Chapter 8

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The storm roared and screamed. The trees, swaying with powerful force against the wind. The rain, flaring down at the floor. Leonardo found himself in front of the door, almost lost about how he got there, almost like he had forgotten. But he knew he shouldn't dwell on it now, the storm was too strong. He feared for the safety of Donatello and Raphael but knew they can take care of themselves. It was Michelangelo who caught his attention now.

When he opened the door, he was greeted with an empty living room, and what seemed to be an empty house all together. There was unease he couldn't shake off.

"April?" He called. He didn't receive a response. He walked into the room, hearing the floor underneath him creak.

"April!" He yelled, ready to pull out his katana.

"Hahaha." he heard up the stairs.

"April?" He called out. A distance splash caught his attention.

"Leo~" A sing song called his name followed with another, sweet innocent giggle, sounding so similar to April.

The floorboards screeched under him with each step he took up the stairs, holding tightly onto his katana ready to withdraw it. The thunder was screaming through the house as he made it to the second floor. In front of him he saw the bathroom door, slightly cracked, lights illuminating under the door.

"April?" He called again. The minimal sound of the drip from one of the faucet had his attention. Was she in the bath? He took a breath, a knocked on the door. The push of his knuckles opened the door the rest of the way. Just as he was about to cover his eyes, giving April the decency, but he saw something he couldn't seem to keep himself from staring at.

His eyes went wide, his breath hitching and choking in his throat. He stumbled back against the door frame. The candles lit around the rim of the bath, each dancing with one another. They illuminated the water, tinted with red. April rested in the water, her arms splayed out, one over the side of the tub. Her head tipped back and eyes glazed over. The blood covering her mouth was dry. Her eyes, so clear, looking at him, mocking him.

Leonardo stumbled back out of the bathroom, catching himself on the balcony railing. He was in complete shock, almost fear. His heart was pounding, racing against his mind.

"Leo?" A small voice said. He turned his head quickly, almost jumping. Mikey stood there, hugging himself. Fresh streaks of tears down his face. He looked scared, more than scared.

"Mikey..." Leo breathed. "Mikey what did you do?" He question, voice getting louder. He stomped up to his little brother, grabbing tight hold of his shoulders, shaking him.

"Mikey what did you do?!" He yelled in his face. Mikey scrunched back, letting out a small whimper.

"I didn't do it." He cried.

"Stop Mikey! Why did you do this?! Answer me!" Leo roared.

"I didn't do it Leo!" Mikey screamed back, pulling his body away from his brother's hold.

"Who Mikey, who did it then?!" There was a moment of silence, a break between the complete chaos between the two of them.

"You did." Mikey hiccupped. Leo was more than ready to laugh. It wasn't possible. He only just got here. But that same feeling from before, that some distant feeling of misplacement nibbled at his gut.


Something told him to pull out his katana. He reached behind himself, slowly. Running his tongue across his lips, he pulled out on of his katanas and placed it in front of him. Eyes growing wide, he saw the stained crimson splattered across his blade. But even worse than that, he saw something on his face, that matching the stains on his blade. He reached up to touch his face, feeling the sudden dry crisp on his face. His breathing picked up, sudden images flashed by his eyes.

He was here earlier, he was here in this house, in front of April. He remembered her scream, how easily his blade went through her. How easily it slid through her flesh. The blood streaming down onto the floor, pooling by his feet. He killed her.

His mind was in complete shock by the sudden memory. Why did he do it? Why did he kill April? Why?! He turned back to Mikey, taking hold of his shoulders once more, hoping answers from his brother.

"Mikey why did I do that! Why didn't I remember?!" He said panicked. The welled up tears spilling from Mikey's wide orbs.

"S-she wants your eyes. She wants to see." He whispered. "She wants to see me." He cringed with his honesty.

"Who Mikey?" Leo whispered. Mikey wallowed slightly before his body tensed, gaze passing Leo completely. He took a few breaths that hitched.

"Leo...Run.." Mikey whispered. Leo's eyes furrowed.

"What?" Mikey backed up out of his brothers hold, panicked.

"Leo leave now!" he yelled, begging as he held himself before looking back up. Curious about what his brother was looking at, Leo turned slowly behind him only to gasp and drop his katana on the ground. His jaw trembled as his chest heaved.

A tall, black figure stood over him, White teeth, that of a demons stood out in a wide grin. Its eyes narrowed and white. Its body was crossed, moving along with the air around them. It growled at Leonardo, but the leader couldn't seem to find any words to say. All he knew was that he was wrong this entire time. He took a step back, ready to reel behind, grab his brother, and take off out of the house.

He covered his ear slits as he heard the monster screech loudly, something that was completely unnatural. When he looked back up, the demon charged after him. Leo didn't have enough time to move as its ginormous claw formed and swooped Leonardo off his feet, flinging him down the hallway till his body crashed into the bookshelf in the hallway. He gasped on the floor, ignoring the books that were falling on him, trying anything he could to gain his breath back. He flinched, feeling a sudden pain in his abdomen. He looked down, placing a hand over the injured spot, only to remove it and seeing the painted red on his hand. His shell was cracked.

He attempted to push himself up, hissing in pain as his wound were pulled. He could silently hear his shell spreading even more as he moved.

