Be Yourself

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'Yeah, and she was like freaking out so much!' Yuzuru imitated how Melody freaked out earlier on and everyone laughed.

During Sota's practice session, The Cricket Bros (excluding Nam, sadly ): ) and Sis were having breakfast together on Friday 11th of December, the day of the Senior Women's short program. And yes, Melody was freaking out about it in the morning at 4am when she woke up.

'So guess what Dy did when she couldn't sleep anymore' said Yuzuru with a teasing tone.

'Eat?' Guessed Javi.

'Hahaha good guess but no, she did homework' laughed Yuzuru somemore.

'Girl, you really need something better to do.' Sassed Javi.

'Oh shut up! And what about you guys huh? Y'all practice quads every free chance you've got. And not only that, you even tried the quad axel and quad-quad combos! Only people with nothing better to do would do that. Idiots.' She smacked the back of both their heads playfully.

And before they knew it.......
Junior men's free skate.....

Again, Sota was freaking out........
Team Orser was there to calm him though.

'Okay. Just breathe Sota!' Said Javi.

'Just think of this free skate as your redemption okay? You'll be fine. Just do your best Sota-kun.' Cheered Yuzuru.

'Come on and show us what you're capable of, which we all know already considering we train together. But the crowd you can do it.' And Melody held up and huge sign she made for Sota that said 'Your Biggest Fan' in Japanese. With a smiley face beside it.

Sota tried to smile but failed miserably. 'It's gonna be so difficult to complete my program cleanly, especially now that I have 2 triple Axels and 2 quads!' He sighed frustratingly.

'How do you know you can't do it if you don't try?' Encouraged Javi.

'Well I am trying it, aren't I? And I will do my best of course. I'm just afraid it's too difficult.'

'Just cause something is difficult, doesn't mean you shouldn't try it, it just means you should try harder' Yuzuru said.

'That's true....Well, thanks guys for everything. Wish me luck!' And he went off on to the ice.

'I can't believe you made him a sign! Ahahah' Yuzuru teased Melody.

'Well I had to, he was so disappointed after his short, I had to cheer him up, and anyways if it makes him feel better'

'Aww you care for him Dy....So sweet' cooed Javi.

'You!!!!!-' Just then, Sota's music started and they all quiten down to watch. 'I'll deal with you later!'

When Sota started skating, he took one glance at Melody and went for his triple axel.

And fell.

Looked again at Melody,
And popped the quad into a double.

And yet, still everytime he did somthing wrong, she raised her 'Your Biggest Fan' sign higher and cheered even louder.

I'm so lucky to have Dy as my biggest fan. And my biggest fan is cheering for me now....come on Sota, pull yourself together like a Yamamoto. 'Yamamotos don't fall without a fight' that's what dad would say, thought Sota. And the next thing you know, he lands a quad toe-double toe loop.

'That was a tough fight, but you made it through' Brian smiled to Sota.

'Sota Yamamoto representing Japan is currently in first place'
Ahead of Vincent Zhao by just a hair, Sota got the Bronze Medal behind Dmitri Aliev of Russia and Nathan Chen of USA.

Somehow Sota didn't feel the need to be disappointed. Sure, he didn't do great but still, first time he had 2 quads and 2 triple axels in his free skate, and that in itself, is already an achievement.

A few hours later.....

'Ahhhhhhghggggggg!! I can't do this!!! No yes I can, but I'm so scared, its gonna be so amazing- I mean nervewreaking!' Panicked Melody who was walking around in circles backstage minutes before her short program.

'Now, that, is nervous' said Yuzuru.

'Should we go and comfort her?' Asked Javi.

'We should' agreed Sota.

'What are you looking at, boys?' Asked Brian Orser.

'Uh....nothing! Nothing at all'

'Suspicious' muttered Orser to himself and walked away.

The boys proceeded to calm their 'sis' down.

'Guys! Oh I'm so scared, what if I screw up, what if people hate me. I'll be so disappointed! I don't want to do this! Why did I let coach persuade me into joining competitive skating. I regret it now, why why why?! I should just quit' Melody ranted when she saw her 'bros'.

'Chill sista! Remember what you told me?' Said Javi.


'As a performer to another performer, don't go out there and think about what needs to be done, go out there and think about how much time there is to do it, and treasure every second of it! Go on the ice and have fun!'

'Yeah, go show the crowd who you are. Let them see the great Melody Samantha Pang skate like Elvin on ice.' Said Yuzuru. (Melody's short program is to Elvis Presley in case you didn't know that, I mentioned in another chapter that I'm stealing Yulia Lipnitskaya's short program for my character cause I love that program.)

'We know you can do it, you know you can do it, so go out there and show the crowd you can do it' encouraged Sota

'Hey! Don't use my lines against me! Copy cats' atleast she was smiling now.

