Not anywhere near over

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Their flight was at 1pm Tuesday, 8th of December. Arrived at Barcelona at 1.07pm Tuesday, 8th of December.

How did that happen? The plane just flew really fast of course! Not actually though, the time difference for Barcelona and Toronto is 6 hours. And the flight from Toronto to Barcelona is 6 hours and 7 minutes. Get it? If not, just imagine the plane flew really fast :)

The plane ride was awful...
They rode Air Canada...

'Worst airline ever!' Melody complained after they arrived and checked in at the hotel. They were in the lift going up to their rooms to rest.

'I know right! Asian airlines are the best! Western and European airlines are the worst!' Added Yuzuru.

'Yeah! The seat was so uncomfortable and the food-' started Sota.

'The food! Don't even get started on that. The food was awful. Food is life, how can anyone eat that disgusting cow poop they served!' Javi exaggerated.

Brian just kept quiet but he silently agreed with their comments.

When the lift stopped at their floor, they went separate ways.

Each of them had a room to themselves.

When Melody went in her room, she plopped on the couch, exhausted from the travelling.

Surprisingly, Sota and Melody slept through half the day until late in the evening. Yuzuru and Javi decided to go explore the city for an hour or two, before team dinner.

The young ones, don't have nearly as much experience as the adults.

During team dinner, Team Orser celebrated Yuzuru's 21st birthday ( a day late). Yuzuru was so shocked to see a cake in front of him and Team Orser and Team Japan shouting all at once to him ' Happy Birthday Yuzuru Hanyu!!!'.

That, was a great dinner. They ate and talked and took pictures until late night as no one seemed tired due to the jet lag.

'Yuzu is an oldie, he's growing moldy...' Melody sang teasingly.

Everyone laughed.

'I'm not anywhere near old, don't call me old, I don't like it' frowned Yuzuru.

The night seemed to stretch endlessly. The moon light shone glaringly and the star lit sky seemed brighter and happier than ever.

Practice sessions started at 9am starting with the Junior Men practice.

Lucky Yuzuru, Javi and Melody got to sleep longer as thier practice sessions were only starting at 3:20pm and 4:10pm.

But the most unlucky one should be Brian Orser, who has to be there for three categories of practice sessions.

Melody woke at 9am and ate breakfast at the buffet dining hall, still half asleep. When Gracie Gold and Ashley Wagner, skaters from the US, came and saw her sitting alone at a table almost falling asleep. When Gracie had a nasty and hilarious idea.
Gracie pushed Melody's face into her bowl of cereal... That sure woke Melody up.

'Wha--!' Melody, now filled with milk on her face, said.

Ashley and Gracie were doubling over in laughter and the whole dining hall burst into giggles as everyone saw what Gracie did to Melody.

'Is that how you greet me, Gracie and Ashley?' Said Melody melodramatically to her American friends.

'Hahaha, we were just trying to wake you up, and guess what, it worked!' Replied Ashley in between fits of laughter.

'I was just tired. It's like 3am in Canada right now.' Defended Melody.

After cleaning up herself, Melody returned to the table where Ashley and Gracie were now sitting.

'You! Sit here Dy!' Commanded Ashley.

'Is that how you welcome me guys?' Mocked Melody.

But she sat down anyways.

'So...which guy is it?' Said Ashley with an interrogation face and a mischievous grin.

'Huh?' Replied a confused Melody.

'Oh come on. We've heard that a new Japanese Junior has moved to Toronto to train with Orser and he's about your age. So which guy is it that you like now? Yuzuru, the Great Olympic champion with the sunshine personality, or Nam, the National champion with the joyous, or should we say, spicy, personality, is it Javi, the World champion with the funny personality...but oh wait, Javi's taken by Miki, or is it the new mysterious Junior boy skater, hmm?' Interrogated Gracie.

'What are you talking about? There is no guy I like.' Relied Melody with a slightly tainted pink face.

'Oh come on, your face tells it all. You are so easy to read Dy, I don't think you're even a girl. You're like a guy who wears his heart on his sleeve!' Exclaimed Ashley.

'I don't wear my heart on my sleeve'

'Uh huh..sure.' Nodded an unconvinced Gracie.

The conversation included teasing Melody and talking about skating obviously.

As she was about to leave, Ashley called out.

'You wanna join us for lunch later?'

'Sure, that would be awesome.'

And so, Sota had lunch with Shoma Uno, his Team Japan friend in the senior Men category. Yuzuru had lunch with Javi. And Brian had lunch with Rafael (Ashley's coach) and Frank Carroll (Gracie's coach). Didnt want to make Brian feel all alone, now do we? :)

During lunch, Ashley, Gracie and Melody, talked endlessly about skating, what else would they talked about right?
And obviously, some girl gossiping was included.
But, no matter how much Melody tried to steer them away from the topic, it still came up.
'So, which guy is it? You never did answer us.' Said Gracie, now smiling really widely.