"Saaaaaa..." An eyrie whisper reached his hearing. He looked up and saw the figure approaching him. He quickly shuffled up, ignoring the searing pain in his body and attempted to stand, only to reach up knee-high.

The demon opened it's mouth, a grotesque, slime from its mouth leaked, its teeth shining in the dim light of the hallway. Leo tried to reach for his katana, but when he pulled it out, it seemed to have snapped in half when he was flung.

Sweat was dripping from his face in fear. He failed. He didn't see the signs, he ignored the warnings. Why did he do that? Why didn't he realize it earlier? Was this thing manipulating him so he wouldn't see the truth? Leo needed to think fast.

The only thing he could think of was the doll and what they old woman told him to do. He need to rip it, and burn it. Cleanse it from his brother. But there was no way he could get upstairs to grab the little doll before this thing ripped him to shreds.

"Stop!" Michelangelo screamed, coming to step in front of Leo. He placed his arms out to the sides, guarding Leo away from the monster.

"Stop please! I'll go with you. I'll be your son." Mikey whimpered. "Please, just don't hurt him. Just...Please I'll go...Just leave him alone." His words cracked from fear.

The creäture lowered himself, leveling himself with Michelangelo. Michelangelo's breathing was heavy, looking straight in the eye of this beast. A small hand, reached up and gently caressed the side of Mikey's face. A cold chill went down Mikey's spine feeling this hand.

"I'll be your son..." he whispered. That was all the demon needed. The hand quickly went for Mikey's throat, gripping it tightly. Mikey choked back, his hand gripping at the beasts. His throat in this hold, he could barely breathe. The demon lifted him from the ground, till Mikey could no longer touch the floor.

"No stop!" Leo yelled. "Mikey!" Mikey had no way of responding, his air way stopped. The demon growled lightly, before opening its mouth slightly. As it did, it breathed in. Mikey began to struggle, feeling his life force being taken from him.

"Stop!" Leo yelled, getting up to his feet. He needed to do something, fast! He looked up the stairs and knew he needed to grab the doll. As quickly as he could, he stumbled up the stairs to the attic. When he got to the last step, his footing altered, tripping himself and cause him to cry out. He moved his head to see the doll resting against the pillow. He army crawled towards the bed, careful of his wound. When he made it to the bed, he pulled himself up with the sheets, taking hold of the doll before dropping back to the floor.

He took a few breaths, turning to his side. He quickly held to one of the arms of the doll and with the strength he possessed, he pulled against the arm and it snapped right off, leaving behind the loose strings of the stitching.


Downstairs, the beast screamed, dropping the now unconscious Michelangelo onto the ground with a large thump. It squirmed where it stood, its frustration, shaking the entire house. Because of its reaction, the candles in the bathroom were knocked over, either falling into the bath, or onto the floor. One of the wicker touched the shower curtains, instantly catching flame. As the fire burned, taking in the bathroom, Leonardo stumbled back down stairs breathing heavily. He held the arm the doll in one hand, and the body in the other. He glared at the demon in front of him.

"Not so tough now you son of a bitch!" He growled. The demon hissed and growled. It was ready to attack once more before Leo pulled off another limb off the doll. The demon swirled back, its form going out of control. Leo felt he had this thing down. The flames in the back ground grew larger, wider. It engulfed the bathroom completely. Leo felt almost accomplished seeing the monster dwindled but spoke too soon.

Suddenly, the entire house shook. The boards were breaking, the house was trembling. Leo leaned against the stair well, dropping the doll where he stood. The spirit, fueled by its anger charged for Leonardo, moving too quick for the leader to move.

Donatello and Raphael rushed towards the house as quickly as they could. When they approached the property, they saw the flames from the house. When they got close enough, they saw the flames were still closed towards the second floor. Raphael blasted through the door and ran up the stairs as quickly as he could. He started to choke, the smoke flooding the air.

"Mikey! Leo!" He yelled. It was hard for him to see but he could hear Donnie coming up the stairs.

"Raph over here!" He heard Donnie yell. Raphael ducked down to see the forms of his brothers on the floor.

"Grab Mikey, I'll get Leo." Raphael said, quickly hauling up Leo over his shoulders. Donnie picked up Mikey in bridal style and both brothers exited the building as quick as they, knowing they would have no time to look for April. As soon as they made it out of the house, they both collapsed to the floor, laying Mikey and Leo down to look them over as soon as they were far enough away from the burning building.

Donnie went straight for Leo, seeing the wound on his abdomen. He looked over the wound to see it was deep and gushing. He felt for his pulse and felt it was light. He let out a small breath, happy to see his eldest brother was still with them.

"Don!" He heard Raph yell. Donnie looked over to see Raphael giving CPR to Mikey, also noticing no response from his youngest brother.

"He ain't breathing Don!" Raph yelled, giving more compression and a few more breaths. Donnie's heart was pounding, fearing the worse. He watched as Raphael gave all he had into bringing his brother back.

What felt like hours were mere moments, until a sudden but small cough came from Michelangelo. Even though his eyes were not open, he was alive.

A large gasp coming from behind Donnie made him turn his head to see Leo coughing harshly, trying to catch his breath.

"Leo relax" Donnie said, placing a hand gently on his chest to keep him down.

"M-Mikey.." He whispered. Eyes trying to slide shut.

"He's alive. You guys are okay." That was all Leo needed to hear as his eyes closed and his world turned to darkness once more, the flames burning everything away.

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