//chapter twenty-two\\

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Nightpaw stalked silently around a single shrub. He had had no luck since he had found Hollypaw, and had received the information the pretty she-cat had given him. His mind was still whirling. He needed answers, he needed answers to all his questions. Who had Mossyspark been talking about on the day Newtfang had begun kitting? Was Woolstar that same Woolstar from the elders' stories? But it couldn't have been... Woolstar had to have left the old territories moons ago, so it couldn't be a Woolstar that led WindClan.

However much he wanted answers to his burning questions though, he must do it at some other time. He was growing hungrier by the moment, and his muscles threatened to buckle underneath him. But he couldn't let that happen. He needed to fight for his survival, even if it was only for a few more hours, until the sun rose. He would've been much better prepared if he had been formally informed of the practice assessment instead of tricked.

However, he wanted to thank his mentor for attempting to boost his confidence. It showed Rainheart cared for the apprentice. Nightpaw knew the Clan didn't have much faith in him, but he would show them he could just as much of a warrior as any of them were. He'd also have to apologize to Mossyspark, even if the comment about his skills wasn't in the plan to trick him.

He shook his head, clearing the thoughts swirling in his mind. He had to focus if he was going to catch anything. He sniffed around, trying to peer through the darkness and flurries of snow that flew around him. Thankfully, it was bit lighter then having no snow at all. He supposed the little light that shone from the sky made it glow in a mysterious way.

His large ears swiveled to the left and he froze. Something had crawled into the shrub. He recognized the scent of mouse, but also a strong foul smelling stentch that could be clearly pinpointed. He reluctantly stuck a single paw in the bush. He felt the sick mouse beneath his paw and punctured it's neck with one claw. He hoped the mouse would feel better once out of his misery. However, Nightpaw left the corpse. He was smart enough to know that some sickly mouse could make him sick as well. He would find a better catch, something healthier than the previous catch.

He stalked around some more, shivering. Why does the practice assessment have to be in Leaf-bare? Nightpaw groaned in his head. His groaning ceased though when he heard another rustle in the same shrub the mouse was in. He sniffed lightly. The putrid stentch wasn't there on this prey.

He crouched, his belly fur brushing the snow. His tail hovered lightly over the ground and he flattened his large ears so the prey wouldn't notice him as much. He sniffed again, this time recognizing... Rabbit! Nightpaw nearly jumped with joy. He refrained himself from doing so, but the rabbit must've heard something, for it scurried off.

Nightpaw quickly gave chase, trying not to loose sight of the rabbit. It's snow white pelt blended in perfectly with it's surroundings and the only way Nightpaw knew it was there was because of it's bobbing tail and the thrump of its large feet as they hit the ground.

The black tom realized he wasn't gaining anymore on the creature. He stretched out his legs as far as they could go and got much closer to the rabbit then before. He continued these long strides until he was close enough to pounce. His golden eyes fixed on his Target and he leaped far, landing squarely on the panting white creature. It writhed a while before Nightpaw finished it off with a swift bite to the neck.

He took it up in his jaws, proud that he had caught the rabbit and managed to feed himself. Perhaps making it alone wasn't so hard after all? He looked which way and that, nothing but snow and rolling hills in sight. He began to panic and tried to rethink the way he had come. Unfortunately, he had no idea.

He found a nearby rock when an idea suddenly clicked. Maybe if he got high enough he could find the lonely shrub that the rotten corpse of the mouse lay. Lonely shrub. That's what I'll call this place. Nightpaw knew it was highly unlikely for ThunderClan to claim any of this territory, and even if they did, probably would not call it the "lonely shrub." But he liked the name, and it suited the place well.

He pushed away his thoughts and bounded onto the rock. He narrowed and strained his eyes to see farther. He caught a glimpse of something, and assumed it was the shrub. He didn't hesitate to bounce off the rock and pelt towards it, the rabbit hitting against his chest as blood oozed from its wound.

A pale light stated to glow just on the horizon, and Nightpaw grew hopeful. Morning would be here soon, and he could go back to his Clan. He was also eager to meet up with Finchpaw and catch up with the happenings of the Clan. He missed his best friend dearly, even though they had seen each other just the other day. He also hoped Newtfang and her kits were alright. He wasn't too worried, though. Dustshine had things under control, and he had much faith and trust in the blue-eyed tabby.

As he grew closer, the shrub came into a view and his eyes lit with joy. He had found his way back all on his own! Determination coursed through his body and now began the search of finding the hollow tree once more. But he didn't have to... Other shelter was always an option. Besides, it would be best if he kept away from Marion. Something about the tom rubbed him in the wrong way.

Suddenly, he was rolling on the ground, and he'd dropped the rabbit. He was quickly pinned to the snowy terrain, and he was surprised to see Marion standing over him, snarling fiercely. "That rabbit belongs to me now!"

Nightpaw glared at the white tom and thrust him off. He wasn't going to let this crazy tomcat beat him! He was a Clan cat, and he didn't plan to have his hard-earned rabbit stolen by a rogue! Nightpaw quickly reared up and clawed the white tom's muzzle and he watched almost in satisfaction as tiny crimson droplets fell to the ground.

He took a paw and raised it, then slapped it squarely onto the tom cat's head. Marion faltered and Nightpaw took the chance to grab his rabbit and run off. As he ran, part of the him felt guilty and sympathetic. He shook the feeling off quickly. You are the one supposed to survive. Not any rogue!

Nightpaw quickly ran out of breath, but had run far enough to be ahead of Marion. He was tired, too and decided to rest in a nearby tree. He clenched his jaws more tightly around his catch, hooked his claws into the bark and started the tiring climb upward. He laid down on the nearest branch to the ground and set the juicy looking rabbit in front of him. Without a moment's hesitation he tore through the rabbit's soft flesh and his famished self soon grew more full as he ate.

Only one problem remained, though. He was thirsty, and his throat was dry. But no water sources could be found. It was all barren, snow covered landscape. He thought of eating the snow, but changed his mind. You don't know where that snow has been! He wrinkled his nose.

Once the rabbit was completely finished, he threw the bones on the ground. They were useless to him, and might be useful to any other starving creature. Yet, he didn't know of any animal that took pleasure in eating a bunch of bones!

His eyes were nearly closed as an orange light lit up the sky. The clouds had vanished, and Nightpaw felt hopeful. He had had many victories that night, and it did make him feel more determined then he had been in moons. Perhaps Rainheart and Mossyspark were smarter then they seemed, and obviously, they had succeeded. Nightpaw finally had a victory.

Well, we learned that Nightpaw is a bit picky and definitely likes to stay healthy! He also is a bit careless of cats that aren't from his Clan... We'll see how that turns out in later chapters. Also, I though Nightpaw deserved a victory of his own for once! Hope you liked the chapter!

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