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Your POV 

It's been almost a week since Spencer was abducted by Tobias Hankel. Since we got him back, I've noticed that he's been wandering off every now and then and coming back like he was in a hurry. Something was up. Getting ready I decided that I was going to see if I could get it out of Reid. 

Grabbing my keys and my bag I made my way to work. After getting there I went inside hoping to see Reid there. He wasn't. I went over to Gideon as he was at his desk. "Can I borrow you for a second? There's something I would like to run by you." I said. He looked up at me from his paper before he took off his glasses and nodded. 

We went to the conference room and I closed the door as he sat down. "What is it?" I sat down across from him and sighed a little. "I'm worried about Reid." He tilted his head as he looked at me. "Why are you worried?" 

"He's been wandering off during discussions and hurries back, he's been getting lost in his head more than he used to." 

Gideon reached over the table and put his hand on mine gently. I stopped and looked up at him. "Have you talked to him?" I shook my head and he nodded gently before we heard the rest of the team. "Talk to him and then come back to me" 

Nodding we stood as I looked at the door to see Reid. He was at his desk and staring off into space, something I used to find adorable, now it just makes me worried. JJ briefed us on the case and we were ready to leave in the jet. I grabbed Reid's hand as he walked by me and he turned to look at me. 

"(y/n)? What is it?" he asked as I looked up to him. "I want a word with you, if you don't mind." I said. He looked at me for a moment before he nodded. We got onto the plane and he sat next to me on the couch. I put my stuff down next to his and looked at him as the rest were going over the file. 

"Reid, what's going on with you? Ever since we got you back from Hankel you've been acting rather strange" I said low enough for the rest not to hear but loud enough he could. He sighed gently as he looked at me. "I uh, think I need help." he said as I saw him bite his lip. Putting my hand on his I squeezed it gently. 

"As soon as we get back home we can tell the rest of the team and I can move in with you and we can go from there" I said and he nodded gently as he looked at me. "Thank you" he said and I nodded gently. I pulled him over into a hug before we went to the rest of the team to get things rolling, hearing him spout statistics calmed my nerves as we talked about the unsub. 

After we landed JJ's phone went off and she sighed after the call was over. "We have another body." she said as we looked at her. Getting into the cars we made our way over, I sat with Reid in the back while Hotch and Morgan were up front. Reid's leg was bouncing as he looked into space. I reached over and put my hand on his knee gently and it snapped him out of it. 

After we got to the crime scene we got out and made our way over to process the scene. Looking around I noticed that the body was in a secluded area and had only been there a day or two at most. I looked over to Reid as he was looking around. Finding Gideon he was walking around the scene, getting into the unsubs head. Something he did best. 

We discovered that the unsub had strangled his victims since he wanted to feel the life drain from their body. There hadn't been much of a fight so that led us to believe that he drugged them or they knew their killer. Which would make him physically weaker than them.

We left shortly after to look at the other pictures from the previous victim. Going over the file I watched as a cup of coffee came over into my view. Looking up I saw Gideon. He sat down and looked at me. "I saw you were talking to Reid. What did he say?" 

"He said he needed some help, he didn't specify what it was exactly but after we get back to Quantico I was going to move in with him and see what goes from there." I said. He nodded and stood slowly. "Sounds good, keep me posted." he left soon after as I stayed there and slaved over the file. It was getting late and most of the team had already left to go to their respecting hotel rooms. 

I needed to think. It wasn't every day that my friends were in need of help, whether it from themselves or from others. Running a hand through my hair I looked at the rest of the files that were next to me before I grabbed them and started to pour through them. Standing I started to work on listing what I noticed from the unsub. 


We got home and I looked over to Reid as we were in the main room for the building. I grabbed my reports and stood next to him after I put them in my bag. "Lead the way, boy wonder" I said and he nodded gently as we left the building. Getting into his car we made our way to his apartment. Inside I put my stuff down and looked at him. "The amount of books you have never ceases to amaze me." I said as I smiled gently. He nodded as he gave a small one. 

He walked by me before I grabbed his arm gently. He looked at me before I smiled gently. "We will get to the bottom of this, just tell me what's going on" I said. Nodding he pulled me closer to him before he nuzzled into my neck a little. It wasn't often that he reached out for affection but it was nice while it did. 

I pulled away enough to look at him. "We can get started now or wait until the morning?" I asked and he hummed gently. "The morning would suffice" he said as I giggled gently. "You and your big words, do I have to sleep with you in the same bed since you're afraid of the dark?" I asked as he rolled his eyes. "I should be fine" he said as I let him go after I kissed his forehead. "Get some sleep, boy genius. I'll be out here, probably digging through your books for some George Orwell or Jules Verne" I said. He chuckled a little and went to his room. I sighed deeply as his door shut behind him. 

Hopefully, whatever is going on with pretty boy I'll be able to help. The only thing is if he'll tell me about what's bugging him or not. For that to happen I'll have to be patient and see. I just hope he does and soon, seeing him like this is enough to kill me. 

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