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Wedding ceremony....

In the year 2025, when Sota and Melody were now retired and successful, they finally got married.
A 24 year old Melody got the best birthday present ever for her 24th birthday. That, was the day of their wedding.

Here comes the bride, all dressed in white.

Their vows are the song, All I Ask Of You from the Phantom of the Opera. They sing the most beautiful wedding vow ever and smile in each others eyes, promising every word that meant true.

Melody : All I ask is every waking moment, turn my head with talk of summertime.
Say you need me with you now, and always. Promise me that all you say is true, that's all I ask of you.

Sota : Let me be your shelter, let me be your light, your safe, no one will find you, your fears are far behind you.

Melody : All I want is freedom, a world with no more night, and you, always beside me, to hold me and to hide me.

Sota : Then say you'll share with me one love, one life time, let me lead you from your solitude. Say you need me with you here beside you, anywhere you go let me go too.

Melody : Say you love me!

Sota : You know I do.

Together : Love me, that's all I ask of you.

Anywhere you go let me go too.

Love me, that's all I ask of you...

You may now kiss the bride.

As he leaned close to do so, she felt her heart thumping. Just before he kissed her, he whispered for her ears only, 'Come Phantom, be my Flower'

And the seal is completed.
Sealed with a kiss.

After they break apart, she replied, 'I'll only be your flower if you would be my Hummingbird.'

'I always was, still am and always will be'

'Then I suppose, I'll be your flower'

At the wedding banquet, they met up with all their friends...

'Shoma!!!!' Sota yelled across.

'Sota!! Congratulations, Selody is so my OTP!!!'

'Hahahaha well, you should know, Shevgenia is my OTP!.. So...when are you and Evgenia..?'

Now Shoma was blushing.
'I was planning to ask her on her birthday'

'Nice nice, I'll help haha'

Melody searched the crowed for Javi, Yuzu and Nam.
'Awww, look at our girl, all grown up and married now'

'Hahaa I could say the same for you guys'

A little boy walked forward to her and tugged at her dress.
'Hello Rodriguez! Aren't you a little cutie? Miki, Javi, your boy is sooooo cute! How old is he?'

'Six this June....so, when will you be having a child, Dy?' Javi smirked.

'Wha-- I...we haven't-'
Melody buried her face in her hands.

Yuzu elbowed Javi for embarrassing Melody.
'Aww it's okay, Javi is still teasing-old-Javi. He hasn't changed one bit'

A soft Russian accented English said, 'Hello, congratulations on your marriage'

Melody looked up.
'Yulia! Thank you, how are you? Yuzu's treating you right, yes?'

'Haha yes, he is'

Yuzu interrupted, 'of course I am'

'Yes yes, so Yulia, when are you expecting?' She winked.

'In a few months,' Yulia smiled.

'OMG really!? Ahhhhhh, that's so great! Congrats'

'Thank you!'

Then, Nam appeared from behind everyone.
'Spicyman is here!' Nam laughed and exchanged greetings and congratularions.


Over the years, life went on.
Eventually, the media stopped bothering them, and the couple had peace and time alone without constantly being recognized by people and stalked.

This new era of 2020s skaters enhanced figure skating even more.

Now, all old and stiff, they resulted in coaching and led many of these younger generation of skaters to success.

Though they were no Brian Orser, they did coach at the Cricket Club and 'take over' Orser's success.

Friends forever with Javi, Yuzu and Nam, life was a dream. A dream filled with both happiness, brokenness, anger, frustrations and disappointments.

But then again, that's life.

That's the way it is.

And what do you do?

You should know the answer to that by now...

You suck it up and deal with it.

After all, Sota and Melody dealt with it, and more than survived.

Although you could argue that they had very lucky lives indeed.

Now you know what to do when you face Phantoms in life.

You make it your Flower, obviously.

As I am immortal and will live forever, I can tell you that Sota and Melody lived their lives in smiles, tears, anguish, and fears. But above all that, they lived their lives together.

Smiling like the sun, instead of crying like the rain, the two stars shone outrageously clearly in the skies and never faded out from the brightly lighted sky, even when they faded from this mortal and earthly planet.

Their legends live with greatness forever.

