Who Is This Girl

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'So this is your training time slots and schedules for each day, and since I kinda have my handful in time slots....  how about we put your private session on Friday nights, which means you'd be in the same time slot as Dy, uh i mean Melody, she trains competitively too and you'll get to meet her later, or now actually, since she should be on the ice now. So since I have 3 top senior male skaters (Yuzuru, Javier and Nam), and 3 top senior female skaters (Dy, Gabby and Alaine), and now you, a top junior male skater, I set private time slots for all of you, to give each of you one-on-one coaching time with me. Anyways since she's a girl, you guys won't ever have to compete against each other so I don't see how training together would be a problem, unless you really want to do it alone? No? Okay, so it's settled then. '

Sota understood about 50 percent of what Orser just said, but he nodded like an intelligent boy.

As Brian Orser led Sota to the rink to watch Melody's private session to get what it's like, Melody was practicing her triple Lutz, infact, she did 6 triple lutzes in a row. And was awarded with applause from Javi, Yuzu and Nam who were by the stands watching.

Sota's eyes widden at the speed and height of her triple Lutzes.
Who is this girl? He thought.
How can anyone do 6 triple Lutzes with such an effortless look?

'Dy! Stop doing so many Lutzes, and work on the Flip, you'll tire yourself out before you start your short program.'

Melody frowned and skated over to Brian. 'But coach! I hate the Flip, I've been struggling with it for sooooo long.... I don't think I'll ever get it landed without an edge call' she frowned, and she frowned hard.

Yuzu spoke up, 'It's sorta like my quad Salchow, it took me three years to land it consistently, but it isn't impossible, you know. Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I m possible'

'Exactly what Yuzu said, now how about we start with the triple loop tano, from the spread eagle first, and then try the double axel from the spread and then do the running edge to the double axel and exit through the fan spiral and Ina Bauer.'

As she did as told, Sota just sat by the rink side, unsure if he should talk to the cricket brothers (yuzu, javi and nam if you didnt know).

As it turns out, he didn't need to, because Brian introduced him to Javi and Nam whereas Yuzu just gave him a bro hug as they know each other already.

'Alright now come back and do the triple Lutz-triple toe loop combo, 3 times. ' Brian said.

She did as told again, but this time, when she did her first triple Lutz, Brian took a video of it and showed it to the cricket brothers and Sota.
'See her arms in the entry of that triple Lutz, they appear soft and delicate and then when she takes off and jumps from the back counter, she snaps her arms in, instantly. Thats why she rotates fast as it increases speed which then gives her a little air time to land perfectly so that she never misses the triple toe at the end of the combo'

The four boys watched her triple Lutz take off in slow-mo and awed at the beauty when she landed it.
Yuzuru sighed longingly 'Wish my triple Lutz-triple toe combo was that perfect and didn't bail on me all of last season. My short program was basically screwed because of this combo and yet she nails it so textbook perfectly.' (Bear in mind Yuzuru doesn't have such good English ;) but im lazy to make him talk with broken English)

'Alright Dy, when do you wanna give the Flip another shot?'

'Never?' Replied Melody.

'How about now'

'How about no?'

'Don't you sass me Dy, come on give it a try and then we'll take a break and start the short program'

She frowned hard again but tried to relax going into the triple flip, the one triple jump she just can't land without falling or getting an edge call.

And ready.

And up.

And rotate.

And LAND!!!!!

And Fall :(

'Correct edge but your axis was tilting and the shoulders were too far to the right'

Sigh, when will I ever get the Flip down.....she wondered.

She went for a little water break and wiped the sweat of her face.

Then went back on the ice to prepare to run through her short program, selections by Elvis Presley( I am sorry Yulia lipnitskaya, but im gonna steal her short program for my character and Rika Hongo's long program cuz i absolutely love them, sorry Rika and Yulia)

Meanwhile, Sota was thinking 'Wow, she's good, I wonder how old is she?'

