//chapter twenty-three\\

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Nightpaw headed back to the ThunderClan camp at sunhigh. He had taken a long nap on the branch of the tree, and had found it surprisingly comfortable. Some of the snow had melted as well, leaving patches of stale, pale brown grass. Not much was different.

Nightpaw quickened his pace when he caught scent of the border. Two mice hung from his jaws, and he hoped Rainheart would be proud that he had managed to catch something to bring back to the Clan. He would've had three mice... But he didn't manage to control his hunger, and he felt very guilty.

His guilt vanished though when he caught the scent of Finchpaw, Hollypaw, Robinpaw, Rubblepaw, Rainheart, Tatteredleaf, Dawnblossom and Witheredstar himself. He ran as fast as he could along their scent trail. He hoped they were waiting at the border for him.

The moor gave way to thin birch trees and he glimpsed the pelts of his clanmates ahead. He tried to quicken his speed, and at last he burst into the clearing, joy coursing through his body. He skidded to a halt in front of the group, and he was satisfied to see his sibling's surprised faces as he looked at them, sort of smugly.

"Told you he'd make it," Hollypaw whispered in Robinpaw's ear. The calico gave her a glare.

"Nightpaw!" Finchpaw was the first to formally greet him. "Glad to see you!" The brown tabby tom's pale yellow eyes were bright, and his fur was sleek, as if recently groomed. Finchpaw touched his nose to Nightpaw's cheek in a way of welcome.

"Good to see you too," he agreed.

"Ah, so I see you've made it. I'm sure you found out about the set up...?" Rainheart spoke to him next, giving him a gentle touch with his tail. When Nightpaw nodded, the blue-gray tom seemed a little guilty. "Sorry about that. You must've thought about it a lot, I assume?"

"Yeah... But it worked out." Nightpaw hesitated before dipping his head. "Thank you for this, I needed a victory of my own for once."

Rainheart purred and stepped back while Witheredstar came into view. The leader had a proud grin on his face and he was showing his teeth. "Well done, young Nightpaw. I always knew you had the confidence in you. And, as for those mice, I will take those for you."

Nightpaw shook his head. "No thanks, I'd like to carry my own mice into camp."

"Very well, then. Let's head back to camp." Witheredstar flicked his tail, ordering his Clanmates to follow him. Nightpaw was glad to finally be back in ThunderClan territory.


When the group reached camp, Nightpaw immediately searched for Finchpaw. He ran over to the fresh-kill pile and dropped his two mice down on top of a skinny looking shrew and a thrush. Unlucky again, Finchpaw was nowhere to be seen in camp. Disappointed, he headed to the medicine den to talk to Dustshine. He wanted to know what exactly ran through the temporary ThunderClan medicine cat's mind when the plan had been made.

"Dustshine?" Strong herb smells entered his nostrils, mostly of catmint. He supposed Dustshine had only collected catmint and tansy. Nightpaw couldn't blame him, though. Whatever sickness was coming, they couldn't ignore it.

"Nightpaw? Stay outside, Hailpuddle caught Greencough the other night. We can't risk it spreading..." Dustshine's voice was concerned. Well, concerned would be an understatement. The tabby medicine cat's voice sounded frightened, a tone Nightpaw knew well.

"I can help," Nightpaw started towards the medicine cat who was just rounding the corner that hid where his patient lay, coughing.

Dustshine blocked Nightpaw's view and shuffled him backwards with a strong push. "If you want to help, take care of the smaller ordeals. And if anyone and I mean anyone is coughing, tell me immediately!" Pleased with his instructions, Dustshine returned to a sick Hailpuddle.

It took only a quick moment for Nightpaw to process the information and instructions he was given. He sighed. What should he do now? Most cats were just going out of camp, as Sparrowsight was quickly organizing patrols once more. Admiration for the hard-working deputy seeped into his thoughts. Finchpaw might be just as good as a deputy as his father... Nightpaw knew his friend would do a terrific job if he was to ever become leader.

Nightpaw supposed he would find Rainheart. Nightpaw's muscles were still a bit sore from the practice assessment, but his curiosity willed him to continue learning. But this time... It wasn't battle moves or hunting practice that he yearned for. It was iformation about whoever Mossyspark had spoke of on the day Newtfang's kits were born.

He ceased his search for his mentor. He would need to find Mossyspark if he was to ever know who she herself had spoken of. Nightpaw found the she-cat sunning herself in the few spots of sunlight and was quietly chatting with Maplewish and Acornfall. He also caught a glimpse of Duskflurry lurking around at the edges of camp.

The trainee ambled his way over to the group of she-cat's. As he drew closer he realized he had not yet figured out what to say. He sat down halfway to them and he shivered as the blinding snow touched his stomach. What if I'm not supposed to know about her? What if it's kept a secret for a reason? Thoughts swarmed through his mind, but curiosity burned onward. With a boost of confidence, he bounded toward the brown tabby she-cat.

"Nightpaw," Mossyspark greeted a bit dryly.

Acornfall wrinkled her nose and turned her head away from the tom. She focused on a small droplet of water that was making it's way slowly but surely off of a tiny green leaf. Nightpaw noticed it had a very strong smell that in some way reminded him of catmint. Maplewish shot the two young warriors a glare and padded up to her kit and gave him a brief lick on the forehead.

"Did you need something, dear?" Maplewish's voice was sweet as honey.

"Yes.. but not from you," he began. He turned to Mossyspark who looked him directly in the eye. "You were talking about someone on the day of Newtfang's kitting. Some cat that had died while kitting."

Maplewish's eyes widened and Acornfall and Mossyspark stood up immediately with shock that confused Nightpaw. "W-what? What's so surprising?"

Duskflurry padded up and calmly looked at his son, green eyes shining fearfully. "Nothing. She was just talking about a cat named... Robinwing..." His father seemed to choke on the name. "Who died before-"

"Just let it out!" Acornfall yowled, a voice of frustration. All eyes in camp trained in on the brown cat. "It's time he knew! Time his siblings knew, too!"

At once, Robinpaw and Rubblepaw crept slowly over towards the enlargening group and pushed their way inside. Robinpaw eyed Maplewish distrustfully. "I knew something was wrong with you, now what is it? What have you been hiding from me?"

Nightpaw glanced at his littermate and at Rubblepaw. What was Robinpaw talking about? Rubblepaw seemed just as confused, and Maplewish seemed speechless. Duskflurry gulped and started to shrink into the crowd.

Finally, Acornfall spoke. "Maplewish I not your mother! How have you not seen it? I nursed you when you were kits! Robinwing was your mother, and Maplewish was your sister!" She glared at the calico cat Nightpaw thought was his mother.

Thoughts and memories swirled around him. Images of him curled up at Maplewish's stomach, the warmth of his old nest in the nursery, all of it came swarming back. How Robinpaw had always been mistrustfully of Maplewish, and had always eyed her warily. And now, he knew the truth.

Everyone knew the truth.

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