Chapter 6

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The door to the lair opened to reveal April walking through with a bag of basic groceries. When she got the call about Michelangelo she was a little confused. Donatello kept the conversation very brief but made it clear that he needed her to watch Mikey. They made the agreement to go to Casey's grandmother's house for she agreed with her vigilante boyfriend that she would watch it while he was out of town with his uncle for a job.

She walked out to find the home of her turtle friends to have the sudden vibe of discomfort. She looked around to find most of the lair was abandoned.
"Guys?" She called. For a moment, she didn't get a response until she saw Donnie scramble out from his lab with a couple of bags in hand.
"Hey April, thanks for doing this for us at such short notice." He mumbled while walking by her out the door. April looked over towards the lab to see Raphael walking out with Leo and Mikey. Her eyes fell to the youngest turtle, seeing his arm was sling around Leo's shoulders and his body seemed to be sunk in. He looked tired and sick. She could tell from the distance she was at that he was having trouble breathing.

Both Raphael and Leonardo greeted her as they walked by. Michelangelo looked up for a mere moment. His stare was menacing, was cold and crude. April felt a shiver run down her spine seeing the pure hatred in the turtle's eyes. She stood a moment more, feeling almost frozen in place. It was a stare she couldn't recognize. Something dark, demonic. A chill went through her spine. Her eyes turned back to Donnie who walked back into the lair.

"Is Mikey alright?" She asked. "You weren't all that specific on the phone for the sudden rush." Donnie bit his lip and sighed.

"Look it's hard to explain. I need to do some research and Leo is determined to watch me and Raphael..Raph can't be by himself right now." April was about to ask why but decided it would be better to just remain quiet for the time being. Leo walked back in and sighed.
"Alright, we're ready." April folded her arms and smirked.

"So while you guys are off doing your thing, I'm turtle sitting at Casey's house?" She teased but saw it had no affect on Donnie or Leo.

"What's really going on Donnie?" She asked. Donnie looked down at the ground and took a breath.

"It''s hard to explain April. Just trust me on this. When we get to the house, we're gonna keep Mikey up in the attic. At any time, if he makes any noise, says anything to you, you do not go to him. Am I clear on that?" He told her. A bad feeling sunk down into the pit of her soul.

"Donnie, you're scaring me. Mikey he's...he's not gonna hurt me is he?" She asked, looking towards the door of the lair where Mikey was on the other side. Before Donnie could respond, Leo perked in.

"Don't worry April. Mikey's going through some things and Donnie is a little paranoid about it. No worries." April felt little comfort from Leo's words. She couldn't help but to allow her eyes to look around. Something was off but she couldn't put her finger on it. She held back her own feelings and knew that her friends needed to finish whatever they needed to get done. With all stuff needed and the groceries put away, they packed up in the van and took off.

The ride up was incredibly silent. The city passed by and was quickly replaced with the oak and pines of the forest. In the distance it could be heard the thunder warning them that a storm was approaching. April and Leo were in the front with Raphael crowding close behind Leo's seat.

Donatello sat next to Mikey, and as strange as most events were, Mikey did not pull away nor did he get any closer instead of the small touch of their thighs. Donnie could see in his little brother's face he was struggle. Whether it was with an external force or merely with his own mind, he was in a battle. Donnie kept as still as possible, observing, studying.

His gaze fell to his brother's lap seeing the doll rested. A shrill of terror raked his form seeing this faceless object. As if the fear itself was faceless, indescribable. A mockery of the their lack of understanding of what was happening to Michelangelo and the rest of the family.

The familiar bumpy dirt road caught Donnie's attention to see the old rickety house up the hill. A bad feeling sunk in the bottom of the pit of his stomach. This house was like a second home to them and yet it felt more of a ward or a prison seeing it in the dark woods.

The van came to a stop in front of the house with a slow stop. The doors opened and they all went inside, the thunder growing louder as time went by.


