Stars Are Shining

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I love you

The three words he'd been wanting and waiting for Melody to say.
She finally said it...

Sota sat in the hospital room lost in his thoughts, waiting for her to wake up.

He glanced at her peaceful face and flashed back to what happened in the middle of Hubert Street.


'Because... I finally did something to prove that I love you'

He just stared blank at her in surprise.

'There you go, that's my answer to you. Now you won't have to wait and endure anymore.'
Though she smiled, her eyes expressed the physical pain she was in.

' me?'

'Don't make me say it again,' she teased, but it soon followed with a winced.

'Where are you hurting?'

As she said this, she really couldn't keep herself from slipping into darkness anymore.

But before she lost all conscience, she brought her hand into his and gave it a weak squeeze, muttering,
'don't let go'.

He replied with a secure, reassuring squeeze and said aloud, 'I won't. I promise.'

Looking down at her, he sang.
His voice started out horribly cracked, but it got more calm and soothing the more he sang. By the time he finished there was just the slightest smile on her face.

What you need to know,
Is to try to let it go, let it go.
What you need to find,
Is someone who never will let you go.
Sunshine and city lights,
Will guide you home.
Yeah you gotta know,
I'll never let you go.

Yeah you gotta know,
I'll never let you go...

Not long after, the ambulance came and they went to the hospital.


Brian walked in with the doctor with the news of Sota's lifetime.

The man in the white coat showed nothing but sympathy and pain and started explaining.

'Your friend over here is alright. She'll wake up soon, but she has a mild stage of muscle injury. Muscle injuries occur when the force in the muscle is so great that the tissue begins to tear. This can occur within the muscle itself, where the tendon attaches to the bone, or most commonly, at the junction between the muscle and tendon.

She would often lose some strength and range of motion with a muscle injury.

These injuries generally take about 2-3 weeks to improve.

They also result in pain, swelling, and loss of strength and motion.

Many athletes are able to return to their previous level of competition, but since scar tissue forms at the site of injury, they may be susceptible to another injury at that location.'

When the doctor was done rambling, Sota looked at him with intense and solemn eyes.
'There's more, isn't there? It can't just be a muscle injury or you wouldn't look so pitiful'

Brian exchange eye contact with the doctor.
'Yes, you're right. The question is, are you prepared to hear it?'


'....well....the car that hit her cause her to fly across the road which resulted in a head injury. Good news: the head injury wasn't major. Bad news: she may have a slight case of amnesia.'

The words just sank in slowly and painfully.

Amnesia? Not major injury?
Uh, hello?! Don't think those four words go together....

'But it's not long term amnesia, so she would remember her family and friends. It's just a short term memory lost. So for the time being, she might not be able to remember who she met..say, maybe a month ago?'

Sota sunk back into his chair, covering his face with his hands in despair.

'No no no! That's not possible! It can't be happening'

Trying to be sympathetic, the doctor took a seat next to Sota and settled for a talk.
'What is she to you? Did you guys only meet a month ago?'

' We met two months ago'

'She'll still likely remember you then. Are'

'Yes. No. Well, not exactly....'

The doctor kept quiet so Sota continued.

'I confessed to her few weeks ago, and we sort of continued as friends until yesterday, she told me she loves me...and now she won't remember it. Now we're back to square one. Just friends.... Took us how long to get together and now fate will have us separated again.'

'Do you need sometime alone?'

'Yes please'

The doctor left the room, leaving Brian awkwardly standing by the side of Melody's bed.
Brian tried consoling him.
'So...uh, the doctor did say there was a chance that she won't have amnesia'

'Those chances were slim to none....SLIM TO NONE! It's not likely to happen...don't give me false hope, Brian'

'Okay......I'll just leave then. I'm gonna contact her family and Yuzu, Javi and Nam. You can find me back at the hotel'

Once Brian left, Sota pulled his chair up beside Melody's bed.

He grabbed her hand and mumbled, 'I'll never let you go...even if it means we have to start back as friends, we're not broken, just bent, and we can learn to love again.( who sang that part when they were reading it ;)) I don't care how long it takes, there's no way, NO way, you are slipping away again.

Now I wish you didn't love me, Dy. I wish you didn't love me so much to sacrifice yourself to save me. Then you wouldn't be here suffering.....But you might be like me, hurting mentally.....No, I won't allow you to go through what you are putting me through right now. But then, I think if I had amnesia, I'd probably still wake up remembering and thinking about you.' Sota sighed heavily. But the voice in the back of his head seem to be giving him false hope, whispering,

what makes you think she doesn't love you enough to remember you?


4 hours later was the Men's free skate. Sota had no energy left in him, both physically and mentally. He had given all that he could give, there was nothing more to it.

I'll give all that I have left,
For Her

He did it!
He won, the 2016 Youth Olympics.

This time he skated as Raoul...

For his Christine...

His love who was still lying on a bed...

not yet awaken...

who might not even remember him when she wakes....

if she wakes....

The stars seemed awfully bright this particular night. Little spots of starlight danced around in the darkness, burning on endlessly. Horizons crossed and met at intersections but vanished behind puffs of clouds.

Stars are shining Canada, in Japan, in Lillihammer...literally everywhere.

But tonight, two stars were twinkling especially powerfully, outshining every other star out there in the universe. Their brightness never fades, not even when the clouds cover them from view. Because they know, that these clouds are only temporary, they don't last forever.

But they'd burn forever for each other anyways.

Perhaps this is the fault in their stars...

The fact that they'd burn for each other forever and ever, overly brightly.

The fact that they care for each other way too much, enough to sacrifice themselves...

As promised, x_justafangirl_x :)

Yayyyyy congrats Sota, Deniss and Dmitri for a great podium finish in the Youth Olympics!!!! My good luck thoughts worked. Except for Roman who finished short in Fourth place :((

Now I can't wait for Russian Cup Final and Four Continents!!!

Thanks for reading....
PS, play the song in the whole hospital scene and you might just cry....

Btw, you notice why I make Sota sing often? Cause he's a figurative hummingbird!!! Singing to his withering flower.... :))

I didn't make the fan art, disclaimer! Full credit to whomever made it

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