Boy's Night Out

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'Good practice guys' Melody greeted the cricket bros after thier hard practice of the night was over.

'Why thank you' replied a sassy Yuzuru. He step forward for a hug but she stepped back.

'I'm sorry, but I'm gonna have to decline your hug offer, cause you stink, Yuzu. And I just took a shower.'

'Mean' pouted Yuzuru.

After 20 minutes of showering, there was almost no one left at the Cricket Club. And the Cricket bros (now including Sota) had finally finished showering and cleaning up their sweat glands. They all hopped into Brian's car and got dropped off. How did all 6 of them fit in a 5 seater car? Melody had to sit on Yuzuru's lap.

Talking, talking, talking....

'Wow, you guys shower longer than my sis. That's saying something. I grew a beard 5 foot long while you people took 600 hundred years to shower.'

'Yeah, cause we wanted to clean every part of our stinky body, you know?' Said Javi with a not-so-innocent smile.

'That's just sick'

'Especially Yuzuru, you know. He wanted to make sure you'd never deny him a hug ever again.' Said a very exaggerated Sota

'Oh, you guyssss. Yamamo- uh I mean Sota, since when did you join in with this lot of no-good... cockroches?'

'Since a minute ago, last I checked'

'You.....looked so innocent, and now you're just an evil little crockroch, like them' she frowned.

'How dare you call us evil crockroches, we, are far from evil, right Brian?' teased Javi.

Brian just shaked his head with raised eyebrows and the corners of his mouth were tilted slighty, just slighly upward.

'Aww coach, aren't we your little angels?'

'Hohoho, far from it.' Said Brian as he came into play.

'Stop frowning, Dy. It doesn't look good.' Said Nam

'I think it's cute' said Sota.


'Ahm, thank you?' Melody replied unsure of what to say.

'Alright alright, we are here. Now lets eat, my hungry stomach can't take this starvation anymore.' Announced Javi loudly.

The whole Cricket Team had so much fun. Even though, no one really recognized them. The people at the diner were staring at them.

These guys really do stand out, even if no one recogmizes them. Thought Melody.

'So, Sota, why the sudden switch to Canada?'

'Well it wasn't really sudden, my mum had discussed this switching in the Summer and decided that it would be better to switch now cause school would be over.'

'Aww, you poor saps....High school kids' laughed Javi at Melody, Nam and Sota, who were unfortunately still in high school.

'What programs are you skating to this year, Sota?'

'It's Poeta for the short, and Tchaikovsky's piano concerto number 1 for the Free. What about you guys?'

Before anyone else could answer, Melody replied, 'For Javi, it's Flamenco, and Guys and Dolls. For Yuzu, it's Chopin Balade number 1 and Seimei. For Nam it will be Sinnerman, and some piano piece I don't remember, sorry Nam. And for me it's Selections by Elvis Presley and Riverdance.'

4 pairs of eyes stare at her in amazement.

'You memorized everyone's programs? Except Nam's Free? That's impressive' said Sota.

'Hahah yeah, Cause I watched y'all all the time, so yeah, obviously I would know. Don't tell me you guys don't know my programs?'

They shifted eye contact and kept silent.

'I guess not' said Melody who was rather shocked.

'I guess I don't mean much to this team huh' she said mockingly.

'No you don't' replied Yuzuru mockingly too.

'Aww aren't you hurt' mocked Nam this time.

'No I'm not. You see this,(shows a very small size) this, is how much I care.'

'So you do care a tinsy bit' teased Sota.

'Ugh...just, just don't talk to me.' She said in fake exasperation.

And they all burst out laughing.
The rest of the night was as fun and full of laughter. Afterall, Yuzuru, Nam, Javi, Melody and Sota make a very amusing group of comedians. And Sota felt very welcomed and accepted.

So yeah, you could say it was a good night for them. They have had worst nights after all.

Hey readers, thank you for reading. I'm sorry if you might find it a little boring for these few chapters cause I wanted to introduce my character and set up the plot, which would and should be more interesting, afterall, the GPF is coming up a few chapters later I think? I don't know, i haven't planned this out chapter by chapter, but we all know what happened there ;) some very exciting things that's for sure.
If you are enjoying the story, thank you and keep reading, cause it just gets better and better.... :))

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