//chapter four\\

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Nightpaw's eye lids slowly fluttered open. His vision was blurry, and a throbbing pain shot through his head and hind left leg. He moved his head slowly, aware of the pain that now shot through his throat. Suddenly, it all came back to him.

The search for his Clanmates.. the thunderpath.. and lastly, the fox. Immediately, his eyes widened? StarClan? He looked around the area. He was surrounded by twigs and branches, and he laid in a comfy moss nest lined with feathers. And, just to the right, a brown tabby tom with white rings around his blue eyes sat, a grin on his face.

"You're awake," he commented. His eyes seemed to light up with satisfaction. "How do you feel?"

"A-alright..." His voiced cracked, and he wondered how long he had been out. "Is this StarClan?" Nightpaw looked around, beginning to panic.

The tom let out a chuckle. "No, you're in the LagoonClan medicine den. I am Dustshine. And you are?"

"N-Nightpaw," he stuttered. Why am in the LagoonClan camp? He wondered silently.

"You were lucky Mistpaw found you in time," Dustshine meowed. "Yes, your leg is broken and your throat is badly wounded, but at least you're alive."

Nightpaw looked outside of the den. "I have to go back!" He immediately mewed, a pang of homesickness flooding through him. He tried to stand but immediately fell back down. He was weak, and found himself trembling with the effort.

Dustshine looked at him, a ball of moss held tightly in his jaws. It was soaked with water, and the brown tabby medicine cat placed it at Nightpaw's muzzle. "There's no use. Your leg won't be healed until another half moon. Until the gathering to be exact. Then, we will deliver you back to CavernClan," the medicine cat slipped out the entrance. "And remember to drink up. You've been out for two days." Dustshine called over his shoulder.

Two days? Nightpaw's golden orbs widened. And he couldn't go back until another half moon? His Clanmates would be panicking. He pictured Maplewish's face stricken with terror for her kit, and Shadowflurry searching every inch of CavernClan territory. Even his siblings would be desperately looking for him. Couldn't LagoonClan at least send a message?

Nightpaw began to grow tired. His eyes felt droopy, and he already felt absolutely exhausted as if he had ran from CavernClan territory to the moon and back. Reluctantly, with one last glance at the outside world, he took a drink and then rested his head on his paws. Slowly, he drifted to sleep.


Nightpaw awoke again, now feeling more energized. Light filtered in through the gap in the den walls, lighting his black and gray face. He looked around the den. Dustshine was not in sight, though a quiet scuffling in the den told him someone else was here. "Dustshine?" He asked weakly.

An orange tabby she-cat who looked much like Applepaw emerged from a crevice in the back of the den. "Nope, it's Blazepaw," she mewed softly. The she-cat padded over to Nightpaw and ran her soft white paw over his injured leg. Nightpaw flinched slightly, but Blazepaw didn't seem to care. "Have you happened to thank my sister Mistpaw yet?"

"N-no... I haven't been out of the den." Nightpaw narrowed his eyes. Shouldn't Blazepaw know if he had been out of the den or not? Couldn't she tell how weak he was? Nightpaw put his head on his paws. He just wanted to get back into CavernClan camp. Couldn't he just be escorted? Or was there another reason why they were keeping Nightpaw prisoner in the medicine den?

"Blazepaw don't force him to do anything," he heard a voice from the entrance and he recognized it as Dustshine's. "Nightpaw needs to rest." With a glare, the tabby apprentice stalked off. "Sorry for Blazepaw's rudeness. She's a fiesty one."

Nightpaw shook his head. "She reminds me of my sister, Robinpaw. I'm used to it."

Dustshine nodded and padded over to a pile of herbs. He began sorting them, his blue eyes narrowed with concentration. The brown tabby began mumbling to himself as he did so. Bored again, Nightpaw simply listened in on the mumbling. He could hear names of plants such as marigold, horsetail, comfrey and feverfew.

Curious, Nightpaw tried sitting up. He felt a rush of accomplishment when he succeeded. Quietly, he scooted over toward the medicine cat and peered over his shoulder. Dustshine glanced his way, but said nothing. Finally, Nightpaw asked, "what's that?" And pointed to a leafy green plant with a single claw.

"Catmint," Dustshine meowed as Nightpaw sniffed it. It smelled delicious, and the black tom had to refrain himself from eating any of the leaves. "It cures Greencough, the most common illness during Leaf-bare," he looked over to the other pile. These plants were arrow head shaped leaves. "And this is bindweed. It's what fastens that stick to your broken leg." The tabby nodded to his leg that stuck out and dragged on the ground.

