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The day of the free skates......

'Melody Pang of Canada has scored 135.78 for the free skate. Her total score is 207.67. She is currently in second place.'

'Damn! Curse that flip! Had it not been for that stupid fall, I might be in first right now!'

Brian tried consoling her, 'Hey, hey, it's alright. You were great.'

'Except for the flip'

'Except for the flip, but everything else was fantastic'

After Evgenia's stella free skate, Melody ended up in third behind Satoko Miyahara and earned the bronze medal at her first Senior Grand Prix ever.

But of course, that was so not the most exciting thing.

Javi broke 200!!!! For his free skate!!!

And of course, best for last....
Yuzuru broke his world record again for the free skate and the total score which he just set two weeks ago at NHK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

'Holy ba-geez! Yuzu! That was freaking awesome! I thought I saw all that I was going to see last week at NHK, but you just proved me wrong!' (Chris Reed's words, not mine :) ) yelled Melody at Yuzuru.

'Yuzuru Hanyu! Alien from Mars! Banned from further competitions as he is not human!' Announced Javi with laughter.

'Hanyu-sempai! That was absolutely brilliant! Phenomenal! Congratulations, for working so hard and achieving your best' said Sota with wide eyes, still shocked at the beautiful performance.

'Ah thank you very much!' Said Yuzuru with incontrollable tears streaming down his, glistening with sweat, face.

'Why am I crying? I don't know why I'm crying!' Said a very emotional Yuzuru.
Little did he know, that he had made many people very emotional themselves.

'You're crying because you had just put all your heart into that performance and performed the best anyone ever could' replied a sympathetic Brian.

Later, after many many interviews and congratulations Yuzuru and Javi received, Yuzuru took time to recall his thoughts in that skate.

'I was actually so nervous, especially after Javi's great performance. I felt the need to set another world record and was so pressurised. When I went on the ice, everyone was still cheering for Javi and chanting 'Javi! Javi! Javi!' Then, I went to try my triple loop, but I missed it!!! I thought "shit! I never miss the triple loop" and so I went circling the ice and did a triple Axel as hard as I could and when I landed it, I was like 'Hey! It's me! You will shut up! You will watch me! And I will deliver!' And then I really did do it!!!' Said Yuzuru with so much relief.

'Well amigo, you really did it! So amazing dude! You gotta teach me what tricks you've got that allows you to performed so well!' Joked Javi.

That peaceful night, Yuzuru Hanyu slept soundly and pressurelessly, with a smile on his face.

Next morning.....

Gala practice....
The choreographers were busy trying to pair everyone up for the gala performance.

'Alright, we'll go youngest first. Melody! Who do you want to pair with? Eh, scratch that, who can you communicate with and understand, considering everyone speaks a different language' said the rather frustrated choreographer.

'Um, well I can understand everyone practically. Yuzuru, cause I train with him anyways, Javi's English is okay, Daisuke's English is good and Patrick's English is fantastic of course. And Boyang Jin, cause I can speak Mandarin, Shoma and I talked awhile ago and seemed to understand each other just fine.'

'Oh, that make's things so much easier, so scratch that youngest first thing, I think Ashley can go with Patrick then? Since you guys both speak great English, there should be no language barrier there. Then how about Yuzuru and Evgenia, the two champions? I think Gracie can go with Dice. That leaves, Javi, Shoma, Boyang, Satoko, Melody and Elena. The short girls, and the language problem guys.' (Mao skipped the gala due to sickness in case you didn't know, so yeah, I'm not replacing Mao with my OC, I could never do that O.o)

'Hey, my English is good!' Protested Javi.

'Yes, but not everyone can speak English. So how about Elena and Javi? Melody and Boyang, Satoko and Shoma?' Said one of the Choreographers.

The other one said 'But now we have a height problem, Shoma is not very tall and needs someone shorter to make it look more proportionate. Ah, Boyang is tall, why don't we get Satoko with Boyang, and since Boyang is 18 and so is Satoko, that would be perfect.'

'Oh yeah, but won't they have a slight language barrier?'

'No, I think it's fine. Besides, Shoma and Melody would be better in terms of height'
They spoke in whispers, leaving the skaters very confused.

'Alright, so that's the decision. Shoma with Melody and Boyang with Satoko! But you guys have to help each other with the language thing cause we don't have no translator here.'

Everyone nodded in response and the practice begin shortly after.

Paired with Shoma Uno, Melody wistfully looked at the other end of the rink, where the Juniors skaters were being paired up. She heard Sota being called to pair with Marin Honda. And whispered to herself 'At least that Wakaba girl isn't here, I suppose Marin's not too bad...'

'Did you say Wakaba? Higuchi Wakaba?' Asked Shoma who had heard her mumbling to herself.

'Uh no! Of course not, who is that even?' She tried to cover it up.

For a few moments, Shoma narrowed his eyes at her and did the math in his brain then he got it and said, 'ohhhhh, you like Sota-kun! That's why you are jealous of Waka-chan and Marin-chan!'

'Shut up!!! I don't like Sota! Stop speaking so loud,' she clasped her hand over his mouth to silence him to prevent people at the rink from starting rumours.

She looked over at Sota again and saw that he hadn't turned his head at all and was still intently focused on what Marin is telling him. Despite the relief that he didn't hear anything Shoma said, she was somewhat disappointed that he was so absorbed in whatever Marin is saying.

'See? You do like him!'

'Oh be quiet, and no, I don't!'

'Fine, but you can't keep denying it, and besides, I approve!'
Shoma smiled.

Melody frowned.