'She's 14.' Said Yuzu.

'Wait, I said my thoughts aloud?'

'Yes, you did' laughed Javi.

'Oh well, I have never seen her compete at any competition before. And -and why is she in the senior women category when she is only 14?'

'Well, you've never seen her in competition before cause this is her first year competing. She's always trained under Orser since she was 7 and she learnt all the jumps, techniques and components of figure skating but have never wanted to compete or never felt ready until last year. And she didn't want to have to switch from junior to senior later, so she decided to start senior and Brian says her skating is senior level to began with, so why not just skip juniors. But she has performed before in front of big crowds and audiences so they don't scare her. In fact, she used to train to perform and entertain people in ice shows, in lots of ice shows. Recently, Brian told her that since she's got the levels of skating why not just try competing. He tried persuading her to compete for two years and she finally accepted. Story of her life. And so Brian moved her training slot to our times.' Explained Yuzuru to Sota in Japanese.

'Oh that's cool, how does she have such endurance and energy to do 6 triple Lutzes in a row?!' Replied Sota in English this time. Trying to improve his English?

'Still fawning over that? Yeah it is amazing, but i guess it's partly cause she is in the cross country team at school and so she runs like 5 kilometers every other day. So she builds up masive stamina' Mentioned Javi.

As the music started she skated like Elvis on Ice and nailed her triple Lutz-triple toe combo and triple loop tano but had a little shaky landing on the double axel, but other wise did a fairly good job with the step sequence and spins although she lost some centerness and concentration and started to travel a little in the I-spin.

'Good job Dy, that was good' said Javier

'Better than at NHK Trophy?'

'Definitely' replied Nam

'I screwed up real bad there and yet still stayed in second place, no idea how that happened but oh well, now I'm going to Barcelona for the GPF !!!! Ah so excited. First year competing and I'm in the most prestigious international competition besides worlds. ' she ranted happily, satisfied with her improved performance.
'By the way, Yuzuru, Javi, Nam, why aren't you all going home yet, it's not like it's your private practice session?'

'Since Yuzuru just came back, we thought we might stay for a while to watch you, which would sorta make your private session not so private anymore but oh well, its not like we are gonna tell you're competitors how you're doing and its not as if we would ever have to compete against each other now is it?' Said Nam with a point.

Brian interupted them. 'Oh Dy, come here, there's a new student who would be training along side you lot, and he's having the same private session as you if you don't mind'


'Go warm down and then come over'

When she walked over, she saw a slim Japanese figure and realized it was Sota Yamamoto, the boy she met earlier.
'Hey, it's you, hi again.'

'Hi Dy, is it?'

'Ah yes that's me'

Brian creased his eyebrows in shock and said 'You already met?'

'Ah yeah, just now when I fell down and he helped me up and I led him to your office....'

Just then, Yuzuru, Nam and Javi had just finished whispering among themselves and turned to Brian, Sota and Melody, saying 'How about we have boy's night out tomorrow to welcome Sota, Brian?'

'Sounds like a good idea, but it will be after practice right?'

'Of course, we'll just have to make sure Sota isn't too exhausted from training' said Yuzuru with an evil grin.

'Oi, Dy? You coming?' Said Nam.

'Huh? Isn't it a boy's night out? Since when was I a boy?'

'Since we met you! We have always treated you like one of the boys haven't we?' Smirked Javi.

'Oh whatever...alright I'll come'

'Yamamoto-senshu, we are going to celebrate your coming to the Cricket Club tomorrow night, is that okay with you?'

'Ah of course, thank you Hanyu-sempai'  replied a polite as always Sota.

'Well I am tired, so I'm gonna go back to my sister's apartment now, night guys, see ya'll tomorrow for morning training.' Said Melody, as she put on her winter gear and headed to the subway since practice was over.

'Bye Dyyyyy' waved Yuzu, Javi and Nam loudly. Sota just kinda smiled and went into a car with his mom in it.

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