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The actual gala was so much fun...

Maxim Trankov pushed Yuzuru to do a Quad Loop which he had been training in practice.
And of course, Yuzuru landed the beautiful jump!
Then, Boyang Jin went and did a flawless Quad Lutz!
And, Shoma attempted a Quad Flip, which he had been trying too, and landed it fabulously. (Daisuke didn't actually do that, but well, a girl can dream)

So they had a Quad Lutz and Flip and Loop! Wow, special treat to the fans in Barcelona.

And apart from that, they obviously had to have a traditional Quad battle at the end of the gala.
Javi actually tripled his Quad Toe Loop only, but Yuzuru pushed him back and told him to try again, like 'No no, we are not leaving until you do that Quad Toe of yours, because we all know you can do it'
Then Javi did it again and this time, succeeded.

When the music was playing 'Don't Stop Me Now', which was Tatsuki Machida's Exhibition program last year, Yuzuru kept dancing to it and you could just tell that he was so happy, and his euphoric energy spreaded to all the skaters and fans in the CCIB that day.

And at one point, when Yuzuru locked eyes with Shoma, he imitated the moment where Tatsuki thrusts his hips and points his finger at Shoma singing, and the poor baby Shoma was just embarrassed to the maximum. Talk about being victimized by Yuzu! (See attached Video)

Yuzuru skated to Requim of Heaven and Earth for his exhibition and you could tell he was tired. He popped a jump, but that is just a reminder that he can also fail jumps at times.

Javi, on the other hand, owned the crowd before he stepped on the ice , with his Super Javi Exhibition.

Melody's exhibition was of 'Let It Go' from Frozen and she skated like a real Ice Queen.

And at the very end of the Exhibition, Yuzuru went and pretended to play the electric guitar and went on his knees sliding on the ice....

Moments later, it was the closing ceremony and photo taking session. (I don't know what to call it)

Melody was all dressed and ready to go waiting by the lift, when she met Gracie, Ashley and Daisuke.

'Hey, Dy! Congrates on the bronze medal at your first Senior Grand Prix Final!' Said Daisuke.

'Ah thank you!'

And as they chatted away... Shoma and Sota appeared together walking side by side just like best budes. Shoma teasing Sota this time, 'You like her, eh?'

'What! What makes you say that!' Replied a tainted pink Sota.

'You are not denying it, hahaha' laughed Shoma even more.

Melody turned around and saw them, 'wow, don't you two look spiffy!'

'Ah, you do too!' Laughed a nervous Sota.

'Why are you so red?' Asked Melody.

Thankfully, Sota was saved from answering that as the lift arrived with a 'ding'. But Shoma turned to Melody and winked quickly before turning away again. Melody frowned and thought, now what is that boy up to and what is with the wink?

At the gala, they met new friends and old ones.
'You're supposed to sit with your team, not with me, Dy' whispered Yuzuru.

'But aren't you my Team? Are we not Team Orser?'

'No, not coaching teams, sit with your country team. So you'd be sitting with Patrick'

'Oh, now where is th-, oh never mind then' Said Melody to herself as Yuzuru had just went away to talk to Miki Ando and Javi.

Melody stood there for a while, looking around for any signs of Patrick, Megan Duhamel, Eric Radford, Katelyn Weaver, Andrew Poje, but could find neither of them, until, a boy around her age came and asked her if she was lost.

'Hey, I'm Roman Sadovsky. You're Melody, right? Are you okay? You seem lost'

'Ah, hello. Yes, I am. I don't know where Team Canada is suppose to seat at.'

'Ah, problem solved easily. I'll take you there, since I'm on Team Canada as well.'

'Oh right! I know you! You went before Sota in the Short Program, right?'

'Ah, thats right. I didn't do so well at this competition'

'That's alright. I saw you skating, you were not that bad. I mean, well, bad in terms of jumps but not bad in terms of performance'

Roman just smiled.

....... 'Oh you are so negative and serious, like Sota.'

' Like me?' Questioned Sota who just appeared out of nowhere behind Melody. Aghhhh, you almost made me face plant onto the table. How dare you!' Scolded Melody playfully.

'Well, you were talking about me, of course, I got interested'

'Oh, you vain pot! Shoo, aren't you supposed to be with Team Japan?'

She turned back to Roman.

