Chapter 2

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  Cheers immediately erupted from every corner of the huge ballroom. Choruses of "Happy Birthday!" resonated, surrounding me in congratulations. I grinned, laughing, and ran to greet all my friends and family.

  "Fufufu..." Was all I heard before something leaped onto me. Wait, let me correct that. It was all I heard before Izumi leaped onto me. Izumi was my younger cousin, born to Auntie Erza and Uncle Jellal(JERZA PPL). Although Auntie and Uncle were pretty serious people, Izumi was a purple-haired bubble of happiness.

  "Izumi!" I said in delight. She was my favorite cousin, after all. I picked her small 7 year old body up, and swung her around. "You've grown so tall since I've last seen you!" I exclaimed. Auntie Erza came to take her from my arms, and I got a good look at her. Although it had probably been about two decades since she was in her prime, Auntie still had that mature look around her that spoke 'I'll beat you up if you dare annoy me.'

  She smiled softly at me. "You look so mature now, Fairie. Your mother and father raised you well.

  I grinned. "They'll be happy to hear that." Then, glancing around to make sure there were no eavesdroppers, I leaned in and whispered, "By the way, Mom secretly ordered a lot of strawberry cake without Dad knowing." Auntie and I shared the same love for strawberry cake, and we could go through a whole three layers in 6.53 seconds flat.

  "Well, I'll see you later. I have to take Izumi to her father before she starte getting annoying." She chuckled playfully.

  "Mkay!" I grinned, and set off to find Auntie Lis, but ran into...Ahem...Uncle *cough cough* I can't say it *cough cough* Nat-AH FORGET IT YOU KNOW WHO I MEAN. He grinned at me, but I just saw it as a creepy smirk.(Just know that whatever you read is in Fairie's opinion, so some things might not be true ^.^)

  "Well well, look who grew up!" He taunted. I glared at him, and stalked off. I was officially in a bad mood. 

  Robin ran up, and, sensing my annoyance, thankfully toned down his annoyingness. "Hey Sis, Mom says its time to crown you. All that mumbo jumbo officiality and stuff." He said, munching on a cookie.

  "Okay..." I sighed, and walked over to where Mom was standing.

  "Fairie, you're hair is messed up!" She fussed, fixing a few strands of my hair and patting my dress to remove any invisible wrinkles.

  Let me explain how the crowning works. At the age of 16, the heir of each generation my be crowned, in which they will be able to access the rest of their potential. My mom was never able to get her crowning done, because the parents of the heir have to perform the crowning, but thank goodness she never did, otherwise the world would have been doomed. However, in order for the crowning to be finished, at least 50 people not related to the heir must approve of the crowning. If anyone objects, then the crowning is interrupted, and the heir must wait another year before the crowning can be completed again. Of course, nobody could just object to the crowning without any reason. If there was a valid reason for the objection, like the heir committed one of the seven deadly sins, the objector would be able to nullify the crowning, but if the reason was something petty, the objection would be ignored. That's why the crowning was such a big deal.

  I walked up to the podium with Mom, and Dad was already waiting there.

  Mom and Dad spoke in unison, "Princess Fairie Heiwa, do you accept your responsibilities as heir of the Pure Magic bloodline, and along with it the lives of your citizens? Do you vow to fairly rule as queen, and with that rule learn to work with your soulmate? Do you vow to treat your citizens as not your inferior subjects, but as your friends?"

  Taking a deep breath, I replied. "Yes."

  They smiled. "Does anybody object to the ruling of this heir? Speak now, or forever hold your regret."

  "I object!"

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