Hard Practices

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She slept well. 

Got up in the morning, got ready for morning session, and headed straight to the subway to the Cricket Club. As she got on, she saw a familiar silhouette of Sota Yamamoto.

'Hey! Yamamoto Sota! HEY again!'

She slapped him on the back and greeted him.

'Ah! Good morning. You take this subway too?'

'Yep! By the way, what should I call you? Yamamoto-sempai? Yamamoto-kun? Yamamoto-san? Cause I know in Japan, you call each other by your last name with an honorific.'

'Yah, no need for that, just call me Sota.'

'But- are you sure? No. It sounds too informal. How about Yamamoto-sempai?'

'No no no. That's too formal. Sota is fine. You call Yuzuru, Yuzu right?'

'Yeah, but even so...when I first met Yuzuru, I called him Hanyu-sempai for like the first 2 weeks'

'Really? hahaha'

The subway came to a stop, and they got off side by side, talking and laughing as though they were long time friends, when in fact, they don't really know each other outside of figure skating.

'What country do you represent when you skate competitively?' Asked Sota, as he realized he didn't know what country she represents.

'Ah, Canada.' She replied matter-of-factly as if she would never choose to represent any other country.

'So where do you go to school?' Sota questioned.

'I actually stay in Kingston, a small town a few hours drive away from Toronto. But every Friday nights, I take the Mega-bus to Toronto to train here for the weekend and then I take the bus back to Kingston on Sunday nights and resume school there on Monday. And it's not too expensive cause I have this yearly bus-pass to travel back and forth from Kingston to Toronto. But I do train every week days after school at the local rink, The K-Rock Centre, it was where Canadian Nationals where held last year. Yeah, it is pretty weird, but I hate Toronto, no offence to you, but I hate big cities, but I like the coaching team here so....'

'Wow that's pretty insane. So you've been travelling here back and forth since you started training here?'

'Ah no, I actually grew up here and moved to Kingston last Summer cause my mom found a better job there.'

'Oh, I see. Do people recognize you? In school or here?'

'Not before the Skate Canada Grand Prix this year. Like my friends knew i figure skate, but they didn't realize I was skating competitively this year until Skate Canada that is. Cause my stupid annoying teachers had a recognition assembly for all the school clubs and sports association the day after Skate Canada was over and they showed the whole school the video of me skating competitively. It was embarrassing, so now the whole school knows I figure skate and I compete. It so weird, honestly. Like, when I walk around school I can feel people look at me weirdly. And one random guy that I didn't even know asked me if I had a wikipedia page!'

'Ahahahhahaha, do you though?'

'I don't know, I don't go around searching myself up on wikipedia. What about you? Don't you get a lot of attention in Japan since figure skating in Japan is like Hockey in Canada?'

'Yeah, people in my class know I figure skate competitively, I don't mind people knowing, but it does get tiresome when dealing with the press. I kinda like it here, no one recognizes me here and I can walk the streets without getting stampeded, or get shoved from pillar to post by fans and press.'

'Ugh, I can't imagine that. It must be horrible. I'm claustrophobic and I get panic attacks. Good thing I'm not Japanese.'

They finally reached the Cricket Club only to find Yuzu, Javi and Nam already putting on their skating boots.

'What took you guys so long?' teased Javi.

'Well we met at the subway and walked here, so I guess we kinda talked a lot and walked pretty slowly.' replied Melody.

When they were all on the ice, Brian came out and training started. By the end of the hour, they were all dripping with sweat and longing for food. So naturally they ate together at the Cricket Club's café.

'So, how was your first training Sota? What did you think of it?' asked Nam.

'Eh, it was hard, and I'm so tired already.'

'Well, don't get too tired, that was just the beginning. At 11, we've got an hour an half of off-ice training.'

The off-ice training was even harder. The boys and girl had to do multiple exercises to build core strength, balance and centerness, leg muscles, speed, agility and flexibility and of course, endurance and stamina.

But after that, they were off to explore the streets of Toronto and get lunch. Together, obviously. They wouldn't be a team if they didn't do everything together, would they?

After strolling a while, looking for what to eat, they finally decided to have 'pao', a chinese culture, bun-like food. But... the queue was long and there were so many people. 

'Oh, forget it, we'll find something better.' said Yuzuru.

'Nothing is better than 'pao'' Insisted Nam.

'Wait right here, I'll get it' said Melody.

'But---- well she's gone, but how does she expect to get through that crowd of 'pao' lovers? She could get squashed' said Yuzuru worriedly.

A minute later, she came back looking just fine with five 'paos' in her hands.

'Here, you go.' She distributed their lunch.

'But--how did you do that without being squashed?'

She grin mischievously. 'Perks of being small sized, and being able to speak mandarin.'

'You can speak mandarin?' Nam asked, looking impressed but also stuffing his mouth full with his beloved 'pao'.

'Sure can. I'm Chinese after all. I can speak French too, if you would like to try' she laughed.

Later at 5:30 at night....

Melody sat in the Cricket Club café doing her homework and revising for a science test. 

'Sigh, so much to study and catch up on. I only missed a few days of classes cause of NHK, and now I don't even know what we are learning about in class, and then I've got this darned biology test on Monday......I hate school, I wish I could just drop out and pursue life as a figure skater. Then I could train full time and finally get the Flipping Flip down cleanly with no edge errors.'

Gabrielle Daleman and Alaine Chartrand walked in and said at the same time 'Dy!!'

She shot her head up and saw her training mates.

'Lainyyyy...Gabbyyyy.......You two look ready for practice.' Melody replied.

'You sure don't' said Alaine.

'Yeah, school issues and homework....you know...sucks still being in school....'

'Aww, well at least you get to have a more social life in school. Lainy and I don't even get to see that many friends anymore cause we're so tired and busy all the ti---' Gabby was interrupted by non other than Brian.

'Dy? Alaine? Gabby? Stop yappin and get warmed up, practice is in 20' Yelled Brian.

An hour later......

'Oh my muscles are still sore...don't know how i'm gonna last an hour and half of training.' said Javi to no one in particular as he walked into the Club.

Yuzuru was by the rink warming up while teaching Nam basic Japanese, whilst Nam was teaching Yuzuru VietNAMese. (see what I did there :))

When Sota arrived and they were all on the ice getting ready for Brian to start with the training, Melody was all sweated up and ready to leave in the next 30 minutes.

Jumps and spins and footwork....they practices their technical elements this training session while Brian coached them on what to improve on, how to improve and on how to continue practicing.

'Pheww that was a hard one....I'm going off to shower now. I'll come back and watch you guys practice until you finish, then we can all leave for 'boy's night out' together.' Melody said cheerily, glad that practice was over.

'Okay' replied Yuzuru, who had just landed his famous spread eagle-triple Axel-spread eagle sandwich with much ease.

Brian looked away from his 'sons' who were on the ice just for a while to say 'Thank you for coming in early today to practice with Gabby and Alaine, do you think you could do that again next next week? I like letting you girls train together for a while so you can all learn from each other.'

'No problem Coach' 

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