When they actually started practicing the moves for the gala, Boyang Jin and Satoko were near Shoma and Melody and they helped each other out with the language.

'No! Not like that, like...this, no you're still doing it wrong.'

'What, then how should I do it'

'See? Like this'

'I still don't get it'

At one point, when Melody was demonstrating how to do the position for Boyang, she accidentally fell and as she was holding on to Shoma, he fell over too and they bursted out laughing in the middle of the rink. Sota, from the other end of the rink turned and saw Melody with Shoma, and no doubt, there was a tinge of jealousy within him.


Halfway through the break of the practice, Yuzuru and Javi had a Quad battle and the other skaters were cheering on them. Then Yuzuru skated over and with intense eyes, landed a beautiful Quad Salchow spread eagle sandwich. Javi did a gorgeous Quad Toe Loop with no notable flaws. Clapping and applause could be heard at all ends of the rink.

After practice ended, Melody left the ice talking and joking around with Shoma when Sota came along to join them and the 3 teens went out for lunch together.

Ashley and Gracie were about to ask Melody out to lunch when they saw her already occupied with certain boys...

Obviously, they were gossiping to each other and were planning to tease Melody later.
'Aww, look at Sota! He looks a little jealous right now'

'I know! But Shoma and Dy looked better together honestly' said Gracie.

'No way! How could you say that! Selody is so much better!' Replied Ashley with an aghast expression.

'Selody? Sota and Melody? Did you just create a ship name for them? Find then, mine will be Shelody'

'Oh no you don't, Shelody versus Selody it is'

'What's Shelody and Selody?' Questioned a confused Yuzuru, who seem to have accidentally heard Ashley and Gracie as they were not very quiet.

'Oh hey Yuzuru! Do you know if Melody has a crush on anyone?'

'Uh, not really? She never told me so. Why?'

'Does anyone have a crush on her?' Asked a very eager Gracie.

'Not that I know of. But she's so dense and thickheaded, she wouldn't know if anyone had a crush on her.'

'How do you know that?'

'Cause Yuzu used to have a crush on her.' Said Javi who appeared out of nowhere.

'Javi!' Said Yuzuru, embarrassed.

'Oh my goodnesss! Really? Did you ever tell her? Does she know now?' Asked Ashley.

'Yeah, she does. But Yuzu had to tell her himself before she believed. Honestly, everyone at the Cricket Club knew before she did. We had to tell her about it before she even suspected it.'

'But what did she say? Did she reject Yuzu? What happened? I want details please! This calls for girl gossip how about we have lunch together?' Asked Gracie.

'Sure. Anyways, that was like a year ago, and Yuzuru never told her until he stopped having a crush on her. And then he told her after just cause, and she was like 'whutt??'. Real dense, that girl.' Explained Javi. Yuzuru had been very quite and just smiled.

'But, wait how did we get to this topic? Oh yeah, what's Shelody and Selody?' Asked Yuzuru, now talking again.

'It's ship names for Sota and Melody, and Shoma and Melody.' Answered Ashley.

'Wow, you think Shoma and Sota likes her?'

'I should hope not. Shoma and Sota are like best budes now, liking the same girl can cause friendship issues.'

'Yeah, lets hope not, but realistically speaking, I'd say Sota seems like a better match' said Javi.

'Ha! Told you, Grace!' Smirked Ashley.

'And because thier age gap is lesser than Shoma's and hers.'

'Oh please, Shoma is turning 18 in a week and that's like a 4 year age gap. If you think 4 years is long what about 7 years? When I had a crush on Dy? 21 and 14?' Said Yuzuru.

'Oh man, I never thought about that. Wow Yuzu, you are old!' Teased Javi.

'Not as old as you though!' Smirked Yuzuru back at Javi.

'So, Javi...We heard of you and Miki Ando? How's it going?' Smiled Gracie, who was all too interested.

Now it was Javi's turn to be slightly embarrassed.


On the other side of town, eating together, sat Melody, Sota and Shoma.

As Sota went to use the bathroom, Shoma turned on Melody.
'See? He likes you! And you like him, so it's all perfect!'

'Oh, you! Drop it! Well, Nathan loves you, you know?' She smirked back.

Just then, Sota appeared again and said 'Now what are you two talking about, looking all sneaky and suspicious?'

'Oh I was just telling Shoma that Nathan looooves him' Melody said sarcastically.

'What?' Replied Sota and Shoma at the same time.

'You know, when Shoma was skating his free yesterday, Nathan was not far from my seat and he was like "Woah, if Shoma can land two triple Axels and Two Quads, he could beat Patrick!" And when Shoma did land all that, Nathan went nuts and was like "SHOMA, I LOVE YOU!" '(Nathan Chen's real words, not mine)

Shoma had this weird expression on his face and was like 'What even?!'

Sota and Melody just burst out with laughter and created a ship name for Nathan and Shoma. Shoman. And when they attempted to stop laughing, they looked at each other again and laughed.
Of course, if was not just that. They teased Shoma again of how he tried to link arms with Yuzuru at the medal ceremony yesterday, as if Yuzuru and him were getting married. And after that, it was not enough, they had to laugh at Shoma yet again, for Yuzuru pinching his cheek at the press conference to make him smile....Oh Shoma...the poor baby....

Hey, I'll only update on weekends now cause school and stuff so sorry, but thanks for reading. So what do you think of Shoman? Haahaha just kidding, pretty sure Nathan isn't gay. But it is what he truly said. And Shoma is so funny, during the medal ceremony, when he didn't know what to di with his arm and Yuzuru had to help him, i just could not stop laughing after watching them :)

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