Stand Up for Yourself

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The next day,
In the boy's locker room at the Cricket Club...

Yuzuru, Javi and Nam were huddled around each other whispering and looking at each other with smirks on their faces as they exchange eye contact.

'Morning guys....'
Sota had walked in.
'Now what are you three doing, looking all sneaky and suspicious'

The three bros snapped their heads up instantly and gave him a sideways smile with an undeniable teasing look on their faces.

''s you and your Thistle doing?' Asked Javi.

Sota just blinked and froze.

Nam laughed, 'yeah, we know. Some birdy told us.'

Yuzuru grinned widely and said, 'You better be careful Sota, word travels fast around here. Nothing stays a secret in the Cricket Club forever'

'Um, what are you talking about?' Sota had raised his eyebrows in question.

'What, don't tell me you haven't asked Dy out?'

'No, I haven't'




'But....Lainny and Gabby said they saw you guys out yesterday night talking and laughing like a sweet couple.' Said Nam.

'We were just walking to the subway station together, cause she told me she was discharged from the hospital.'

'Oh, well thank goodness no one apart from us knew, or thought we knew, otherwise the rumour would have spread like wildfire.'


2 in the afternoon...
The Cricket Club was suddenly so full of people with their cameras and recorders.
Yes, they are the press.
And yes, they are here to interview the international skaters.
And yes, it's gonna take a really, really long time.

'Deep breath, I can do this, I can do this, just need to calm down.' Melody was muttering to herself minutes before the scheduled interview.

'Chill sista, it's just an interview,' said Javi.

'Why did coach have to do this?! I'm not gonna make it out of this interview alive,' she mumbled some more.

'You have to do this, if not, those people will just keep trying to chase after us and we can't risk you having another panic attack,' encouraged Sota.

'Will all the skaters take a seat by the table to proceed with the interview, thank you' announced that same strange lady who caught Melody yesterday.

Alaine, Gabrielle and Melody took a seat infront of loads of cameras.

And that's how the interview proceeded.

This is a question directed to Miss Chartrand and Miss Daleman. Seeing Miss Pang rise up as a competitor and a friend, do you feel she may be a threat towards the upcoming Nationals in January?

Melody mumbled under her breath, 'oh piss off, don't turn my friends into my rivals'

Alaine fakesmiled and replied, 'I definitely see her as a great opponent but I believe that, that can be a blessing as it will push both Gabby and I to improve'

Gabby pretty much said the same thing.

Do you feel it to be unfair that she is so good because of her light weight and pre-development of her body?

At that question, Melody was so pissed off, she spoke before anyone else could,

'Honestly, I couldn't care less what people think of my light weight and pre-development, I just don't get it why people are so worried about puberty hitting and me failing jumps and stuff. This happens to everyone and when it does come, I'll deal with it. Every skater over 18 has gone through this stage, and it won't be easy but they dealt with it, what makes people think I can't deal with puberty when it hits me? Right now, I'm lighter in all aspects and maybe its easier to perform with a light body, but that doesn't mean I can't do it after puberty. Why can't I take advantage now and then deal with what's to come later? Why won't skating fans get that? I'll cross the bridge when I get to it. Right now, I'm still on the smooth pathway of life and when the path gets rocky, I'll find away to deal with it, geezum. I have a right to choose what level I want to compete in, my coaching team all agree to start senior, so I don't see a problem and you shouldn't either. I have a right, and I'm using it. If I'm doing something against the rules then, SUE ME! ' She spat out all that fire in her and just KILLED the tension.

In another room, the boys were watching the live interview.
'Woah! Yeah, Dy! Give'em a piece of your mind,' shouted Yuzuru

'Oh yeah, our little sis had grown up, keep fighting like a proud Thistle!' Hooted Sota.

'Kill the press with your fire, girl!' Cried Nam.

Javi sang, 'This girl is on fire.....!'

Back to the interview...

The interviewers were so shocked at her outburst.

'Yeah, that's right, I'm not gonna just sit here and let you beseech me.'

Miss Pang, please calm down and not interupt us. You are very rude!

'You, are rude. Calling me rude because I stood up for myself when you were about to insult me!!!' Melody leaped to her feet and yelled.

Gabby and Alaine smiled at her proudly.

Miss Melody Samantha Pang! You have crossed the line!

'Then make it further.' She replied in a low, solemn voice that created this scary tension in the room.

Is that a challenge Miss?

'I'm afraid it is. Dare you to take up that challenge? Need I remind you that just cause I have a lack of male genitals, doesn't mean I can't whoop your sorry butt!'
she continued,
'I can land 6 triple Lutzes in a row, so you bet I can kick your ass 600 times in a row without getting tired of it'

The interviewers were stunned at the nerve of this girl.
One of them even whispered to the other, saying, 'she's like that Lipnitskaya girl, daring to blame the press' (As I recall, Yulia complained saying the media gets in the way)

But Melody had had enough.
She spoke into the microphone one last time, 'I am claustrophobic. So when y'all came and surrounded me yesterday, I ran because I had a panic attack. And it's all your fault! I almost died when I collapsed on the groud. My breathing was shallow and I could've gone into coma because of you annoying little pests! You owe me now, so techinically I could sue you, keep that in mind next time you call me rude! 放屁!'