'Of course I did, I said it's no one. And besides, I don't have time to have crushes'

'Yeah yeah, that's what they always say'

'Its true though, busy school life, busy skating life. Lots of stuff to do. No time for useless things.'

'How can you say love is useless?!' Gasped Ashley.

'What, don't tell me you have a boyfriend whom you're in love with?' Winked Melody.
Time to play the triumph card, she thought.

'Wha-- no! And don't change the subject!' Cried an embarrassed Ashley.

'I'm not changing the subject, I'm dropping it'

'But the fact that you seem loveless is shocking considering how you are skating to Phantom of the Opera, the greatest love story of all time, in your exhibition.' Said Gracie.

'But it's cause I've watched the Phantom of the Opera, and I love it, that's why I chose to skate to it. Not because its my love story. Besides, it's not the only exhibition I have. I'm also doing Ave Maria and Let It Go, for my other exhibitions.'

'Oh you have 3 exhibitions? Cool!' Said Ashley.

And from there, the topic changed again.

Finally, it was 3:20pm. Which meant practice time...for Senior Women.

Melody got most of her elements down, except of course, the Flip.

She exchanged convos with Gracie and Ashley in between jumps but other than that, was fully focused.

Sota and Shoma Uno, were watching the Senior Women's practice especially, Melody, which Sota introduced to Shoma later on.

After pratice, it was Shoma's, Yuzuru's and Javi's turn for practice.

Since Sota was now alone, Melody decided to ask him if he wanted to explore the city together.
Stuttering and blushing, Sota agreed to it.

Around the city they went, not far from the CCIB ( skating arena) of course. Talking and strolling on the peaceful streets, that is, until.....

As they were getting a drink at a stand some photographer, who apparently, recognized them as skaters participating in the GPF came up to take a picture of them.

When they realized, she was someone form the pres, they ran without taking their drinks. Melody noticed her first, and grabbed Sota's hand and sprinted away. Despite the rush they were in, it was quite the exciting thing to be running around the city playing cat and mouse with someone they knew where not nearly as fast as them and could never catch them.

After about 1.5 km of running non stop, Melody finally found a quiet alley way that had no one that seemed to recognized them. Still holding Sota's hand, she dragged him beside her and hid behind the alleyway. As they had been running for a while, Sota was panting and huffing loudly, but Melody was just breathing normally and quietly, making sure that pres lady didn't see them here. But Sota was too loud, they would surely be found. So she clasped her right hand on his mouth to quieten him.

Sota's heart suddenly stopped working for a second. His face turned a deep shade of crimson as he realized her left hand was still holding his and now her right hand was over is mouth. It was all too overwhelming for him to have so much contact with a girl ever. Thankfully, she didn't see his face turn red, as she was peeking behind the wall to see if the pres lady had followed them here.

When she turned back, Sota managed to return his face to its normal colour and decrease his rapid breathing.

When she took her hand of his mouth, he asked her if the lady was gone and she nodded.

'Where are we now?' Asked Sota.

'No idea. And I left my phone in my room. Great, its not like we can google map our way back now' she sighed.

'I have my phone' said Sota.

'Really? Great! Can you use it to get us back?'


As he reached in to his pocket to grab his phone, he noticed she still hadden let go of his hand. And he found that the longer they held hands, the more he didn't want her to let go. But he was the one that had to let go to search how to get back to the CCIB.

As they followed Google maps to get back, Sota asked 'How were you not breathing hard after we ran like 1.5km?'

'Well, you know I do cross country, so I guess that helps with the stamina and speed thing.' She shrugged.

'That's why you can do 6 triple Lutzes in a row?'

'You saw that? Last Friday?'

'Yeah, it was pretty awesome.'

'Ahh thank you.'

Finally, they arrived back to the CCIB in time to watch Yuzuru do a run through of his short program, whilst Javi did a run through of his Free skate.

After Mens practice...

'Why are both of you sweating like crazy?' Questioned Javi.

'Speak for yourself! You're the one that's sweating like mad. But we'll tell you about it later.' Replied Melody.

They had Team dinner though they were all really tired. Jet lags issues. Poor kids. Little did they know that the journey is no where near the end.

Their day wasn't even over....they still had the opeming ceremony to attend.
What a day of excitement, tiredness, shock and exhaustion.

Wait til tomorrow.....
Then, today wouldn't be half as tiring as tomorrow would be.

Hey guysss, happy new year.... thank you for reading and btw I'm not deliberately insulting Air Canada, jus cuz. I have took the airline before it wasn't the greatest so yeah. But if you feel offended, im sorry. But thus sort of thing is subjective I suppose. Hope you enjoy your new year!!

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