Donatello offered to bring Mikey upstairs, with the permission from Leo and a promise he would be quick. Donnie was messing with the lock on the inside of the door and changed it so it was outside of the door. He listened to the creaking of the old house, pondering over some distracting thoughts about helping Casey with some of the repairs. He mentally kicked himself for allowing his mind to wander as it did. Maybe it wasn't too bad, to relax for a moment. But the walls were still up, his guard would not let down not for a second. He stood up and turned to see Mikey sitting on the bed, head down with his hands on his lap. The doll rested on the pillow at the head of the bed.

"Okay, the door will be locked so there will be no one coming in or out till we get back okay?" Donnie said. When he didn't get a response, he headed out the door. The moment he was about to shut it, a small voice stopped him.

"Donnie.." It whimpered and was almost shied away. When Donnie looked, Mikey was looking up at him, eyes watery and his expression crushed. That was Mikey. A spark of some hope for sanity seared through him as he ended up crouched down in front of Mikey, looking at his eyes and seeing nothing but his little brother's broken soul.

"Mikey..." He cooed. Mikey hiccuped, looking almost panicked, like a child after seeing their dog get hit by a car. His hands shook from fear and his voice croaked from emotion.

"Donnie... she's gonna kill me.." He squeezed out, voice pinching at a high point. Donnie was getting somewhere now. The travel must have delayed something, giving Mikey this little freedom and Donatello was determined not to waste a precious moment of it.

"Who is she Mikey? Who's trying to kill you?" He asked quietly, every so often eyes flicking to the doll.

Mikey felt his throat was closing up, hands closed tightly around stopping his words. His jaw trembled in hopes to speak but ended up throwing his head down in defeat, whimpering quietly. Donnie saw that block and knew it was purposely stopped. Maybe a different tactic? No that wouldn't work. His brother seemed so frail, so breakable it was hard to look. He inched a little closer biting his lip.

"What does she want." This was a timid moment, a breaking point. Mikey needed to answer, this was crucial beyond words.

Michelangelo stared at him, frozen in place. He swallowed multiple times, jaw trembling once more.

"Salin. Salin. Sallliiin." He moaned, rocking himself slightly. The sudden tension built in the room just slightly. Donnie couldn't help but to look around real fast before looking back at Mikey.

"Who is Salin Mikey? Who is that?" He asked with a rush. Mikey choked.

"Salin. Salin. Salin." He chanted over and over again. Donnie couldn't make for the reasoning as to why but if everything was still sane he would guess his brother had lost his mind.

"Donatello lets go!" Leonardo's voice booming up the stairs. The room grew quiet. Donnie saw Mikey was no longer muttering, no longer crying but instead he stared at the door with fear.

"Mikey?" Donnie questioned. Mikey looked down to Donnie.

"His eyes...Leo...His eyes.." He whispered. Donnie was about to ask a question but Leo's commands grew louder.

"Donnie now!" He stayed down on the floor for a little longer before he stood up.

"Mikey I promise you I will find a way to help you. But you have to be patient with me okay? Stay strong little brother. Please." Donnie told him. Once he tried to walk away, Mikey reached up and grabbed his hand.

"Save Leo." He said so small Donnie almost missed it. But before he could say anything, footsteps were heard. Leo walked in the room looking frustrated.

"Are we going Donnie?" He asked. Donnie looked in between Mikey and Leo and saw Mikey retract his hand and sat perfectly still. Donnie looked back at his eldest brother and saw nothing different with Leo. His stature still strong and tall, his voice still commanding. His eyes, still dominate. But, no more words were passed as Donnie walked out of the room. Leo looked over at Mikey and for a small second, a tiny glimmer passed by pass his iris.

Mikey sat in silence, before the creeping sound of the whispers returned, causing him to once again lose his sanity.


A few hours passed and the storm was in full swing. The rain was strong, pounding against the windows. The wind blew, pushing against the glass, whistling through the house. April sat on the couch with a candle and book for the power went out only minutes ago. Donatello called her an hour or so ago to let her know they would be another few hours but Leo would be on his way back.

She sighed as she put her book to the side. She hadn't heard any noise coming from up above. She wanted to help her little energy ball of a friend but found no way that she could. But it worried her greatly that she hadn't heard a single peep from him.

She stood up, stretching her arms out and walked into the kitchen where she lit a few more candles to find something to munch on. She opened up the cupboards, pushing passed the cans of beans to grab the chips that were in the back of the shelf. She couldn't help but to small at the treat, silently laughing at the fact she had almost forgotten she had it back there.