'Anyways, as I was saying, I think you need to smile more in your performances, honestly, it's like the moment you step on competitive ice, you put on your serious mood. (Attemps to be serious) See, I can't even do it. Like your facial expressions just took a trip to Mars. When you skate to Romeo and Juliet, you need more oomph, be more dramatic, I mean you did Romeo and Juliet in english class in grade 9 didn't you? I did. Right, so you know the story, and the tragedy and everything. So use that in your skating. Be more dramatic cause everyone knows Romeo and Juliet is a dramatic play. And if you show the dramatism in your expressions, you'd attract the audience more, because dramatism is attractive. I know you have your program choreographed well, but maybe add some of your little moments into it and smile. Like it can be hard to make different expressions in front of a crowd and judges but still you gotta have some sort of facial expression, not just serious and solemness. Not everyone is an actor, but everyone can certainly smile. See you're smiling right now and it looks good, imagine how much more attractive your programs would be if you just smiled. And besides, it's scientifically proven that it takes less muscles to smile than to frown, so frowning actually wastes more energy when skating hahaha. Now I sound like some science nerd. By the way, you have amazing skating skills. I love your edges and how you move wuth your blade. Honestly, (takes out phone and plays a video of Roman Sadovsky skating free skate) I could just cover the rest of your body and just watch your feet skate from one end of the rink to the other. Like dude, your feet attracts me more that your upper body. Use those sick skating skills and chanel it to the rest of your body so it wouldn't just be your feet that's attractive. And I love your step sequence, so beautiful. Great, now I'm rambling on like I'm so experience, which I am not'

Roman just chuckled lightly at her words and thought 'what a bright girl'

Then they presumed to talk about more normal stuff that teenagers talk about.

'Hey, you want a picture together?'

'Yeah, sure'

'Now let's get Team Canada here and have a team photo'

Then she stepped back and bumped into Miki Ando.
'Ah, so sorry! So so sorry!'

'Eh, it's fine. Hey, aren't you the girl that trains with Javi?'

'Ah yes that would be-'
'Dy, come take a picture for us!' Interupted Yuzuru from the other end of the room.

'Uh, okay'

And so she took a picture for Team Japan males. And before that, she was looking for Daisuke, so she yelled out with both hands by her mouth to louden her voice and called out 'Dice-K Murakami!' When she felt a tap on her shoulder and whipped her head around and said 'can't it wait? I'm looking for Dice- oh, oh, there you are!' Said Melody once she realized that the person who tapped her shoulder was Daisuke indeed.

And of course the ceremony ended brightly and beautifully, with the glamouring city lights of Barcelona giving off this euphoric aura.

Once changed into her pajama bottoms and a sweater, Melody lay on the carpeted floor of her hotel room, scrolling the internet and just relaxing after a few very, very tiring days. When a knock was heard on her door.

'Come in! It's not locked!' She yelled, without knowing who it is.

When the door opened, and she saw that it wasn't Javi, Yuzuru or Sota, she widen her eyes in shock as she saw Roman Sadovsky standing outside her door.

'Hey, what brings you here?'

'You left your wallet at the closing ceremony, so I thought I'd return it to you'

'Oh, well thank you! Do you wanna come in? We can talk for a while'

'Sure. I wanted to say, thank you for the advise just now, when you told me to smile more.' Smiled Roman.

'Eh, no problem, I was just rambling. I guess I was just glad that I could finally speak to someone who can speak proper English, hahaa. I mean it's kinda hard. Cause you know Nam? Usually he is the only one I fully understand cause he's English is not broken. But for Sota, Javi and Yuzu, it's really annoying to have to correct thier English sometimes' laughed Melody.

'So you train at the Cricket Club? I trained at York Region. That's not too far away, maybe we could visit each other sometime?'

'Hey, yeah! We should! So would you be taking the 2pm flight back to Pearson Airport tomorrow?'

'I'm not sure, maybe. I'll check with my coach, and uh, I should probably go now'

'Okay, see you at Nationals then'

'Well you might see me tomorrow too' winked Roman.

'Well yeah that's true, but you know, if I don't see you tomorrow, then I will see you at Nationals'

'Yes you will!'

And Roman gave Melody a friendly hug before he turned and left.
When he was gone, she thought to herself 'he smells like raindrops and soap! Wait, why am I smelling him now? Okay this is creepy. Cut it out brain. Come to think of it, Yuzuru smells like sweat and sunshine, and Sota smells like wet grass and snowflakes. Ahhh why am I now talking about the way they smell?! OMG this is so weird!!!!!'

Thank you for reading! What do you think of Roman Sadovsky? I personally really like his skating but not his jumps. He needs to whip out a triple axel soon and fast. Anyways, Yuzuru is so funny in the gala hahhahah, poor Shoma though, targeted by Hanyu yet again. :))

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