Be My Flower

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Btw, if you didn't already know, this book is ending soon :) happy sad feeling...the next chapter shall be the epilogue.

At the 2016 World Championships...

For Javi, it was a top of the podium finish. With a stella performance he defended his title.

Yuzuru, sadly faltered and couldn't steal it from Javi but was nonetheless, very happy for Javi. If it had to be someone else being crowned 2016 World Champion, Javi was the best someone else.

Nam...well, Nam stayed spicy and strong as usual. Though he didn't do as well, he swore to come back storming next year.

Melody finished an impressive 7th place behind the amazing legends : Mao Asada, Evgenia Medvedeva, Elena Radionova, Satoko Miyahara, Gracie Gold and Ashley Wagner.

After returning home from Boston, Team Orser ended the season with a celebration and relax camp instead of training camp.


Into the future... In the year 2023.

Yuzuru Hanyu of Japan, had finally found love on the ice.

Two words.

Yulia Lipnitskaia.

Took them a while, but it happened when it happened and all one could say was, 'awww'

Javier Fernandez and Miki Ando eventually got married with a beautiful family. Performing in many ice shows in Spain or Japan, the couple never cease loving each other.
Happiness was theirs to lose.

Nam, struggling with that beast of a growth spurt, survived. He had his moment when he made it to the top of the podium in multiple major competitions. Being satisfied career wise, he continued the search for someone who might fill his other half after retiring a year ago.

As for Sota and Melody... Well, they certainly won many competitions in their careers. But most of all, they won each others heart....successfully forever, I might add.


One spring morning, the sun light bursts into Melody's room. A knock on her door could be heard. She groggily got up and grumbled her way to the door in her sweats.

To her surprise, Sota stood outside the door of her house. Beside him was a bike.

She blinked in shock realizing she had forgot it was their 'dawn date' that day to celebrate their dating anniversary. It has been 7years since they got together.

Getting dressed quickly, they hopped on the bike together and away they went.

Riding into the sunrise.

Later, laying on the grassy field in front of Lake Ontario, talking about the future, Sota thought it was the perfect moment.

Melody gazed at the multi colored sky, and the blazing sun streaming through, waking everyone up.
'I wonder, when should we retire from competitive skating? I mean, I still love it, but I think 10 years of competing would be enough. I mean, after the next two years, I'd be almost 25. Yuna Kim retired at 24, so...'

'Haha, well, Yuzu retired at 24 too. Maybe it is a lucky age. I think I'll aim for 2025. Seems like a good year to retire. Anyways, these legs are getting stiff and old now haha'

Sota continued after some moments.

'Dy, did you know that when the sun rises, the colours all travel at different speeds because of their slightly different wavelengths? And that's how you get streaks of colours as the sun light streams through in the morning. It's like, when the lake is half frozen over and half water, it's densities are all different and it produces this amazingly unique glow when it reflects and refracts light....' Staring at the purple-turning-blue sky, he was off on a blue streak.

She watched him amusingly and wondered why she never noticed the way his eyes twinkling in such moments where he would go off on his own and be completely lost in his thoughts.

Out of nowhere, a white car zoomed by them with superb speed, racing against the traffic light.
Of course, that sparked a memory in them.

How could they forget that horrifying moment? It was, after all, the moment that brought them together.

'Hey, remember that time, the car crash? 2016 Youth Olympics? Man, that felt like aeons ago'

'How could I forget, it was the first time you said you loved me. And then you went and got amnesia and almost forgot us all', he laughed.

'But I didn't. I remembered you guys! But I did almost forget Yuzu's name for that one moment. Man, when you told Yuzu that, he was all like freaking out and got so worried he made me say his name like six thousand times.'

'Ah yes, how could I forget that.'

It was quiet for a while until Sota sucked up all the manliness he had and spoke up again.
'And speaking of names, I..uh..don't really, uhm, like your name...'

'What's wrong with my name?' Melody got a little irritated.

'Uh..particularly your last name..I don't like it much'

'Why don't you like it!!'

'Uh..I don't know, maybe you should change it?'

'Change it?? TO WHAT?!'



Awkward silence filled the air.

'Did you just...'

'Yeah, I did. So....I'm still waiting for your answer'. He replied tentatively.

She smirked and yelled in her heart, rejoicing. But she had to fight to keep a straight face and play cool.
'Um, sure'

'Sure? Did you realize what I just asked? There is no 'sure' in that question, it's a 'yes' or 'no' !' He sat up and stared at her, not quite sure how to read her facial expression.

She wanted to make him sweat longer but couldn't keep her joy in anymore so she jumped up and yelled at the top of her lungs in an unladylike way, 'YESSSSSS! OF COURSE IT'S A 'YES', DOOFUS! WHAT DID YOU THINK IT WOULD BE? 'NO'?'

People walking by all stared at them in surprised. Then a few of them recognized Sota and Melody and took pictures.

With that yell of approval, he got up too and picked her up in a massive, tight hug, twirling her around with a smile that stretch on endlessly.

Melody started out with, 'Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime, turn my head with talk of summertime'

Sota continued, 'Say you'll share with me each night each morning, anywhere you go let me go too'

Together they vocalized, 'love me, that's all I ask of you'

Happiness filled their hearts and all around them, people smiled at the young couple.

And the next day, the local newspaper, The Toronto Gazette was headlined with the title, 'Figure Skating Legends' Getting Married' (yes, I suck at creating newspaper headlines) posted with a picture of Sota Yamamoto and Melody Samantha Pang holding hands and walking together, and another picture of them kissing with the sun rising up behind them in the background.

With a bright future ahead of them, life goes on...

I wouldn't have made it without you!! *Wattpad needs to have heart emojis*

Special thanks to x_justafangirl_x josettashum harikun citrusboy

One last chapter to go...

Btw...totally unrelated but, my crush in school made eye contact with me!!! TWICE ahaha! And he actually looked like he wanted to come and talk to me but then I turned away cause I think I was blushing....I know, not a smart move but friends were there and I didn't want them to tease me about it later soooo yeah.
I'm probably just being overly melodramatic but welp, it's not everyday your crush makes eye contact and walks over to you.


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