Chapter 24- So much in so little time.

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Gajeel POV

Standing outside the school gates, I stare up at the sign 'Fairy High'. I don't feel the usual misery I feel going into school, it's a different sort of misery. Juvia has apparently lost all memory of this year which makes me feel really bad for Gray. I would be in hell if Levy lost all memories of me.

Levy actually coming to school today which makes it pointless for me to be here but I suppose I could hang out with Natsu since his Mrs isn't going to be here today either. Coincidence? Anyways I wonder how Gray is doing. I'm not sure where he is to be honest. After talking to Levy and I about Juvia he just disappeared. Natsu has checked Gray's house quite a few times and he hasn't been there. I hope he hasn't gone and done anything stupid.

Gray POV

Well this crap. The girl that I used just to disguise the fact of being gay has now got no memory of me. Now I realise I have feelings for her and I might not actually be gay. Life is something that i'm not liking at the moment.

I sit on the cliff that borders Fiore which is about 30 minutes from Magnolia. I've spending my last few days at a cabin here that my parents owned, well now I do. I've barely eaten and hardly slept. I have spent most of the time just sitting here with my legs dangling over the edge.

Thoughts have come into my head about just jumping and ending my life here and now but my life isn't that bad and to be honest i'm not that stupid. The thoughts still go through my head though.

Lucy POV

My bed is so comfortable and warm. This is so much better than having to put up with seeing Levy all day. I wish she would just get over herself to be honest. I did nothing wrong, she is the one who is jealous of Natsu.

Maybe I could go help Juvia regain so memories later instead of feeling bad for myself all day. Since Gray isn't there, Juvia doesn't get many visitors now. I just hope Levy doesn't have the same idea.

Levy POV

I stand in front of my mirror fixing my messy bed hair. I've decided not to go to school today and go visit Juvia instead. Losing memories is horrible thing to have happen to you. according to Gray, her whole demeanor and way she acts has changed as well.

I hope Gajeel going to be ok with me not going to school. I mean he can look after himself and all that but before me, he had no one that he hung out with. I do suppose Natsu will be there so that's a plus. Maybe Gray if he has decided to come back.

Erza POV

Why am I the last one to find out about everything? I haven't seen Juvia since the accident and now I feel crap about it. I only just found out what happened this morning when Gray texted me asking if I could meet him at 'the cliff'. No one else even thought about texting me, I see why it took so long for Gray but the others had no excuse.

I'm heading up to the cliff in about an hour and missing out on school today but it's only one day so it should be fine but sadly i'll miss out my first training session for this term. Jellal and I have gotten a lot closer since the 'incident' and there is some tension too. Well at least I think so, I mean I haven't had a real relationship and i've only read about these things so I don't really know.

Authors Note: sorry if this is short but that's I way I have planned it out. I hope you liked it and remember to Like, Comment and Follow Me if you haven't already.

Also I've started up a new fanfic called 'Hello Fairy Tail' which is an OC fanfic so please go check that out.

Till next time,

Shiro_Yuki out

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