And with that, she stalked off proudly, clenching her fists, this time, not in fear, but in anger. Alaine and Gabby left with her by her side like true sisters.


A week or so later...
Brian was away again, with Yuzuru and Sota, halfway across the world, attending Japan Nationals.

Melody fell on her flip again.
No surprise there...

She lay down on the freezing ice for a while, thinking....

I wonder if the press will air that interview...
It's been a few days and nothing has been said about it on the internet and TV, so I sure hope they don't air it. But what if they do? What will the figure skating fans think of me? Or worst, what will the figure skating world think of me? They'd probably realize that I'm not so nice and innocent afterall.....what to do...I guess there is nothing I can do. Nothing to do but wait. Wait for something or nothing to happen. Wait for Brian to come back. Wait for Javi to stop rambling about Miki and start focusing on his practice. Wait for Nam to finish breakfast. Wait for Yuzuru to come back. Wait for Sota to give me a warm fuzzy hug. Wait for- wait what? What did I just think??! Okay, I have to stop talking in my mind. It's probably really unhealthy for my mental state. Oh my head, it hurts, probably from brainfreeze, better get up now. Oh, I think Coach Tracy is calling me to get my lazy butt up and start skating again....

So, reluctantly, she got up and resumed training, though her heart just wasn't in it.
Thankfully, it was break time.

Javi, Nam and her, all sat at coach's room which had the TV, so they could watch the Japan Nationals drawing for Men's category.

Hanyu Yuzuru.

Yuzuru was a screen away from them. All dressed up in his suit and tie as he went up to draw his number.


'Yes! Yuzu is skating in the middle-ish. I don't think he likes going last-ish' cheered Melody.

Not long after...

Yamamoto Sota.


'Oh no, he's going last. That's unfortunate to have to skate after everyone's performance.' Melody sighed, which caused Javi and Nam to glance at her.

'What's the matter? Worried about your Hummingbird?' Teased Nam, which earned him a scowl from Melody.


Christmas day....

'It's the most wonderful time of the year...' Sang Melody as she got in the Cricket Club the next day.
No, the Coaches were not so mean as to make them have training on Christmas day, but since Melody's parents was away at Venice, Italy for Christmas break and Anniversary, she and her sisters stayed in Toronto to celebrate and have a sisters night. Javi and Miki would leave Toronto for a break on the 28th of December, but they did want to stay to watch Yuzuru and Sota at Nationals. As for Nam....well, his family is just staying in Toronto and doing the regular Christmas do.

And so, at the designated time, which is at 5am in the morning, due to timezone difference, Nam, Javi, Miki and Dy all met at the Cricket to watch the live performances.

'It's the happiest time of the year....' Melody continued singing.

'Felix Navida, prospero anyo.' Wished Javi.

'Merry Christmas! Javi, Miki'

Just then, Nam walked in and yawned.
'Merry Christmas....'

Melody smacked him on the back of his head. 'Wake up you sleepy head! It's Christmas! You can't be sleepy on Christmas, it's the most wonderful time of the year!'

'Oh yeah, have you wished Yuzuru and your hummingbird yet, Dy?'

'Yeah, I have and stop calling him that! He has a name you know'

'And what would that name be? Yamamoto Grass Thick? And Hanyu Binding Cord?' Laughed Javi.

'Hahahah I saw that. Apparently, Google translates their names into that' (Google really did that for Japan Nationals, see picture, so funny :))

They turned on the TV right before Yuzuru skated.

Yuzuru looked like a dancing flower on the ice.

When the music of Chopin started, he moved, swift like a bird.

The program was brilliant of course.

Spread eagle, Quad Salchow, FALL!!!!

Quad Toe-Triple Toe, check.

Ina Bauer, Triple Axel, check.

It wasn't his very best, but it was one of his best.

Soon enough, everyone had gone and performed except one.

Sota's poeta music came on.

Triple Axel,

Quad Toe, popped to a double.

Triple Flip- Toe loop combo, check.

You could see the disappointment washed over his face.

Yamamoto Sota is currently in 11th place.

'Oh no....he's gonna be so heartbroken' said Nam.

'Yeah, but well it's a senior competition,' Javi sighed.

Melody replied in concern,
'But he knows he could've done better'


Meanwhile, on the other side of the world.

Sota sat down at the Kiss and Cry with Orser.

She's gonna be so disappointed in that skate, in me.

Thank you for reading and your support! I might update tomorrow, but after that its Exam period, so won't be updating for few days in a row, please bare with me, thank you!

BTW, I'm wondering if I should change this book name just cause it's too long. If you come up with something please let me know, if you don't want me to change it and let me know too... :)

Also, if you see the picture....
You can see that Google translate is always the best ahaahahah.
I think my favorites are...Tanaka Criminal and No Good Takashi People ahahah, poor Keiji Tanaka and Takahito Mura, they won't be happy about that....

Btw this chapter has 2016 words :)

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