//chapter five\\

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A quarter moon had passed, and Nightpaw's leg had gotten better. His throat had almost healed completely as well. Now, Nightpaw had found himself walking around the LagoonClan camp, though not quite relishing the marshy landscape that squelched beneath his paws. He usually helped Dustshine in the medicine den with the occasional injuries cats would complain about. Dustshine seemed to enjoy his company; Blazepaw had different opinions.

Nightpaw sat outside of the medicine den, his broken leg out to the side. He was enjoying the pale rays of sunshine as he watched the LagoonClan warriors bustle about the camp. And as he did, he missed his Clanmates more and more, and wondered silently if they had quit looking for him. No, Maplewish would never stop looking. Nightpaw reminded himself.

He gazed around at all the twisted trunks of the oak, rowan, cypress, and pine trees. And, with another pang, he missed the tree that he had always sat on. Nightpaw suddenly didn't know how to cope with his homesickness and wondered how he could ever survive in the LagoonClan camp for another quarter moon.

He also wondered how the hunting was in CavernClan. He knew Leaf-bare was still a little ways away, but prey would get more scarce by the day, though it would be plump. Nightpaw licked his lips at the thought of a juicy squirrel, and missed the taste of it. He had been eating mainly frogs, mice and lizards with the occasional crow. But, Nightpaw was grateful that he got any prey at all.

Most of the LagoonClan cats weren't happy to have yet another mouth to feed, and the warriors who hated having him most usually only gave him left over scraps from the prey pile. Nightpaw stretched out and looked around the clearing, ears pricked to see if he could listen in on any conversations. He knew it wasn't his place to spy on his temporary clanmates, but with nothing else to do, he began to get bored easily.

Mistpaw was lashing her tail excitedly and crouched down in front of her denmates. The apprentices seemed to be practicing battle moves. With a sudden realization, he realized he was falling way behind on training.

He noticed Slatepaw looking very uneasy about facing the strong she-cat. Suddenly, Mistpaw leaped over Slatepaw, and whipped around, grabbing his tail delicately between her teeth. Slatepaw turned and batted at Mistpaw's muzzle. The apprentice retaliated by tackling the tom, and easily pinning him on his back. She held her forepaws firmly on the gray cats chest, and Nightpaw stared in amazement.

Mistpaw caught Nightpaw's gaze, and he looked away quickly and shuffled his paws. The next thing he knew, the she-cat was padding toward him. "Hey, wanna practice with us? I know your leg is broken but surely you can do something without it."

Nightpaw looked up, hesitating. He knew he should. He was falling behind in training, and he would hate it if Rubblepaw and Robinpaw would become warriors before him. But what if he hurt his leg? Nightpaw sniffed. Dustshine and Blazepaw had gone out to collect herbs. Perhaps they would get back after he had finished.

For the first time in days, Nightpaw's golden orbs grew wide with excitement. "Sure," he mewed. He followed Mistpaw to the group, limping as he went. He hung his head, now realizing he had only learned the hunting crouch? Now you've really got yourself in a mess! He cursed himself.

Nightpaw hung his head, aware of Swamppaw's snort of disgust. "He can't even fight off a fox." The tom mewed. Nightpaw felt shame burn beneath his black and light gray pelt. Did Mistpaw regret saving him? He knew the other apprentices, except maybe Slatepaw, didn't want him anywhere near them.

Mistpaw simply flicked her white tail. "He's going to practice battle moves with us," she added more quietly into Slatepaw's ear, "he looked really bored sitting alone." The she-cat nudged Slatepaw forward. "Go on, take him first."

Nightpaw stared wide eyed at the tom. What was he supposed to do? He didn't know any battle moves, and he wasn't going to admit that to the other apprentices. If he did, what other insults would be driven in his direction? While Nightpaw was lost in his thoughts, Slatepaw pounced, rolling him on to his back.

Nightpaw pummeled the gray tom's chest with his forepaws, knowing he couldn't use his broken back leg. The black tom thrust upward with his light gray paws, and to his surprise he threw Slatepaw off. Nightpaw struggled to his paws, feeling a spark of determination. Maybe he could just use his instincts!

