Chapter 54

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It was the time of the evening, a car was moving to its destination and another car was following that car. Avni was driving one car and she was crying. Avni wipes her tears and speeds up the car. Neil was following her, he took out a cell phone from his pocket and dialled a number. Avni’s phone rang. Avni looked at the passenger seat and she saw Neil’s number. Avni ignored the call.

Neil: Avni, please pick up the call, yaar. Please.

Neil cuts the call and again he dialled the number. Avni looked at the phone and got angry. Avni speeds up her car.

Neil: Tch.

Neil cuts the call. He dialled Avni’s number several times. Neil throws the phone on the seat and speeds up the car.

On the other side, the Khanna family was sitting in the living area.

Bebe: don’t know why but I am feeling restless?

Prakash: are you ok, Bebe?

Bebe: yes, I am fine but I am feeling restless as if something wrong is going to happen.

Shweta sat.

Shweta: I am also feeling the same.

Prakash: you both are taking stress unnecessarily. Neil and Avni, both are not at home that’s why you both are feeling like this.

Bebe and Shweta looked at each other. They think.

Prakash: once they will come back, you will feel better.

Bebe smiled slightly but she was not satisfied. She was feeling restless.

On the other side, Avneil were on the way and it was the time of the sunset. Neil took his face out of the window.

Neil: Avni, please listen to me.

Avni saw Neil from the car. Neil speeds up his car and takes his car to Avni’s car. Their cars were moving in a parallel lane. Avni saw Neil.

 Neil: please Avni, listen to me.

Avni speeds up her car. Neil grins his teeth.

Neil: this girl.

Avneil reached the main road which was floating with the vehicles. They speed down their cars. Avni’s car was ahead of Neil's. The signal turned red. Avni’s car went from there but Neil was stuck in the traffic. Neil hits the steering wheel.

Neil: shit.

Neil was waiting for the traffic to get clear. He was hell irritated.

Neil: I just hope, you will not take any wrong step.

Neil caught his head. Soon, the traffic got clear and Neil starts the car. He wants to go to Avni as soon as possible. Neil speeds up his car.

On the other side, Avni reached home, the Khanna family was sitting in the living area. They saw Avni and smiled.

Shweta: Avni, you came, co…

Avni didn’t listen to her and she stormed to her room. The Khanna family got confused.

Shweta: what happened to her?

Bebe: come, let’s see.

They got up and goes to her.

Avni reached her room. She was panting. She again saw the flashes that Neil was upon Juhi. A tear falls from her eyes. Avni wiped her tears harshly and she nods. She goes to the cupboard and took out a bag. She came to the bed and kept the bag on the bed. She goes to get her clothes.

The Khanna family came to Avneil’s room and they were shocked to see Avni packing the clothes. They looked at each other. Avni saw them and she resumed her work. Avni wiped her tears and kept the saree in the bag. The Khanna family came to her.

Shweta said while coming to her: what happened, Avni, why are you packing your bag?

No reply. Avni was not in a state to talk.

Bebe: what happened my child, is everything alright?

Prakash: say bacha, what happened, you went to meet your friend, right?

Avni stopped to hear that and she thinks. She recalled what Vidyut told her. Avni resumed her work.

Prakash: Then what happened?

Avni shook her head. The Khanna family looked at each other. Avni goes to get more clothes.

On the other side, Neil reached home and he stopped the car. He stopped the car with a jerk because he was worried and was in tension. Everyone heard the car sound. They looked at the balcony. Avni understood that it must be Neil so she took her clothes hurriedly.

Bebe: who can it be? What is all this happening in this house?

Shweta thinks.

Shweta: Avni, what has happened at least tell us.

Neil got down from the car and he ran to the entrance. Neil entered and he saw no one is in the living area. Neil ran to his room.

Avni was packing her clothes.

Bebe: Prakash, you call Neil, now he can handle her.

No effect on Avni.

On the other side, Neil was running from the corridor. Neil stopped at the door by holding both sides of the door.

Neil: Avni?

Everyone looked at him. Avni also looked at Neil who was panting.

Shweta: thank God, Tillu, you came.

Neil was coming to the room and was looking at Avni. Neil looked at Shweta.

Shweta: see, Avni is packing her bag.

