The Journey

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The weekend flew by, and so did the weekdays. Soon came the time Melody has been waiting for.

'Grand Prix Final.......!!!!!!!!!!' Was the first thing she said, or rather, yelled out in the morning when she got up.

And no, she wasn't late or anything. For she had packed everything she needed a week ago, once she found out she qualified for the GPF. Well, she packed everything except her skating boots obviously, cause she still needed them to practice.

After saying goodbye to her family, she walked on like an important person, with deeds to do and dos to deed.

The bus ride to Toronto from Kingston was long.....But nothing killed her excitment.

Well, nothing until the obnoxious boy showed up.

By then, she came marching into the Cricket Club after arriving at Toronto, wet and cold and angry.....

'气死人, 我恨他,那个死笨蛋!我绕不了他! 臭屁蛋,王八蛋,混蛋!!!放屁! 吃大便,吃粪便… …'
She ranted and cursed aloud in Mandarin. Her luggage was
dropped off and she went off to clean herself from the muck and water that soaked her, whilst doing all that, she was still ranting in Mandarin to no one in particular.

The Cricket brothers stared at her in shock.
'What language is she speaking, do you guys know?' Asked Javi, who thought all Asian languages (Korean, Japanese, Mandarin etc) all sounded the same.

'Its not Japanese, that's for sure' confirmed Yuzuru.

'I think it's Mandarin' said Sota.

'Yeah, it is, I know a bit of Mandarin'
Confirmed Nam.

'You do?' stared three pairs of unbelieving eyes.

'Can you tell what she is saying?' Asked Yuzuru.

'Uh, you don't want to know what she is's mostly swearing and curse words in Mandarin.'

'Oh, wow, Dy swearing? That is so uncharacteristic of her.' exclaimed Javi.

'How about someone go and ask her what is it that made her so mad?' Said Sota.

'Not gonna be me!' Yelled Yuzuru.
'She's scary when she's angry.'

'Yuzu, you scared of a 14 year old girl?' Teased Nam.

'Yeay yeah, laugh all you want, you can try talking to her when she's mad, see if you like it.'

And the end, Nam went.
And...he didn't like it one bit, but atleast he found out why she was angry. So apparently, some obnoxious, rude and mean kid, came along cycling on his bike and, as it rained the night before, there was a huge puddle on  the ground which the boy rode over just to splash her, as she was on the side walk on her way to the Cricket Club. After, he splashed her wet, he turned around and laughed at her. So, that kinda ruined her mood, but it didn't make her any less excited, she was just a little bit sore. (And yes, it rained, not snowed.... It's actually so warm in Toronto right now. Its 11 degrees, shocking.... And everyone thought Canada was Antarctica itself)

Hey guyssss, sorry for the short chapter, but I won't be updating until a week later cause I'm on holiday. I'm actually in the plane right now. Anyways, thank you for reading and pls be patient with me... :)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!!

PS: So excited for Japanese Nationals.......

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