Chapter 9

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The I.V. Dripped from the bag into the vile down into Michelangelo's arm.

The air mask over his face, his heart beat a steady pace. Leonardo stood over him, watching the breath enter and leave his little brothers body.

He tugged against the sling that held his arm and felt the sting of the cut on his face.

Michelangelo refused to wake, and Leonardo was growing impatient.

The door to the lab opened, Donatello walking through with an extra bag of liquid.

Donnie saw how tense Leo was standing over the unconscious brother.

"Leo you should be resting." He said walking over to his desk.

"How can I knowing he is here and not awake?" He asked quietly, running a finger down Mikey's arm.

"Its best if it stays like that. Mikey gain some pretty bad injuries. He needs to rest and recuperate to gain all his strength back. I don't want to see what kind of pain he could be in." Donnie admitted. Leo tilted his head to the side.

"Pain." He muttered, pulling his hand away. "How is Raphael?" He asked. Donnie looked up at him.

"He's doing good. No strange things have happened. I think you got rid of it Leo. You did burn it after you cut it up right?"

"I would assume that the burning building it would have done its job." Leo said a little dry.
"Right... It's crazy to think all of this is over. Just glad Mikey is still with us."

"That woman wanted nothing more than to see her child. A sad ending for sure. She wanted all of us gone so she could have Mikey all to herself. that's why Splinter was chased off." Leo explained, shifting once more.

"Speaking of Splinter, I should probably call him to tell him he can come home." As Donnie started walking towards the door, he turned.

"Hey, you wanna come out and I'll make some lunch? I'm sure you must be hungry." He asked. Leo shook his head.

"I'll stay here. Need to watch over him." He muttered. Donnie felt a little unease coming from his older brother.

"Leo don't blame yourself for what happened to him. You saved his life. Don't ever think he wont be grateful for that." Leo did not respond but continued to look down at Mikey. Donnie licked his lips before turning out of the room and shut the door.

Leo twisted his head once more, only this time, a little more unnatural. He moved his hand till it rested on top of Mikey's eyes. He started to hum a tune that sounded that of a lullaby. He pushed down a little harder on his brothers face, humming louder.

Suddenly, Mikey's body jolted from where he was. A wet cough sounded passed the breathing mask. Leo quickly removed his hand from his eyes and took off the mask, allowing Mikey to breath.

"There you are." Leo said in a light tone. Mikey's breathing was wet and ragged. His light blue eyes looked over and up at Leo. He stared for a moment but choked.

"Naghh!" He moaned, feeling the almost crackling feeling in his body as his heart pumped out of fear. Leo smiled down at him, shushing him of his cries.

"You're okay. I didn't mean to wake you. I just wanted to see those pretty little eyes of yours." He whispered softly.

Mikey was struggling to keep his breath. His whole body was aching and vibrating with pain. He felt broken and used. He felt death crawling up his spine as his eyes began to roll back.

As suddenly as his attack came, the mask was placed back over his head and he could breathe a little easier but his panick was in full flare.

"Now now, you can't go just yet. You need to be healthy. If not, I can't have you." Leo told him, petting his head. Michelangelo whimper, giving out a unique squeal of pain and distress. Leo stood up slightly and turned his head to the door.

"Donnie come in here quick!" He yelled, moving his hand away from his brother and backing up. Shortly after, Donnie came charging in to see Mikey convulsing on the bed.

"What happened?" He asked, being quick to grab a sedative before head back over to Mikey.

"I'm not sure. He just woke up." Leo sounded convincing. Mikey laid there, making noises and sounds to single to Donnie of the wrong that was happening but all Donnie did was try and soothe him with calming words.

Leo backed up enough to reach the door. As he did he gave Mikey one last glimmer look, before leaving the room, allowing Mikey to fall back into a world of dark.

Leo started to whistle a tune as he hopped up the stairs, reaching a hand into his sling that held his hurt arm. He pulled out a small, green, faceless doll, similar to the one that use to exist. He walked into the bathroom and flipped on the light. He was met with his own reflection and smiled. He leaned in close to the mirror, examining the curves and edges of his face. He took great note of his own, light hazel eyes.

"What wonderful eyes I do possess now. You have truly given me a gift young boy. And soon, I will have my son, and be able to see him always." He spoke in the mirror.

A sound so small, so non-existence to a normal hearing, was the screams of Leonardo, forever trapped within the doll his body held. Leo's body smiled once more at himself before placing the doll into the toilet, and flushing it down the drain.

"Round we go, The world is spinning." He sung to himself as he left the room. "When it stops, it's just beginning. The sun comes up, we laugh, we cry. The sun goes down, and then we all die."

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