Chapter 3

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  "I object!"

  Gasps were heard erupting all over the hall as I stared in shock at the person who had betrayed me. Vincent?! My eyes were widened as Carrie, my best friend, came up behind him and wrapped her arms around him. "So do I.~" She smirked.

  My hands curled into fists and I titled my head down, biting my lip as tears threatened to fall down. "How..could you guys?" I whispered, locks of hair falling to cover my eyes.

  Two enraged shrieks pierced through the hall as Izumi and  Auntie Erza glared daggers at the two. "BAD ONII-CHANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Izumi screamed, throwing her glass of punch at Vincent, thus coating him in sticky purple grape juice. Yuck.

  "Heaven Wheel's Armor! Requip!" was heard, followed by a terrifying Auntie Erza. "YOU DARE TO HURT INNOCENT FAIRIE AND THINK YOU CAN LIVE?!" She pointed all of her swords at the new couple as they appeared, one by one. They cowered away, still gripping each other tightly.

I sighed. Time for me to butt in. Gripping my staff tightly in my hand, I raised my voice as it rang out clearly in the silent hall. "State your reason for objection." I said calmly, even if my nerves were killing me right now. Taking a deep breath, I raised the hand that wasn't holding my staff as a signal for Auntie Erza to unsummon the hundreds of swords that surrounded Vincent and Carrie.

Vincent smirked, and spoke. "You do not deserve to rule over Lyrica(a fancy name I made for the Fairy Tail world; I'm too lazy to search it up =w=)! I have personally seen as you grew up, how you relaxed in the lap of luxury, not caring about others! You are a selfish princess, imagine what would happen to Lyrica if you became queen! The economy would fall drastically and people would starve, while you would still continue to sleep your days away!"

Before he could continue, I interrupted him. "And you are basing these claims on...? Remember, my foolish ex-fiancé, that we are in front of a hall with people that have known me since birth. Your lies will not cause them to waver in their loyalty. And you, Carrie! I never expected you to betray me, too! You, who I poured out my secrets to. You, who I showered with gifts. You, who acted more stuck-up than I did! It seems as if those who have called me traitors, are nothing but mere traitors themselves!" I turned around, disgusted by their foolishness. I was taught countless days and nights to stay calm when my power was being challenged, for that was all it was-a challenge. And if I could outsmart that challenge, I would be rewarded with the satisfaction of winning, utterly and completely. "You may enjoy the rest of the night, since I am in a good mood. Once the party ends, however, you will be escorted to the dungeons by the Royal Guard. I will decide your punishments tomorrow."

As they left the stage, crestfallen, I turned to the rest of the hall, satisfied with my work. "Now, shall we continue?"

My parents, who had been standing on the sidelines while the challenge had occured, came quickly out of their shock. "Y-yes." My father said shakily. "Does anybody else object to this crowning?"

When no other objections were heard, my father continued to speak. "Well then, Princess Fairie Heiwa, do you accept the crown, and with it, all your responsibilities as ruler of Lyrica? Do you promise to rule over your citizens fairly and treat them as your equals?"

  "I accept!" My voice rang out clearly in the hall, and I felt magic surround me. Shimmery silver dust floated around me, and I felt something protruding out of my back. More and more gasps were heard as I suddenly rose into the air.

  "The princess has wings?!"

(Since I want to draw a picture for the next chapter, you guys will have to wait for a little longer than usual. Sorry! >~<)

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