Brian came out of nowhere all of a sudden and said 'You are coming off clean, with a fresh start, no bench marks, no expectations, no requirements, so just show the world what you've got, cause you've got loads in that whole body of yours to offer to the crowd, be it emotion, interpretation, expression, skating skills, technicalities, beautiful jumps, you have what figure skating is. Don't fear, there is nothing to fear. We are your team, and we will support you.'

'Wow, that was actually a remotely good pep talk Brian' joked Melody who seemed to returned to her cheerful self.

Brian gave her the you-think-I-suck-at-pep-talks-now-do-you kind of look.

'Alright, now quite yappin. And get ready to go on the ice, Elena Radionova just finished her short program and now it's your turn' ushered Brian.

'Okay okay......'

Deep can do this. You've got your whole team behind you and many more fans.

And start....

skate...and skate...

and express yourself

and now build speed....

and outside edge UP....

and rotate thrice...

and land the triple Lutz...

And now swing back left leg...

And triple toe at the end of combo...

And YES!!! Fully rotated with perfectly clean landing....woohoo...

Oh wait...still got half of the program left, better keep concentrating...

And layback spin into bielmann spin.

And now double axel...

Come on, don't fail me today double axel and exit through the fan spiral and then Ina Bauer.

Yes! A bit shaky but still okay...probably 0 or -1 Grade of Execution.

And now.....step sequence...
Don't stumble, don't stumble....

And now Bedouin jump entrance to the camel spin with a ring, then the lying bielmann...

And triple loop tano...yay...I love this jump...

And all there is left is the final spin combination, doughnut spin, into change foot sit spin, into the I-spin...

And final pose.....

'I DID IT!!!' She basically yelled in Brian's face.

'The scores for Melody Pang representing Canada, 71.89. She is currently in 1st place. This is a seasons best for her.'

'Aghghhhhhh' She yelled all the way through backstage after her performance. People stared at her weirdly, but she couldn't care less.

That was a night to celebrate. After the competition was over, she ended up in second, behind Evgenia Medvedeva, and was absolutely ecstatic.

To celebrate Sota's bronze medal, and Dy's second place finish, Yuzuru, Javi, Sota and Melody went out to get some snowcones that night. As it was quite late in the night, they didn't bother trying to cover up their identities, as they didn't think there would be anyone still awake to catch them.

But they were incredibly wrong.

As the stepped out of the hotel and walked along the streets together, laughing and talking and telling jokes, the same press lady that caught Melody and Sota on Wednesday, saw the four of them and took out her camera and called the other press people.

In no time, they were enclosed by the press. It almost seem as though they were having the press conference right there and then.

Yuzuru and Javi, being the matured ones talked to the press calmly whereas Sota just stared. Melody was leaning against the wall and was shaking violently, heart pounding loudly, clenching her fists together and she was having difficulty breathing.
Sota saw her sweating despite the cool breeze, and a memory flashed before him.

'Oh am I glad I'm not Japanese' said Melody.

'Yeah the press gets really bothersome sometimes and they all come in a crowd, it's like you're enclosed by them' said Sota.

'How can you deal with that? I'm claustrophobic so I would not be able to handle that! I find it difficult to breathe and then I get sweaty and it just sorta causes a panick attack.'

End of flashback.

In a split second, she dashed through the crowds of people (Sota followed after her) and ran into an empty alleyway. Not a smart idea. Empty alleyway? Dead in the night? All alone? But she was safe...well, maybe not quite. As she bent down over and squated on the pavement and covered her ears with her hands and shut her eyes closed and tried to breathe normally, two way-bigger-sized-than -her guys came running into her direction. And she was shoved off the pavement and she was about to slipped onto the road. She waited for the impact, quite surprised when she landed on something softer. Someone must have caught her, but whoever it is that caught her must've did it as fast as they could for you could tell whoever-it-is that caught her didn't quite catch her right, because the two of them ended up falling on the road.

She got up and turned to find that whoever-it-is was actually Sota. He groaned softly.

'Oh no! Sota! Are you okay? I'm so sorry! Are you hurt?!'

And she helped him up.

'Ah I'm fine, are you hurt?'

'No, I'm okay thanks to your idiotic move!' She scowled at him.

'Hey, I saved you from the fall, is this how you should thank me'

'Idiot' she smacked him on the side of his head.
'You could've gotten seriously injured, what were you thinking?!'

'Well, I kinda wasn't thinking, I was more like running. And besides If I got injured, that's better than if you got injured. My competition is over now. You still have your free skate tomorrow, don't want to be injured now do we?'

'I suppose so...'

'Aren't you gonna thank me?'

'Thank you' she said softly, that was enough to melt Sota's heart.

When Yuzuru and Javi caught up to them, they all went back to the hotel without snowcones :(

'You okay Dy?' Asked Javi in concern.

'Yeah yeah I'm fine, but...'

'But what?' Questioned Yuzuru.

'I can't believe we just got mobbed by the press!? That sure was a first, and I hope there won't be a second.'

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