Suddenly a loud crack of thunder made her jump, making her drop the bag onto the floor, the chips flying to the floor.

"Shit." She muttered as she bent down to pick up the bag. She put a mental note to grab the broom and sweep up the remaining chips. When she got back up, she jumped once more seeing in the corner a oval shape of that of a shell. She placed a hand on her chest.

"Mikey! What are you doing out here?" What was he doing out there? The door was locked. Donnie assured her before they left that the door was secured. And yet the youngest turtle stood in the kitchen, facing the corner as if he was in time out.

April stood there waiting for Mikey to respond but he never did. She walked a little closer to him, seeing his form shaking slightly.

"Are you okay Mikey?" She asked. She heard him hiccup lightly.

"April...April I did something bad.." He cried quietly. A sudden thunder arose with lightening, lighting up the entire room. April gasped when she watched as the candle suddenly went out. The only light that was provided was the lightening when it passed.

Mikey twisted slightly to the side, the lightening reflecting his features only slightly. April felt panicked. Her eyes caught an object in his hand. It glistened in the light of the lightening showing it was a knife. A single sweat drop went down the side of April's face, feeling anxious and nervous. She swallowed once.

"What did you do Mikey?" She asked quietly, almost regretting so. His silence was clear for a moment, allowing the rumbling of the storm to fill the quiet of the room.

"I let you die." He whispered. He said as the light illuminated him. April's eyes went wide hearing what he said but gasped as his form suddenly disappeared from view once the next strike brightened up the room. Once the room was once again dark, she backed up a foot, listening for foot steps, anything. Knowing the four mutated turtles, she picked up on a few tactics as to finding a ninja. But at the moment, Mikey was hidden all too well.

She screamed when she felt something slice at her arm. She felt the sudden gooey feel. She was bleeding. The light show outside showed the fast moving figure, squiggling around the kitchen, attacking at any angle he could. April tried to defend as well as she could, but without any visibility or weapon, she was in trouble.

Almost tripping on her feet, she stumbled out of the kitchen, holding onto her arm as tightly as she could. She went around the corner to the stairs and hurried up them as quick as she could. She stumbled once, falling slightly but quickly caught herself, leaving a bloody hand mark on the steps of the stairs.

She was in shear panic. Mikey was trying to kill her. She needed to find shelter and quickly. She went through the first door she could find and slammed it shut behind her. When she locked the door, she quickly turned around to see she was in the bathroom. She quickly scrambled for the cabinets at the bottom and searched for the items she needed. There was a disinfectant and some gauze. What she also found was a spare flashlight.

The flashlight was the first of her priority. When she flipped the switch, it twinkled with light for a moment before almost going out. She hit it a couple of times till it stayed completely on.

"Yes!" She said quietly. Her breathing was ragged and her heart was pumping at a high speed. She needed to call Donnie. She felt around her pockets to only dread the fact she left her phone with her book. She cursed herself but decided she couldn't wallow over it. She needed to bandage up the wound. With the skills she had, she quickly cleaned and wrapped the wipe. It would have to do till she was actually able to stitch it up.

She looked around in the small bathroom to see if there was anything she could use for a weapon, staying seated on the floor while shining the light around. This was the guest restroom so she wasn't too surprise when she couldn't find anything. But, something did catch her eye.

When she shined the light on the opposite wall that she was on, it was moving. The bricks were crinkling, spacing and rippling like water. A sudden burst at the bottom of the bricks came, making a thick, black ooze drip from the wall and began to flood the floor. When it got close enough to April, it stuck to the bottom of her sock, and she couldn't seem to get it off.

"Nah!" She cried, standing up and losing her sock in the battle. She watched as the sock was swallowed up by the strange substance. April knew that would be her next if she didn't do anything soon.

Nothing was thought of, only pure action. She moved quickly and opened the door but only to be stopped. She couldn't see the figure at first but once she shined the light onto them, she saw this wasn't Mikey.

The knife was brought over the figures head and as April screamed, the knife pierced her body, ending her screams.

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