Nightpaw looked at it. "When will I be able to walk again?" He asked. He looked longingly at the pale sunlight that filtered in through the entrance.

"Soon enough." The medicine cat replied. Dustshine picked up the delicate herbs in his mouth and placed them in a small, shelf-like crevice. He then pulled out a collection of cobwebs and marigold. "And now we are going to redress your neck wound," Nightpaw flattened his ears and scooted back to his nest of moss and feathers. But Dustshine padded over and pulled the cobwebs off gently. "It's looking a bit better. It'll be healed in a few days. We just have to make sure it doesn't get infected."

Dustshine began chewing the marigold leaves thoroughly, and didn't stop until a few moments later. Finally, the tabby spat it out on to his paw and began to rub it over Nightpaw's wound. The black apprentice flinched but didn't argue. Once Dustshine had completed his work, he covered the wound with more cobwebs.

"You're pretty tough for an apprentice," Dustshine commented as he put the herbs back in their places. "Normally Slatepaw would've ran back to his nest by now. But, I suppose you couldn't do that, anyway."

Nightpaw shrugged. He had never been called "tough" before, and he assumed it was just Dustshine's way of comforting the young apprentice. The tom pricked his ears when he heard soft paw steps approaching the den. A cream colored she-cat with a white muzzle and bright green eyes entered the den, looking worried. Dustshine padded up quickly to meet her. "Is there something wrong?" The tom was sniffing the cream she-cat's pelt tentatively.

"It's Mistpaw," she began. "When she fought that fox, I think she might've been wounded more than she's willing to tell. She's usually the best during battle training and now she can't even fight a leaf!" The cream she-cat's tail twitched back and forth anxiously.

Dustshine looked thoughtful. "Have her come in before sundown. I'd like to check on her. She might have a broken bone or perhaps a sprained paw," the brown tabby tom nudged the she-cat off. "Off you go."

Nightpaw tilted his head at the tom's curtness. Was he like this with every cat? What if Mistpaw's injury was more severe than the medicine cat thought? However, Nightpaw knew better than to voice his opinions out loud.

And so, the day went on. Nightpaw found himself mostly watching and asking questions about the herbs Dustshine sorted or used. Occasionally, a patient would limp into the den, complaining about a thorn in their paw, or a scratch they received from training. Or, simply just getting a redressing of marigold or fresh moss.

Soon enough, Nightpaw learned the basic herbs and proceeders of taking out thorns and redressing wounds. Also, the expecting queen, Brindletuft, and come in to be examined. And, finally, Mistpaw. The apprentice who had bravely saved Nightpaw's very life. And for that, Nightpaw thanked --- and partly admired her.

The white and gray faced apprentice was hustled into the den by the cream she-cat from earlier that day. "I'm fine, Daywhisker! Honest!" The she-cat protested, but sat in front of Dustshine who looked at her through narrow eyes.

Dustshine ran his paw along Mistpaw's spine and nodded to himself. Finally, he sat up. "Can you move each of your legs?"

Mistpaw stretched out each leg in turn, wincing when she stretched her left forepaw. Nightpaw could also count many bite marks on her shoulder. However, Dustshine seemed to have caught them and had already dressed the wound. Nightpaw blinked, slightly amazed at what the apprentice had went through to save him.

"Just as I expected," Dustshine mewed quietly. "You have a sprained paw. Now, I want you to be easy with your training. Also, don't limp with it. Walk on it occasionally to keep it strong."

Mistpaw snorted and made way toward the entrance, but before she could go, Nightpaw mewed a "hello" to the fellow apprentice. The she-cat stopped in her tracks and glanced over. Finally, the apprentice padded over. "Hi."

Nightpaw found himself shuffling his paws. "Thanks for saving me. I owe you. And sorry for all the pain."

"Pfft, it's nothing. Just doing my job as a future warrior and as an apprentice of LagoonClan," turning away, she added, "but you're welcome."

Nightpaw began to feel droopy. He laid his head on his paws, and drifted to sleep.

Okay, this was a slow chapter with Nightpaw basically building a relationship with the LagoonClan medicine cat, Dustshine. Boring, but necessary, and great StarClan Nightpaw, what did you get yourself into? Anyway, see you at chapter five! And yes! I did change my username to CaptainMarshmellow

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