And their souls burn with love forever.

Though time is up, and I should leave,
Because I'm nice, I'll answer your please,
This is the last look you'll get from me,
So savour this chance and you will see,
The typical, ordinary Tuesday night in the lives of Sota Yamamoto and Melody Yamamoto.


They came home late from coaching that night. Frustrated that none of their students seemed to be doing well today on ice.

Sighing and dying of tiredness, they slumped on the couch together.

After taking a short nap from the days' hard work, they soon woke up to satisfy their grumbling stomachs.

Because it was Melody's turn to cook today, the food wasn't as pleasing as they would have liked it to be.

After that bad dinner, they showered and cuddled in bed, trying to fall asleep but failing miserably.

'Ugh, that did not taste good. Why can't I cook good food?!'

'Well, you've been trying hard, Dy. Every since we were young. But Rome wasn't built in a day. Perhaps you'll eventually learn to cook right maybe ten years later,' Sota teased her with mock sympathy.

'Oh shut up, doofus! Don't be so arrogant. When it comes to cooking, Yuzu and Javi beats us all at it. And it's not as if you are that good at le culinary arts. If you pursued cooking as a career, you'd be a nobody.'

'Well, nobody's perfect. So....technically, you're calling me perfect, since I'm nobody.' He smirked.

'Oh yeah, how perfect were you when you were coaching that little kid, Jon, today, eh?'

The topic had evolved greatly.

'Okay, that kid has some issues! It's not my fault he keeps on crying when he gets on the ice.'

'Hahaha SURE! Lousy carpenter blames it's tools! The boy is trying so hard to learn and you looked like you were about to slap him. The poor kid'.

'Well I can't help it! His dad told me he had experienced an earthquake when he was skating once. So now he has a fear of the ice cause it brings back so many memories of that earthquake.'

'Well then, maybe he might be like Yuzuru. After all, Yuzuru survived and earthquake too. And I bet he was as traumatized. Hey, maybe you should ask Yuzu for help.'

'Good idea. I'll do that..........tomorrow'

'Do it now! You won't remember tomorrow'

'That's why I have you! So you can remind me'

'Yeah sure...as if my memory is any better than yours. I can't believe I forgot to bring my skates today. And I was going to an ice rink! You'd think that one would remember to bring skates when they were going to teach students how to skate.'

'I think you're getting dementia or Alzheimers. You should see a doctor,' he joked.

'Hey, that's not nice!'

'But it's the truth! You said so yourself that the truth isn't nice'

Giving him a that's-my-line look, she grabbed a nearby pillow and whacked him square in the chest playfully.

And they got into a full fledged pillow fight, which led to a full fledged tickle fight, which led into bursts of laughter.

Yes, grown ups get can into a pillow fight and tickle fights too. Though they are 10 years older now, they have not lost their childish ways one bit.

The next morning, the sunlight demanded attention from them as it came streaking into their room through the window like a wreaking ball.

But, tired as they were, they did not wake up.

Sota had his arm draped over Melody and they were lying close with warmth radiating all around.

By the cue of the sun, they knew they had to get up for another day of work. But no one made any attempt whatsoever at getting up.

They only snuggled closer to each other.


Few years later, when all Melody, Sota, Yuzu, Javi, Yulia, Miki, Nam, Shoma and Evgenia were in their late 20s and 30s, a few very interested reporters, by the name of Diana and Alexandria, conducted an interview with them.

Interviewer: Hello guys! It's so nice that you could all attend this conversation. Please have a seat and we'll start immediately.

Everyone had met up there and took their seats excitedly as if they were children again. Having never seen each other for sometime, they all greeted each other as old friends do.

Interviewer: So, we have gathered you all here today to ask you some questions about your lives. Obviously, we know you are legendary figure skaters and the whole figure skating fandom knows, but we would like to know more about you're life growing up as a figure skater and all that you've faced.

Yuzu: All right! Let's get started! I love reliving my awesome career!

Yulia smacked his head.

Yulia: Excuse my husband, he has always been this big headed.

Miki: No way, he can't have been as bad as my Potato Head over here.

Javi started to argue, but the interviewer stopped them and resumed.

