Chapter 3

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The Night sky turned into dawn sky, Jack was pawing at Smokey to wake her up. "Smokey, Wake up!" Jack whisper loudly in her ear. Smokey flicked her ear in return, she didn't want to get up just quite yet. Suddenly a scent she smelled before woke her up. It was Rabbitstar walking into the deputy's den. "Wake up young ones, you have to train today." Rabbitstar said in her calm gentle voice. Smokey looked at her new leader with a steady gaze. "Yes Rabbitstar." Smokey mewed as she stepped out of the den. Jack was right by her side, they looked around at the cats gazing at them. They were all frightened by the two cats. Rabbitstar climbed up the high rock with both kittypets by her, "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey please gather around for a Clan meeting." Rabbitstar called. All of the cats had gathered with frightened looks but when Smokey saw Mousepaw she had a surprised jolt in her body, then she looked at the huge Tom she had saw light night. He was giving her a mean looked like he was about to attack, his claws showed and so did his teeth. Rabbitstar then just pushed Smokey off the rock, She didnt mean too, right?  Smokey  said in her head. Smokey landed on her paws though, just then the tom pounced at her clawing at her cheek. Smokey remembered this place from her dream, the yowl that happened, and the fight. Smokey ran away from the tom, she did that in her dream too. The tom was faster though and had pinned her to the ground. Rabbitstar sat there and watched in a calm gaze, Look young Smokey and fight like a warrior. Rabbitstar thought in her head. Smokey seemed her read her mind in a way and she turned over to lay on her back so he didn't bite her on the back of her neck. "Do you think you really want to fight me, Tigerfang the strongest warrior of the Clan?" The huge brown tabby tom mewed. Tigerfang aimed for her neck but he missed the bite when Smokey jolted her head to the side, Whag did I do wrong. Smokey thought. Tigerfang bit at her neck again but this time he got her collar, he tugged and tugged until her collar snapped off. Tigerfang flew back when the collar broke free so Smokey ran at him and clawed his eye. She didnt scratch him so hard but then he ran away crying like a baby. Rabbitstar bent her head down to Smokey and lay her nose on Smokey's head. "From this day until she get's her Warrior Name she will be known as Flamepaw, you will train with Lionwhisker till then." Rabbitstar mewed. Lionwhisker nodded his head in agreement to train him."And you Jack, From this day until you get your Warrior Name you will be known as Firepaw, you will train with Wrenwing till then." Rabbitstar continued. Wrenwing looked excited when he nodded, this was going to be his first apprentice. "I now call this meeting over!" Rabbitstar called. Flamepaw was excited, what was she going to do now? Flamepaw ran to Mousepaw who was going to her den. "What are doing?" Flamepaw asked. "I'm finding Frostpaw because he missed the meeting." Mousepaw said while going into the apprentice's den. Flamepaw heard a noise in the bush and so she look in it and inside lay a young apprentice all white with icy blue eyes. "I think I found Frostpaw!" Flamepaw called over to Mousepaw. "Really?" Mousepaw asked as she bumped her head on the leaves. "Yep." Flamepaw mewed. The Tom looked at Flamepaw frightened. "H-Hi there," Frostpaw said with a shaking voice. "Hi there, I'm Flamepaw." Flamepaw greeted the young Tom cat. Mousepaw peeked inside the bush a giggled a little, Had he been hiding from me? Flamepaw asked herself. "Don't be silly Mousebrain!" Mousepaw giggled. Frostpaw's face turned from scared to angry. "Well your the Mousebrained Fleapelt!" Frostpaw spat making Mousepaw jump. "Do I have flea's to you Frostheart? I didn't think so." Mousepaw spat at Frostpaw. Frostpaw felt cold inside by these names Mousepaw called him. "You Fox-" Mousepaw spat but Flamepaw interrupted her before she could finish, "Stop fighting, Is this all about the meeting Mousepaw?" Flamepaw aksed. Mousepaw took her head out of the bush and grunted, she didn't answer. "And Frostpaw, is this about her calling you a Mousebrain?" Flamepaw asked. Frostpaw looked dead into her eye's and nodded slightly. "Look Frostpaw, your not a Mousebrain or a Foxheart but you are a apprentice who is strong and loyal to his Clan," Flamepaw continued. Frostpaw felt a surge of happiness in him. "I was hiding in this bush from my mentor, he's mean and slightly evil in a way." Frostpaw mewed. "Who is he?" Flamepaw asked. "Tigerfang," Frostpaw mewed. Flamepaw felt startled by the thought of him, he was so easy to beat but if Flamepaw didn't have her collar she would of been ripped into shreds.

It was becoming Moonhigh and time for a good night's rest. Flamepaw walked into the apprentice's den, there lay two other apprentices. Mousepaw crept up on Flamepaw and pounced on her. Flamepaw twisted her body making Mousepaw fall off her, Flamepaw pinned Mousepaw and started tugging on her ear's. "Hey, take it easy on the ears would ya." Mousepaw meowed while rubbing the pain off one of her ear's with her paw. "Then don't creep up on me like that!" Flamepaw meowed playfully. One of the new apprentice's turned their head to them. "Keep it down before a Tree monster comes rip off the leaves in the den's." The black Tom mewed with a grunt in his voice. "You keep it down too Ravenpaw!" A Tan she-cat spat at the young tom. Mousepaw lay at the far edge of the den and Flamepaw followed, Soon Frostpaw and Firepaw stepped inside. Firepaw lay close by the Tan she-cat and smiled at Flamepaw while Frostpaw lay by Flamepaw. After all cat's were asleep Flamepaw slipped out of the den. Jayheart was guarding camp so Flamepaw slipped under a hole that no cat's ever gone through.

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