Training Camp

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Brian announces to the Cricket Siblings that they'd be having a training camp since it was a school holiday that week and they were staying in Toronto that whole week.

Day 1 of training.
Well not actually, since the camp starts at 7pm cause of...




Smeared with whipped cream, drenched in Ginger Ale, and sprayed with silly string, Melody chased after the four boys after training that Sunday.

The four boys turned around and stuck their tongue out to her and yelled, 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUCKER!'

'Oh no, you didn't!' She muttered under her breath.

She tackled them one by one and sprayed them with the rest of the Ginger Ale and silly strings.

By the time she got to Sota, there was no more silly string and Ginger Ale, so she just tackled hug him from behind which caused the whipped cream on her to smear on him.

'Argh, GER..OFF ME!'

'Not a chance! You brought this on yourself!'

And then they got into a tickle fight and everyone joined in.

'Hahaahahaha, sto-stop it!!'

'You're hurting me! hahaha'

Javi then accidentally tripped over Nam's foot and fell on Sota, who lost his balance and fell on Melody, who grabbed Yuzuru for support but ended up making him fall over too.

When Nam was the only one standing, he jumped onto the heap of fallen over bodies and yelled, 'DOG PILE!'

Brian and Tracy came walking out of their office right that moment and speculated the tangle of bodies in front of them..... then walked away.

'Thanks for the help, Brian,' Javi said sarcastically.

'Don't mention it,' Brian replied with a twinkle in his eyes.
'Just remember, I want you all back here for the training camp at night'

As they got up from the dog pile, everyone stank of Ginger Ale and whipped cream which did not smell good together.

Wisely, they decided to take a shower before they headed out to lunch to celebrate Melody's 15th birthday before training camp started.


The squad went to Nam's to rest and talk after all the excitement from that morning and the delicious lunch.

Nam's parents welcomed the four of them and they sat in Nam's really huge room just talking, when Javi suggested they play Kill, Kiss and Marry.

'Yes! Let's start,' Nam was the only one enthusiastic about it.

'How do you play it?' Sota asked.

'Well, you name three people for someone, and then they say if they would kill, kiss or Marry the three people'


'Yep, so...wanna play?'

'Yes, but on one condition,' Melody said.


'Our names can not be used'


So they started. Javi asked Yuzuru,
'Yuzu boy! Um...let's about Gracie, Mao and Yulia'

Yuzuru didn't have to think really hard for that one.
'Kill Gracie, kiss Mao, and marry Yulia'

'Ooh, so, Yulia, eh?' Melody smirked.

Yuzuru blushed crimson and looked down.

Next, Yuzuru turned to Melody,
'Revenge time...uh...Nathan Chen, Boyang and Shoma'

'Ah.....kill Boyang, kiss Shoma, and marry Nathan?'

With that said, Sota had a disapproving glare.
How could she want to marry Nathan? Even Shoma-kun is okay....
Must beat Nathan.....

'Ooi, Potatohead! Your turn,' she slapped his cheek lightly.
'So...Polina Turskaya, Elena Radionova, and Evgenia Medvedeva'

'Um...kill Polina, kiss Evgenia, marry Elena'

'Lol, the Russian wonder babies,' Yuzuru laughed.

'Why are you laughing Yuzu? It seems that you have a thing for one of them,' Javi smirked.

'Ah shut up! Yulia is great, okay?'

'Oh, so it is Yulia?'

Yuzuru pouted.
'Can we move on...'

'Alright, alright'

Sota's turned to ask Nam.
'So...Nam...' He winked evily.
'Polina Edmonds, Rika Hongo, and....uh....Karen Chen'

'Gah, kill Rika? Kiss Karen, and marry Polina.'

'Ohoho! Have a thing for the US ladies, eh? Not exactly Canadian, Nam.' Teased Sota.

'Oh, whatevs. You're Japanese and you have a thing for a Canadian.'