Interviewer: So, individually, can you all tell us the most horrifying experience in your life as a figure skater and how you overcame it?

Sota: Ooh I'll go first. For me it's the ankle fracture I got as a junior. I mean, I've had other injuries too but that one was the first major one that made me miss junior worlds. But someone once told me, you don't want to be the liar and say that your life went exactly as planned because that's never true. Things always get in the way, you just have to be brave and get through. That same someone also told me courage is not having the strength to go on, it's going on when you don't have the strength to.

Nam: Ooh, I'll go next! So, it's probably during my first few years as a senior, cause of my horrible major growth spurt which messed up everything for me and really ruined my career for that time. But I guess time just overcame it, you just gotta keep fighting and never give up, which I have to admit, I wanted to at that point. And of course, my friends here and family played a big role in this.

Yulia: I second that. The puberty monster can be evil. When I had puberty struggles I also was juggling my psychological problems at the time and I didn't handle it well. There was a time where I wanted to quit. But then my mom really played a big role in helping me and then of course, that was the time I switched coaches to train with Alexei Urmanov. I think the switch helped and from there, things only went better.

Yuzuru: Yup, and you fought your way through to the top.

Melody: Awwwwwwww, sweet!

Shoma: Yuzu-kun has really became cheesy and....weird hahhaha.

Yuzuru: *glares*

Sota: I'm sure he meant that in a good way?

Shoma: Help me, Zhenya! I have angered the great King of figure skating!

Evgenia: Hahahah this'll be fun to watch!

Shoma: Zhenya! You're supposed to be protecting my precious cheeks before Yuzu pinches them!

Yuzuru: *pinches Shoma's cheeks*

Everyone besides Shoma: *laughs and remembers the old days*

Sota: I guess some things never change.

Interviewers: *laughs along* All right let's get back on topic.

Everyone: Oh right.

Yuzuru: I guess I'll go next since I'm so awesome! *flips hair and fails miserably* So the worst time for me was...probably the earthquake year. Cause you know, my home town was destroyed, I had to run out of the rink in my skates and blah blah blah and I also wanted to quit. But besides that, it was probably in that year of the collision. That was awful.

Nam: Yeah, we all thought you were gonna die.

Yuzuru: Did you actually?

Javi: Nah, we had faith in you and knew you'd survive. And besides, we, the Cricket Siblings, are awesome at handling hospital-serious situations. *raises eyebrows as Sota and Melody*

Melody: Oh yeah...we really are experienced in that sense. I did almost lost my memory after all.

Shoma: Yeah I heard. I mean, I didn't know you well then, but I remember Sota calling me and panicking and being so worried.

Sota: *flushes in embarrassment*

Yulia: Can you imagine if you did lose your memory though? That'll be really horrifying.

Miki: That would be. Can't imagine forgetting--

Javi *interrupts*: ME, right?

Miki: *turns to Yulia* see what I mean? Big headed and self centred. Don't know why I love him.

Javi: Because I'm awesome!

Yuzuru: No! I'm awesomer! Right, Yulls?

Yulia: *turns to Melody and sighs* See what I have to deal with everyday? You're lucky yours isn't half as self centred as mine.

Sota: Why thank you, Yulia! I always knew I was better than Yuzu-kun. *Smirks jokingly*

Melody: *looks at Yulia and raises eyebrows* You sure about that, Yulia?

Nam: I have to say, doesn't anyone feel Shoma is, like, the most humble one here?

Miki: Have to agree with that. *pinches Shoma's cheeks* Cutie!

Evgenia: Lay your hands off of my Cutie! *sasses playfully*

Nam: Awww being possessive now, are we?

Evgenia: Only, I can pinch Shoma's cheeks! *pinches Shoma's cheeks*

Shoma: *struggles to free himself from Evgenia* HELP ME, SOTA MY BRO!

Sota: *laughs and eventually frees Shoma*

Shoma: Oh my gosh, thanks bro!

Sota: No problem, bro.

Shoma: This is why I love you, bro!

Sota: Bro, you know you can always count on me.

Shoma: Like one, two, three, bro?

Sota: You bet, bro.

Shoma: Bro! *teary eyed*

Evgenia and Melody: *eye contact* Why did we even bother...?


