Hummingbird and Thistle

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Melody woke up to find herself surrounded by white walls. (see what I did there navybluefoxes :))

A very annoying beeping sound could be heard as she turned to find a heart rate monitor making really, really irritating sounds.

She looked around and saw Brian, Javi, Yuzuru, Nam and Sota siting in a row of chairs lined up by the white wall of the room.

Somehow, it felt so funny seeing them all lined up like kids. And she bursted out in chuckles, as the row of kids snapped their heads up simultaneously, which mad her laugh harder.

'Look at y'all, all line up and all, not nervewreaking at all'

'Dy! Oh you're awake, thank goodness!'

'We were so worried! Are you okay?'

'Are you feeling better, Dy?'

They all asked in concern at the same time.

'Why are you all speaking like I just woke from a coma, it was just a panic attack to the claustrophobia' Melody said dismissively.

'Because you might'ave had a coma, had Sota not found you when he did' said Nam.

'Yeah, the aching in your chest was because while you were passed out, your breathing was really, really shallow and your heart didn't get enough oxygen to pump through your body, so that's why you felt weakened' explained Brian.


Javi gave her a side hug.
'This claustrophobia thing is dangerous, Dy. What happen?'

'Um, there was some strange lady who came and asked me for directions to the Cricket Club and then I told her I was going to the club so she could just follow me, and then she said she recognized me from the Grand Prix Final and she called this van that apparently was full of paparazzi and the press and it was...horribly crowded so I ran and then I fell and then I drifted away into darkness for who knows how long until Sota came and gave me CPR and then he took me here but I fell asleep on the way and now I'm here.' She said all this very quickly without pausing much. (As you can take note of the lack of comas, it was intentional)

'Why were the paparazzi trying to get to the Cricket Club?' Asked Sota.

Melody smaked the back of his head.

'Ouch! What was that for?'

'That was for your stupidity! Why do you think they wanted to get to the Club? Cause we train there, and we are famous! Dumb'

'Oh...that explains it'

Brian clasped his hands together and said, 'Alright, well we are glad you're okay, Dy. But we should leave and you should get some rest. Hope to see you tomorrow'

'But, I might be able to go to night training?'

'Nope, not gonna let you. Take the rest of the day off, no buts or protests'

'Hahaah, Dy is back to her oldself. Protesting and arguing again.' Laughed Yuzuru, as he ruffled her hair.

She frowned and waved goodbye to them and lay down her head on her pillow and looked up the blank ceiling, while listening to Waiting Outside the Lines by Greyson Chance.

Subconsciously, shs said aloud,
'Why do I have to be famous? I hate the press, I hate the media, I hate attention, I hate people in general!'

She let out a sigh of frustration.
'Why can't I just be a normal grade 10 kid, like most other people. Why do I have to be given attention? Why does the press keep bothering me? WHY, WHY, WHY! Why is it me? Why did I have to decide to take up the challenge to compete professionally? Why didn't I just stay as a performer that no one really knew? Why did I have to go international?'

Millions of questions boggled her mind. She could yell in frustration or curse because there was no answer to these questions, but she hadn't realized that the answer was singing right in her ear right now. Greyson Chance was answering her questions with his song.

You'll never enjoy your life...
Living inside the box...
You're so afraid of taking chances...
How are you gonna reach the top...

'I suppose I wouldn't enjoy my life much if I don't take chances. Greyson Chance is right. But, it still doesn't make me hate the media any less. Why do they have to be so irritating? They make me feel uncomfortable and they don't even portray me as I am. I feel so different cause they change my image. I feel like some ugly barbiedoll just used and not loved.'

Greyson Chance was right on time again, cause just as she said this to the walls of the room, he sang his song, Purple Sky,

Don't let them change you...
Cause you are beautiful...
Just like the purple sky...

'Wow, as if right on cue, Greyson chance never fails to cheer me up.'
She was surprised that what a coincidence it was that Greyson Chance was singing in her phone those lyrics.

Then she finally decided to try to sleep.
As she was about to drift off, a voice echoed,

....I'll protect you...

Argh, why does that bother me so much? It's like this feeling I have in my stomach that won't seem to go away. Why am I thinking about him? The boy who saved me?


Meanwhile, back in the locker room just after afternoon practice, as the boys were changing, the ultimate question, that Sota was hoping they'd never ask, came up.

' gave her CPR, did you?' Winked Javi.

'You like her, you like her, you like her! Selody, Selody, Selody.....' Ranted Nam immaturely.

Sota couldn't say anything in defence, he didn't want to lie and he was pretty darn sure that he did like Dy in that way.

'Wow, that's great for you Sota-kun.' Yuzuru patted him on the back and smiled.

'Dy's a great girl, and we know you won't hurt her, but still.....'Javi sighed and drifted off. But Nam continued for him.
'Poor you, Dy's wonderful of course, but wow, you just had to fall for the most dense and thickheaded girl in the world.'

Sota gave him a questioning look.

'I pity you. You are gonna have to spell it right out for her, before she would even have a slight hint that you like her. That girl.....not very good at picking up signs' said Yuzuru.

And Yuzuru was right, she was not very good at picking up signs indeed.


The day passed quickly with the sun setting beautifully along Lake Ontario. It melted into the lake and the surrounding became dark.

As Melody was discharged and was now walking back to the subway station to go home with Sota, they both glanced at the darkening yet gorgeous purple-ish sky.

'...just like the purple sky...' sang Melody as she remembered the song.

Sota stared at her for a while and said after she finished singing,
'I came up with a nickname for you.'

'What is it?'


'The flower?'

'Yep, cause it's just perfect for you. It's a weed, but a beautiful weed-

Did he just indirectly call me beautiful?

'And it has little needles that can protect itself. It stands independently and solitarily. And despite its flaws of being a weed, it is still fighting to shine to the top. Just like you.'

She was flattered and blushing like mad, so she said,
'Well, if I'm a thistle, then you can be a Hummingbird'

'Me? Hummingbird?' He laughed.

'Yeah, cause hummingbirds can be so naturally graceful and composed. They can fly high, but they'd rather stay low where they can be around flowers and nature. They are also innocent and helpful as they, like bees, help flowers to be polinated in order for further development in the grow of the plant.'

'So you're my flower then?'

'Ahahahahahah, I suppose so. Since you are always helping me.'

'Yeah, even on the first day I met you at the Cricket club, you tripped over yourself and then I came to help you up.'

The night seemed peaceful, filled with the sounds of their shared laughter and shared embarrassment. But they walked on, and this time, no one disturbed their walk and life was as good as it could get. For him atleast.
Melody was somewhat unsure and confused of her feelings for Sota. But she did enjoy his presence nonetheless.

The picture is of a hummingbird and a thistle if you didnt know.
Thank you for reading and for your support!
I just want to say to x_justafangirl_x that you inspired the idea of using a song. Hope, you like this song attached, just as much as I loved your song Finding Her Again. :)

And thank you so much to all my readers josettashum, harikun, citrusboy,mzmii247365 and everyone else that I'm really sorry that I didn't mention you. Just tell me who you are. thank you :)

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