Now, that, really got things a little awkward.
Take that back, 'a little awkward' was an understatement. The room went quiet and everyone was aware of that. No one wanted to speak about that, so awkwardness pretty much continued on until Melody clasped her hands together and said,
'Anyways, it's getting late. So we should pack for the camp. This is gonna be exhausting, but it's always fun'

'Oh yeah, we should.' And everyone ditched the awkwardness and went back to their homes to have dinner and pack up.
What an awkward way to end a birthday celebration.


When everyone was packed up and ready, they met back at the Cricket Club.

Brian assigned their personal schedules and team schedule, their sleeping arrangements and eating arrangements. Cause obviously, sleeping, eating and skating were the only thing they would be doing these next few days.

'Alright! You've got an hour to set up your sleeping bags and stuff in the gym, which is where you'll be sleeping, and then I want you all on the ice by 8:15pm sharp. Is that clear?'

'Yes, coach!' They saluted and headed to the gym.

Once again, the five of them began chatting away as if nothing happened awhile ago.
'I can't believe he's making us sleep in the gym! Like, seriously?' Complained Javi.

'You can't live like a king everyday ya know,' Yuzuru said in reply.


Training had them all sweating again, and forced them to all shower again.

'Man! Why can't I get my quad Salchows today!' Nam sighed, exasperated.

'I know! It's like the ice is extremely mean today. I couldn't get my Triple Axel at all. And Brian sure wasn't being nice about it.' Sota sighed alongside Nam.

'Oh yeah, hahaahahaha, I can't believe he made you do the Double Axel like 50 times cause you couldn't get the take off and landing right'


Showered and dressed into pajama bottoms and a sweater, Sota lay on his sleeping bag with his legs up against the gym wall, playing with his phone and texting Shoma.

As Yuzuru walked into their sleeping quarters, he noticed that Sota was hugging the only pillow Brian had given them.

Sota looked up.
'Oh, you want this?' He got up and handed the pillow to Yuzuru.

'Nah, it's fine. You can have it'

'No no, you can't have it. You look like you wanted it'

'Ah no. You take it. You need it'

'Nah, I don't need it. Besides, you're my Sempai, so you should have it'

'No, cause I'm your sempai, I order you, my kouhai, to have the pillow'

Then they started pushing the pillow towards each other with such force.
Javi walked in and solved all the problems.
'Well if you both don't want it, I'll have it, thank you very much'

As he grabbed the pillow, Sota and Yuzuru lost balance as their strength was being released.

Melody, who was sitting by the side, watching them in amusement, saw Sota start to fall backwards and she ran forward to grabbed his hand to prevent him from completely falling over on the hard gym floor.

But she pulled him up too hard and tripped backwards towards the sleeping bags.

And he fell forward with her.

And landed on top of her.

Faces just centimeters apart, they stared at each other for a while and just remained in that position til Javi helped Sota up.
'Jeez, how long were you planning to stay in that position'

They looked away and blushed.

Still in shock, Melody got up and went to her sleeping bag and tried to fall asleep and forget what just happened.

Sota lef the gym with Nam and spoke,
'What have I done? How could I do such a thing to a girl?'

'Chill bruh, it was just an accident'

'Yeah, but, what if she gets mad at me?'

'She won't. She's not that not understanding'

'Oh man....but wow, I never realized girls were so soft...and they smell good'

'You smelled her? Hahaha'

'Yeah, girls are just so different'

'Of course they are different'l. What did you expect them to be like? Like guys?'

'No but....well I don't know.' Sota sighed, not knowing what to do.

'Just go and apologize to her tomorrow. I'm sure by then, she'd have let it go. And besides, it was an ACCIDENT'


Back in the gym, Melody's thoughts were swirling.

Wow, okay.....that was.....weird?
Why do I feel so uncomfortable? It's not as if I've never touched him before?
In fact, I've even hugged him before, so why does this feel different?

Why does it feel different?

Thank you for reading!
Pray that Nathan Chen will be healed from his injury soon andake a full recovery. That's all I have to say I guess
Oh, and the GIF is of Shoma wishing Sota Happy Birthday, and Sota was laughing cause Shoma was using formal language...
Oh and.....
I JUST HIT 1K+ READS!!!! YAYYYYY! Although it's probably mostly me hahah


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