The black tom charged toward Slatepaw, only be jumped on top of. Nightpaw was flattened by the tom's weight and his paws sprawled awkwardly to the side. Suddenly, pain shot up through his back leg and he realized he had used it while running. He let out a quiet whimper.

Slatepaw immediately jumped off of him. "Did I hurt you? You should go back to the medicine den. You aren't well enough to fight." He glared accusingly at Mistpaw. "How could you ever think he was well enough? I might get in trouble now!"

Nightpaw got up, head down. He limped away quickly, ear tips burning with embarrassment. He brushed through the vine covered entrance and waddled to his nest. He laid down and covered his eyes miserably with his gray paws. "I should've said no..." He murmurred to himself.

"Said no to what?" Dustshine brushed through the entrance beside Blazepaw, marigold and comfrey in their jaws.

Nightpaw looked up, unwilling to tell the medicine cat he had been battling with Slatepaw. He looked at his limp leg sadly. Would he ever be able to do anything again? "Can't I go back to CavernClan?" He looked pleadingly at Dustshine, his homesickness hitting him once again.

Dustshine looked away, not saying anything for a moment. Finally, he responded, his blue eyes wary. "Stormstar isn't letting you simply leave," the brown tabby began. "He and Plumfrost are giving CavernClan an offer, and until Witheredstar agrees, you are being kept captive. We are announcing his proposal at the next gathering, in a quarter moon."

Nightpaw found sympathy in the medicine cats gaze. He narrowed his eyes into a glare. "You're saying I might never go back?" It came out louder than Nightpaw had intended it too.

Dustshine wacked his tail over Nightpaw's mouth. "I know, it isn't right," Dustshine sighed and looked around the den warily. "You might not ever be able to go home. Which is why I'm helping you escape."

Nightpaw felt a rush of gratitude rush through him. He was going home! He would be able to see his clanmates again. Maplewish would be very happy to see him, as would his siblings and other Clanmates. "When are we escaping?"

Dustshine turned away and placed the marigold leaves in one of the crevices. He pulled out the cobwebs, poppyseeds, comfrey, bindweed, and a fresh new stick. Nightpaw knew what was coming. He stuck his leg out farther and Blazepaw began to unwrap the bindweed that clung to the old stick. She took the cobwebs and began to wrap Nightpaw's broken leg after Dustshine put a fresh poultice of comfrey on. Finally the put a new stick in place and tightened it firmly with bindweed. Nightpaw realized it was very comfy.

"You will have to thank Deerstride for telling me about the cobwebs. She said they make it very comfortable." He looked down at Nightpaw. He added in a quiet whisper: "We escape tonight and I want you to have a more comfortable time. Also, I will give you poppyseeds for the pain so you can avoid making any noise."

Nightpaw brightened, and marvelled at how smart the medicine cat was. Besides being amazed by Dustshine's skills, he also felt envy. He badly wanted to become a medicine apprentice, but Palespots already had Applepaw, and the fiesty she-cat was enough for Palespots.

Dustshine nodded to the poppyseeds. "Go ahead and eat one," he mewed. "I want you to have enough energy for tonight."

Nightpaw reluctantly licked up the poppyseeds. He didn't want to sleep. He had had enough sleeping ever since he had been imprisoned in the medicine den. However, he knew he would miss the sweets scents of the den as he fell asleep. This would be the last time that he would smell them.

He felt drowsy, and put curled up, aware of Mistpaw padding into the den. He glanced at her. She looked sympathetic, and, after a reassuring nod, curled up beside Nightpaw to his surprise. He didn't miss d it, though. He was greateful for her warmth and company, and fell into a deep sleep.

Hello and happy 2019! I hope you enjoyed the chapter, thought it was again short and boring but necessary. Also, any shipping out there? Mistpaw seems to care about Nightpaw a little bit..! Also, how do you think Dustshine will help Nightpaw escape? Well, you'll have to see in the next chapter! Also, chapter six will most definitely be coming out Sunday. With school starting this Tuesday, I am going to have it get back in the roll of things and work hard to get all the homework done. See you then, and my StarClan light your way!

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