Neil looked at the bag then at Avni. Neil stopped near Shweta.

Prakash looked at Neil keenly he understood that Neil had an idea of the situation and the way he called Avni’s name, it puts the seeds of doubt in Prakash’s heart. Bebe also noticed Neil’s face. Shweta frowns to see Neil, she can sense that Neil is already aware of the situation.

Prakash: what has happened, Neil?

Neil looked at Prakash then Bebe and Shweta.

Shweta: Tillu.

She was about to say but Neil holds her shoulders.

Neil: mom.

Neil blinks his eyes. Shweta looked at him confusingly. Avni was packing her clothes.

Neil: mom, dad, Bebe, please don’t misunderstand me but can you give us some alone time. I want to talk to Avni.

Avni was folding the saree, and she stopped.

Neil looked at his family. The Khanna family nods. They looked at each other and then they go.

Neil closed the door and he turned. Neil saw Avni who was keeping the saree in the bag.

Neil instantly came to Avni by saying: Avni, I didn’t do anything. I.

Neil stopped near Avni who goes to the cupboard and opened the other side of the cupboard. Neil goes behind her.

Neil: Avni, nothing has happened as you are thinking.

Avni was going to the bed and was holding the bundle of the sarees. Neil was walking with her and was saying.

Neil: please, give me a chance to explain. Avni, please listen to me.

Avni kept the sarees in the bag. She again goes to the cupboard and Neil was following her. Avni took the clothes and Neil was requesting her to listen to him but Avni didn’t listen to him. Avni goes to the cupboard and came back with the clothes like this they moved several times.

Avni kept the clothes in the bag. She was about to go but Neil blocked her way. Avni looked at Neil and Neil got scared to see her red eyes which were showing deep pain. Till now, she always kept her eyelashes down as she knew that Neil will not take that side of her. He can’t see in her eyes so she kept her eyelashes down but today she was not bothered about Neil. Her pain was unbearable for her today. Avni can bear any type of torture, and worst behaviour but she can’t tolerate cheating and betrayal, never. No matter whether the person is her love or her father. She was heartbroken as the two special people of her life betrays her. They played with her emotions.

Neil looked down and moved aside. Avni goes to bring her jewellery. Neil was looking at her. Avni came with the boxes.

Neil: Avni.

Avni goes to get a small bag to pack the jewellery. She came back and she saw a saree on the bed and picked that.

Neil: Avni, you are misunderstanding me please give me a chance to explain. Give me one chance.

Avni grins her teeth, she throws the saree on the bed. Avni looked at Neil.

Avni: was our marriage a business deal?

Neil was shocked to hear that.

Neil: Wh, who told you that.

Avni: just answer me. Yes or no.

Neil: Avni, I.

Neil was about to cup her face but Avni moved back. She warned him. Neil was shocked.

Avni: Yes. Or. No.

Neil was looking at her. Neil looked down and nods. Avni looked at him now she was not shocked. She got numerous shocks so now she is ok. Avni got angry. Neil looked at her.

Neil: Avni, I was about to tell you, I…

Avni: when were you going to tell me? When? Tell me, when? After the completion of the project or at the time of giving me a divorce?

Neil was shocked.

Avni: what? Why are you shocked? You marry me for your dream project so you would have planned to give divorce to me after its completion as you must have promised to Juhi oh I am sorry, I called her name. You must have promised to your girlfriend.

Neil was shocked. He got angry but he tries to calm himself. Avni was looking at him. Neil closed his eyes.

Neil: Avni, you are misunderstanding me.

Neil looked at Avni and plead to her: please give me a chance.

Avni: you had the chance. You had several chances to tell me the truth but you choose to not tell me. Now your time is over.

Avni turned and picked up the saree. Neil tried to touch her but Avni stopped him. Neil was looking at her sadly. Avni never behaved with him that way. He misbehaved with her several times, he hurt her many times, and he crossed his limits several times but Avni never behaved with him this way. Neil was looking at Avni. Avni packed the jewellery. She goes to the cupboard and Neil again gathered the courage and he goes to Avni.

Neil: Avni.

Avni picked up the clothes in anger and her marriage dress falls to the floor. Avneil saw that and was shocked. They got emotional then they looked at each other and the pain was clearly visible in their eyes. The tears filled in their eyes.



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