Yuzuru: Javi. Javier. JAVIER FERNANDEZ!

Javi: Yes? I'm still more awesome that you by the way.

Yuzuru: Yes bro. I know, bro.

Javi: Bro! That's so touching! You are awesome bro!

Yuzuru: You think so, bro?

Javi: Of course, bro. Why wouldn't I, bro?

Nam: Girls, I'm amazed at how you put up with such...bro-ness.

Yulia, Evgenia, Miki and Melody: Thank goodness there is one male in this room that is not gay!


Yulia, Evgenia and Miki: Oh my... *facepalms*

Melody: Glad to see you haven't changed one bit.


Everyone: ...okay...

Interviewers: So... different question, what do you all call each other and what was your first impression of each other? This was suppose to be the first question but whatever.

Nam: Well, in the Cricket Club, everyone calls me spicy boy hahha or just Nam, I guess. And Everyone calls Yuzu, Yuzu, Javier, Javi, Melody, Dy, and Sota, Sota.

Yulia: In Russia, we call Evgenia, Zhenya. Me, Yulia or Yulls--

Yuzuru: NO! Only I'm allowed to call you Yulls.

Yulia: ... I give up.

Shoma: Totally get how you feel. My cheeks are just raw to the end.

Miki: You know, when I first saw Javier at our skating club in like 2007? Who knows. Anyways, I thought he was this sloppy, unrefined and flirty guy.

Javi: Really??!

Nam: ahahahha Javi is sloppy and unrefined!

Javi: But how could you think that?

Evgenia: Aww just let to go Javi. I first thought Shoma was messy too. Not like skating-wise, but like as in he's a messy boy with messy hair and stuff ahhaha.

Shoma: I was so not messy! My hair just gets ruffled after skating.

Melody: *ruffles Shoma's hair* You mean like this?

Yuzuru: ahaha at least you didn't have a mushroom cut like I did.

Javi: But didn't you want the mushroom cut? Wanting to look like Plushenko.

Yuzuru: Yeah but now I realize it was pretty odd.

Sota: It was cute though.

Everyone: *stares at Sota weirdly*

Sota: Wait, that didn't come out right.

Yulia: Are you cheating on Dy?! How could you? *mocks*

Melody: Nah, he wouldn't. *smiles*

Yulia: Wow, what a trusting relationship you guys have. *Narrows eyes at Yuzu playfully*

Yuzuru: I would never, Yulia *plays along* I SWEAR


Yulia: Anyways, I always thought Yuzu was so amazing. I guess I just noticed him at 2013 Finlandia.

Shoma: You still remember when?

Yulia: You don't? Zhenya must be horrified. *teases*

Evgenia: *glares at Shoma*

Shoma: Uh oh

Evgenia: *pinches Shoma's cheeks again*

Yulia: Here we go again.

Yuzuru: Ooh I wanna pinch his cheeks too!

Alexandra: I wanna pinch Shoma's cheeks too! (I know you do ;))

Everyone else: Uh....

Shoma: hehe, see? I'm the most awesome one here!

Sota: So much for being the humblest.

Shoma: Speak for yourself, bro.

Sota: Oh, no you didn't, bro!

Everyone else: Sorry. But Diana and Alexandra, you better go, it's late and you'll never get anywhere near done with your interview.

Interviewers: *leaves*

Alexandra: Aghghhhhfhhf, I pinched Shoma Uno's cheeks!

Diana: I wanna pinch Nam's cheeks


The End.

Yayyyyy I dunno about you, but I'm feeling 22!!!
I'm so happy! Hope y'all are too with the ending!

Just wanna say....

GO READ x_justafangirl_x's Background- Shoma Uno fanfic if you haven't already. Btw she ended her story today too, or yesterday, depending on your timezone. We have such psychicness....ending our stories both on the same day or almost the same day. Great minds think alike ;) It is awesome and you absolutely MUST read it!!

I could not be prouder of my squad!

Thank you so so much for supporting me through this all the way! LUV Y'ALL Lots of love to x_justafangirl_x, josettashum, harikun, citrusboy

If I could dedicate this chapter to you guys, I would :))

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