiss more and more pissed off till she kind of snapped] So, who among you believes themselves to be the embodiment of these traits?

Weiss/(Y/N): I do, sir! / I would like to try, sir.

Port: ahh excellent! Then shall the two of you prove it? [he goes over to one of the covered cages in the room and takes one of the covers off and shows a Grimm inside] Let us have the young Schnee go first, go and change into your huntress attire then.

Weiss: Yes professor [she leaves and comes back into the white dress she wore when you meet them as well as her weapon] I'm ready professor. 

Yang: gooooo Weiss!

Blake: Fight well [she waves a small flag with their team's name on it]

Ruby: Yea! Represent team Rwby!

Wiess: Ruby be quite I'm trying to focus! [she said a bit angerly at her making ruby shyly sit back down]

(Y/N): hmmmm [you stay silent as you mainly want to observe the and see how this world naturally fights these Grimm, but you took note of Weiss anger]

What happens next was a very interesting fight to you as you watch Wiess fight this boarbatusk Grimm noting how strong the bones on these creatures are since Weiss weapon got stuck in it and how she struggled to get it out but yet the Grimm could easily shake it out of the bone then later in the fight your amazed how it could spin so quicky and stay in one place to get speed before launching itself at Weiss who surprised you again with her glyph semblance which gave you QoH memories as Weiss then defeats the Grimm but you notice how angry she got at ruby who just wanted to help her team out.

Prot: Bravo Ms. Schnee that was very well done you're a true huntress in training! Now shall we move onto Mr. (Y/N) please get into your hunter attire.

(Y/N): [you and Weiss switch places as she sits away from ruby not even giving her a look] oh you don't have to worry about that Professor port I'm already in my clothes tho I do want to make this a challenge using Aleph gear will be too easy hmmm team I need your help.

Yang: oh what you are thinking (Y/N)? ~

(Y/N): just tell me what two things you want to see. You want Zayin, Teth, or He gear and why style Melee or Range.

RWBY: [all look at each other confused what he meant by those words as was the entire class as the girls discuss to each other] ummm I guess we would like to see what ever a He is and do range weapon

(Y/N): He and range huh alright there is three abnormalities that come to mind, but I know who you guys might like the most [you said as you stated to change your student outfit in a very nice black suit and two guns form in your hand one black the other white and your wings disappear from your back and a coffin now sits on your back]

Ruby: Woah! so cool looking [she said as the class was also astonished by this]

(Y/N): Thank you Ruby now can we start professor. 

Port: of course, let's see how well you do. [he said as he lets the second boarbatusk Grimm he had free as it charges at you] 

(Y/N): Alright let's do this [you breath in and slowly exhale calming yourself as you dodge out of the way of the first attack and fire white gun as it makes a ding sound that resonates in the classroom as white butterflies appear too from the barrel as you fight one of the books begin to glow where you sat before as Weiss see it and picks it up before it flies out of her hand and floats in the sky as it opens as womans voice can be heard]

???: Where does one go when they die? Where did all the employees who worked here go? 

The Boarbatusk shakes off the hit from your weapons as it goes to attack you again but you interrupt it as your then fire your black guns as it does the same as the white one, but black butterflies come out.

???: They must have returned home. To a haven where family and warmth await. The employees cannot leave; once they join the company, the only way to leave is to resign. Then those "resigned" employees must have returned home, having earned what they wanted and being full of hope.

The shot cracked a bit of its bone armor, so you kept firing one after another white, black, white, black as the room fills with the sound a bell dings as you fire them.

???: We are the feathers of a Wing. Resignation isn't as simple as you think. Just like how a feather doesn't detach from a wing of its own will. Then, where did all the resigned employees go? They're bound to the company the moment they enter. Even if they do resign, they are doomed to stay here forever. Long ago, in some world, people believe that they would become beautiful beings with small wings when they died. It's a silly story. Nonsensical too. If we get wings, will we be able to leave this place? Do we get our wings only after we retire?

 The boarbatusk responds in kind with curling itself up and start to charge it roll attack as you stop firing, and you wait for it, lowering your guns to your side as you close your eyes and breath softly.

???: They say the mourner with a huge luggage on his back had come to be a savior to all. Eventually, he himself was trapped in this place, and now he wanders the company with only the memory of an empty faith. He's carrying a coffin. A large coffin to pay tribute to the employees who have nowhere else to go. However, it is still too small to comfort those innocent sacrifices. Inside it is a kaleidoscope of butterflies waiting for the moment to fall asleep. Until then, they flutter their wings uselessly. The wings that may have been many jumbled into one, or one split into many. Butterflies are supposed to pollinate flowers, but not a single proper flower blooms in this place. There is no choice but to wait. After all, there must be an end to every world.

The world seems to slow down as the world changes around the class as no longer where the students in a classroom now they were in a world of black and white with bodies lying on the floor with white butterflies on their bodies as the world was deathly quiet not even the students could speak even if they tried just the faint sound of wind could be heard as (Y/N) stood there his suit has gotten longer as did the barrels of his guns and on his head where two butterflies one of each white and black and behind him stood a woman wearing a similar outfit to (Y/N) but she wore a black skirt and had white hair that went into two braids that turned black.

(Y/N)/???: This is my Solemn Lament for all the employees and people of this world that have die to creatures like you! [the boarbatusk charges out you as you and the woman raise your matching guns and fired never stopping and all that could be heard in that world was-

-till the boarbatusk fell and turned into dust in the wind as the world goes back to the classroom and (Y/N) changes back to the classroom as everyone was just silent until]

Ruby: that......was......amazing (Y/N)! you were all bang bang bang!  and then you made the classroom change and those guns can I please please please! take a look at them!

(Y/N): Hehe maybe latter ruby cause I believe [the bell rings] that class is over.

Port: quite right that was an amazing feat (Y/N) I can truly see a great huntsman in you! and remember class to do the assigned reading and stay vigilant!  

[the students leave as Weiss was the first to quickly leave as ruby goes after her followed byt the rest of the class]

(Y/N): That was something I didn't expect to get that emotional from that fight and maybe I have you to thank for that as well T-01-68 [You turn to face the human abnormality] you certainly look different from when I last saw you in the facility has you well had a butterfly face so how this happen?

???: Hehe still very observant of you (Y/N) you're still the quite mourner I know you as for my appearance I'm not quite sure after turning into a book by the light I have become this tho I don't mind the changes~ oh and can you call me Marge.

(Y/N): Marge? oh I see it's a sorting and change of the name of the Margined White butterfly huh very clever very well I'll call you Marge then.

(A/N): It was the best I could come up with they don't have very feminine those butterflies. 

Marge: thank you very much not shouldn't we be going after your new friends?

(Y/N): I could but I know that someone is going to want to speak to me right Ozpina?

Ozpina: [opens the door to classroom] very smart (Y/N) I have lots to discuss with you and your two new friends shall we head to my office then and don't worry about Ruby and Weiss I'm sure they will make up soon enough.

(Y/N): Yes, indeed hopefully they will get over this silly thing of who should be in charge of the team and work together to help each other grown cause it just the beginning we never know a mistake till we are near end [You say as you, Alice, and Marge follow Ozpina to her office as butterfly flies off your finger and cover the camera]

(A/N): alright finally done I hope this chapter was enjoyable and get everyone curious to the future as I'm wonder if I should change anything in the story line because there are two abnormalities that can really change the future maybe there could not be a fall from grace who know I'm still think of this story ass it goes and updates will be slow as I work on the weekdays and can only really focus on the story during the weekends. So, see you all next chapter.

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