Chapter 5

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Shine licked the she-cat's cheek and turned his head to Lionheart. "You know this young one?" Lionwhisker asked. "Of course I do, I met her last night." Shine meowed in reply. Lionwhisker narrowed his eye's at her, Flamepaw smiled a little. "Fin had kits," Shine mewed. "We can't keep all of them, Could you keep these two?" Shine asked. Kry and a new cat held a kit, there where two kits. A blue Tom and a Black she-kit dangled from their mouth. Lionwhisker's eyes widened. "Do they shine?" Lionwhisker asked. "No, that's why we can't keep them." Shine mewed. Lionwhisker nodded his head and then took the Blue Tom, Flamepaw picked up the Back she-kit. "Thank you Lionwhisker." Shine said with a smile. Lionwhisker nodded in aggrement. Flamepaw struggled to hold the She-kit. "You may name them whatever you'd like." Shine meowed again. "How about we name her Heavykit." Flamepaw protested through the fur of the kit. Lionwhisker turned around and walked torward camp. All the cats that were grooming themself's looked at Flamepaw and Lionwhisker, Rabbitstar looked at the kits. "What in the name of StarClan have you brought home?" Rabbitstar asked still looking at the kits. "New Clanmate's? Flamepaw mewed. Rabbitstar stood on the High Rock. "All cat's old enough to catch their own prey, please gather around for a Clan meeting!" Rabbitstar called. Soon enough later all cats had gathered. Flamepaw could see Frostpaw, Mousepaw, Firepaw, Ravenpaw, and Turtlepaw in the crowd. They were all cunfused just like they were when she first came. "We have two new kit's that we are welcoming to MoonClan," Rabbitstar continued. Flamepaw stepped back a little. "The blue one's name is Bluey and the black one will be Blackkit." Rabbitstar mewed. "These kits were once Crystals but now a Clan cat." All of a sudden after Rabbitstar finished all of the cats were whispering to eachother. "I know all of us thought it was a myth but they are close by here, and these kits don't shine." Rabbitstar meowed. More whispering came fron the crowd. "Does any queen have milk to share?" Rabbitstar asked. Badgertail's head popped out of her den. "You need milk?" The queen asked. Rabbitstar nodded. "I have plenty of milk." Badgertail mewed in reply. Rabbitstar jumped down the High Rock and put the kits at her paws. "Thank you, Bagertail." Rabbitstar meowed. Rabbitstar climbed back up the Rock and signaled the meeting over. Famepaw walked away with Lionwhisker, They walked into the forest and saw a wood mouse. "Keep low and aim your ponce, you need to bite it on the neck to kill it." Lionwhisker whispered in Flamepaw's ear. Flamepaw crouched and then a heartbeat later Flamepaw jumped at the wood mouse and killed it. Lionwhisker put her fresh kill in a pile and by sundown Flamepaw had caught a lot of Fresh kill. Flamepaw struggled to hold all the prey she had caught, Lionwhisker couldn't hold it either because his mouth was full of prey too. Finally, they made it to camp and set the Fresh kill in the Fresh kill pile. Flamepaw was starving, Mousepaw looked at Flamepaw with a Shrew in her mouth. "You hunted all of this prey?" Mousepaw asked through the Shrew. Flamepaw nodded her head, "Why?" Flamepaw asked. Mousepaw set the Shrew down then spoke, "That's the most prey iv'e ever Seen!" Mousepaw Mewed. Flamepaw walked to the Fresh kill pile and took a deer mouse, she saw Firepaw bring more Fresh kill to the pile. Wrenwing took a Wood mouse and a Rabbit and ate with Badgertail, she had the plump rabbit. Flamepaw looked at the prey and took a Dormouse for Frostpaw, her and him were becoming closer friends than they were when they met and he didn't have food yet. Flamepaw walked to him with the Dormouse and set it in front of him. "Thanks, No cat offered me food and I'm sick so i can't really go by the Fresh kill." Frostpaw mewed. Flamepaw licked behind his ears to clean them, "Your day must of been rough." Flamepaw meowed. Frostpaw nodded as he ate. 

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