Chapter 4

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Flamepaw saw shining cats as she ran into the forest, their pelt shined so bright that she could see it a Twoleg den length away. She wanted to talk to them but all she could say was shiny. Their pelts were a pinkish sandish color, She jumped off a stump of a tree. She ran right in front of them and lay low. The cats stared at her confused and frightened. "Hi there, I'm Flamepaw!" Flamepaw mewed happily. The leader stared at her. There are two of them! Flamepaw said to herself in her head. "Hello there, i'm Shine and this is Kry." the leader spoke. Kry nodded in agreement. "I'm from MoonClan!" Flamepaw mewed. "You are not an ordinary cat young Flamepaw. I would love to have you join us." Shine meowed. Flamepaw sheated and unsheated her claws back and forth back and forth. I can't go with those shiny cats because my life belongs to MoonClan. Flamepaw said to herself in her head. Shine sat and watched as she shook her head slightly. "Well when ever you need us all you need to do is use your meow from within. Got that?" The shiny Tom asked. "Yes Shine," Flamepaw mewed. The two cats walked off in the distance and then when dawn came they wern't so shiny anymore, they looked like regular old cats. Flamepaw ran as fast as she could back to camp and laid next to Mousepaw. Mousepaw looked at Flamepaw with a tired gaze. "Where were you?" Mousepaw asked. Flamepaw didn't reply. "Did you see somthing?" Mousepaw asked. Flamepaw shook her head and lay her head down, she had gotten no sleep last night. Lionwhisker, Jayheart, and Wrenwing walked inside the apprentice's den. Flamepaw ignored them, she wanted some sleep and she could tell that Jayheart wanted some sleep too. "Wake up young ones." Lionwhisker meowed in a calm voice. Ravenpaw scrambled to his paws, "I'm awake Lionwhisker!" Ravenpaw said with shock. "I'm going to come more often Ravenpaw to take my apprentice training." Lionwhisker meowed. Ravenpaw's shocked looked turned into a calm look. Wrenwing licked Firepaw's ear to wake him up. "Firepaw, Wake up sleepy head!" Wrenwing whispered in Firepaw's ear. Firepaw flicked his ears to let him know to stop, Wrenwing smiled and Firepaw looked at him happily. Jayheart stepped out of the den with Mousepaw, and Lionwhisker walked out waiting for Flamepaw to step out. "Turtlepaw, stay here and wait for your mentor." Lionwhisker said to the Tan colored she-cat. Turtlepaw nodded her head and laid back down. "What are we doing today?" Flamepaw asked. Lionwhisker pointed his muzzle to the forest, Cats were sitting down waiting for him. Flamepaw felt her body run forward to the cats, Their pelt looked as soft as ever. Flamepaw recognized these cats. "Shh, don't startle them and don't tell any cat!" Lionwhisker whispered to Flamepaw. Flamepaw ran in front of the cats as she did last night.

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