Chapter 5

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Donatello tapped his foot on the floor in a repetitive motion as he sat and watched his computer screen. His eyes were heavy but his mind was wired. For the past couple days have been insufferable especially with Leo acting as his own personal prison warden. Michelangelo was off limits from Donnie and the intelligent brother could only watch from a distance as his brother slowly started to lose himself.

His mind was beginning to play tricks on him it seemed. When he tried to show the drawing his brother did on the floor, it was gone. The bone that Michelangelo used to draw the star with was also gone. No sign that any of the events that happened that night even existed. Donatello tried to turn to Raphael for assistance, or even back up against Leo's attacks but found his hot headed sibling to be lost in a distance. His mind was distracted and Donnie could only guess why. When Leo left the room with Mikey, Donnie sat and talked with Raphael very briefly and coming to one conclusion. They had a name.

Donatello spent his nights on the computer looking for someone with the name Salin but found nothing that matched what he wanted. Donnie thought that maybe the alternative was that Mikey was thinking of Satin and mixed up the lettering as he spoke. But once Raph told him that the boy who was in the garage said the same thing, that theory went out the window.

Donnie sat back in his chair and thought over his options. The supernatural came to mind though when he thought about it. The random acts from his youngest brother, and the strange figures appearing around. He would only guess that some type of possession was happening with Mikey and unfortunately for Don, that was not in his personal experience and knew little to nothing about the paranormal world. The only option Donnie could seem to come up with, was to find one of the Foot Ninja that was at the apartment that night and retrieve any information he could from them. The only way that Donnie could do that though was to get the permission from Leonardo. He huffed before standing up, stretching out his muscles and headed for the kitchen for a drink of water.

Just as he opened the door, he stumbled over something that was at the bottom of his feet. He caught the feel of something fuzzy and cold. When he looked down, he choked.

Klunk was on his side, jaw opened wide with his teeth standing out. His fur was crumpled and messy. He noticed the hairs sticking together as the sudden bulge on the side. Donnie bent down to the little animal and felt over, feeling the dry blood. His fingers brushed over some type of slip. He sucked in some breath and dipped his finger passed the fur and into the body, feeling around in the cold, lifeless form. He felt up and around till something caught his attention. Up in his spine, a piece of bone was missing.

A cold chill ran down Donnie's back. Did Mikey do this? He stayed crouched for a moment more before pushing up to stand, making sure to have had the cradled cat in his arms. He made it to the kitchen and grabbed a towel that was hanging on the oven. With as much care as he could, he wrapped the little cat up in the towel and kept him tucked inside like a present.

He sighed and tried to think of a way to explain this to Leo now. He left Klunk on the counter as he went to the fridge for some much needed water. Once he opened the door, he jumped back as a couple of hissing roaches fell out of the fridge and landed on the floor. Donnie took a breath and watched as the little insects scrambled away underneath the counters. He kept his eyes glued to the ground for a moment, trying to clear his mind. It was late hours of the night and knew he needed to get some well needed rest but with so much happening all at once in his mind it was hard to do.

Finally, he shut the door and turned to head back to the counter that held Mikey's little pet but yelped when Mikey suddenly was in front of him.

"Jesus Mike.." He said out of breath. When Donnie looked at his brother, he saw the vacant look he had seen before. The blue eyes damned with pure nothingness. His expression, meaningless. He merely stared at Donnie, never saying a word.

Don was about to reach out for his little brother when suddenly, Mikey's upper body convulsed. Donnie took a step back as he watched his brother try to push out what ever was in his body that didn't belong. His mouth suddenly pulled back like that of a dog, showing the incisors of his teeth and Donnie watched as a black tar-like substance, poured out of Michelangelo's mouth. Donnie stood in shock and out of fear. Multiple times he watched as his brother's body forced out more and more of the strange liquid from his body.

The moment Donnie believed that Mikey was finished, the hollow eyes moved up till he was able to make eye contact. His mouth trembled, and fought as Mikey tried to speak.

"H-help..." Was all that made it passed his lips before his eyes rolled back and his knees gave out from under him. Donnie moved quickly and caught his unconscious brother, falling to the floor with his heavy weight. He stayed on the ground for a moment, allowing his mind to process the events that just happened. He looked over Mikey's body, seeing the black substance staining the front of the plastron. Donnie twisted his little brother so he could run his fingertips over his front. The substance was thick, and had a gooey feel to it. Donnie grimaced and pulled his hand back.

He huffed and quickly lifted his brother up, slinging an arm over his shoulders and dragged his brother to his lab, where he put Mikey on the cot. He stood over his brother's body to see his athletic brother shriveled down to something he could barely recognize. Something needed to be done.
"Donnie.." A serious tone caught his attention. He turned to see Leo staring at him with frustrated eyes.

"Leo I needed to bring him in here." He tried to convince. Leonardo moved quick as he walked over to the cot and looked down at Mikey's face, seeing the black liquid on his face and plastron. His eyes flicked up to Donnie.

"Leo, I know you don't want to believe me. I know you think nothing is happening but tell me that is normal." He motioned to Mikey. Leo's eyes turned down to his brother once more. He sighed.

"What do you want Donnie." He asked. A spark of achievement went off in Donnie's mind.

"I need to find one of the Foot Ninja who was there last night. You can come with me to watch but I need to know what they were doing that night." Donnie explained. Leo ran a finger over Mikey's forehead, smoothing out the creases.


Raphael groaned as he sat up in his hammock, holding his head. His body was hot, and his bladder was pounding. He jumped down to the floor with a loud thump and dragged his way out of his room. He looked over to the hallway to see it completely bare. He assumed that everyone was asleep. He walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind him. He took in some breath before allowing himself to release the build up in h is bladder.

He sighed with content as he flushed and made it to the sink. He turned on the water and washed his hands. The water was so cool on his heated skin. He cupped the water in his hands and quickly splashed it over his face. A small smile blossomed on his face, feeling relaxed and calm. He opened his eyes, locking with the thing that was crawling on the mirror.

A hissing roach, strolling it's way across the glass. Raphael sneered and was about to walk away till he saw another one on the other corner of the glass. Only, it was on the other side. Raphael looked closer, seeing the little legs walking against the glass, the back of the insect pulsating as it moved. It's antennae moving back and forth and it's little head raising and falling as it walked. Raphael reached a hand up, tapping the glass where the bug was and gained his confirmation that it was on the other side. He tapped it a couple more times and watched as it fell from the glass. Raphael jumped back when he saw it landed in the sink from being on the other side of the glass.

"What the-" He mumbled.

He yelped when he felt something on his shoulder. A larger roach was crawling from the back of his shell, moving to his front. He quickly swatted it away and saw it fall to the floor. He quickly looked back towards the sink to see it was filled with the hissing roaches. Raphael felt goosebumps form seeing the insects walk on top of each other. He heard the cricking noise coming from the mirror. His eyes went wide, watching as hundreds of roaches were falling from the other side of the mirror, dropping into the sink like droplets from the sky.

Raphael started to panic and ran for the door.

"Gah!" He yelled when he tried to reach for the nob. The roaches were surrounding the door, crawling and swirling in pools of insects. He backed up watching as the room filled with roaches, hissing and biting. He looked back at the mirror, seeing the boy on the other side. His eye sockets were hollow and his smile was menacing.
"I told you to run." He said through the mirror. Raphael snarled and roared as he punched the glass, watching as the mirror crashed down. The moment it did, hundreds of roaches poured out from the broken glass. They crawled up Raphael's bloody arm, swarming his entire body.

Raphael yelled and thrashed as he was forced backwards till he fell into the tub. The roaches still attacked, crawling up and over his shell, finding anything to crawl through.

Raphael's sight was clouded by a sea of black, hearing that mocking laugh in the background. He screamed as loud as he could, past the crawling bugs that found their way into his mouth, muffling his cries.

"Raphael!" a scream of his name allowed him to open his eyes. He looked up, breathing heavily. He was met with a worried expression from his eldest brother. Raph sat up slightly where he was slouching to see there was nothing in the bathroom besides he and Leo and Donnie at the door. Raphael looked to see that the mirror was still broken, a single hole in the glass. He looked down to see his arm was shaking and saw that his fist was bloody. He was loosing his mind. He swallowed a couple of times, feeling the spittle of saliva on his chin.

Leo watched as Raphael started to come back to his senses but was still shaken up. He looked over to Donnie who gave him a look he knew all too well. Don proved his point. He wasn't fully convinced, not just yet, but there was still something that told him not to believe.

"Call April."

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