Chapter 25- Confusion

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Juvia POV

Have you ever felt like you've been missing out on something? All these things have happened this year and I don't remember a thing, I can barely remember last Christmas. It actually leaves an emptiness inside of me. Each day I try so hard to remember something but no matter how much I try I just can't. The doctors say that my memories will come back in time but that could be years for all they know, I need those memories now though.

I have been informed about what happened. No one knows why I started crying. Nothing happened between Gray and I, nothing happened to do with my parents, nothing happened with any of my supposed friends. Nothing adds up.

I wonder where Gray is. If we were in a relationship, you would think he would be here. Unless something is up. Well that doesn't really matter right now. Levy and Lucy have both texted me saying that they are coming around to help me out today which will be pretty good. I personally can't wait to see them.

Erza POV

The car pulls up near the cliff and I say thank you to my driver as I exit the car. I pull my sweater on to protect me from the cold air and begin to walk up the hill. Has Gray really been out here for the past couple of days, it's so cold and there is nothing around here.

As I get closer to the ledge I see Gray just sitting on the edge staring out to the horizon. I don't say anything just sit beside him. My legs dangle over the edge of the cliff and I lean back on my hands. The sounds of birds in the distance and the waves against the cliff really give a relaxing feel.

"Didn't think you would actually come" He says not moving his eyes from the horizon. His voice is soft and full of sadness but yet is relaxed.

"You're my cousin and somehow my closest family, why wouldn't I?" I respond. He slightly chuckles but remains quiet and motionless. "Why are you here? If you didn't want to be alone you could've stayed at my house, i'm sure dad wouldn't have minded"

"I've had a lot of stuff go through my head lately and I had to get away from everyone" I sit waiting for him to continue but he doesn't, he just sighs and goes back off into dreamland.

"Well you said to come here so I did. Talk" He glances over to me and slightly smiles.

"Fine, well um at first I only dated Juvia to hide the fact of being gay an-"

"I knew it, I bloody knew it. My cousin was gay and i'd been calling it for years" I cut Gray of and start yelling. I bloody knew it. I knew I hasn't crazy. Looks like Levy owes me 50 bucks.

"Erza, you aren't helping" He says somewhat pissed.

"Sorry please continue." I quickly regain my composure but I can't help but keep cheering myself on in my head.

"So I dated her and she turned out to be nice and all. I felt like we had some sort of connection. Then when I got a text saying she had gotten hit by a car I started freaking out but didn't think much about it. When she woke up and couldn't remember a thing, my heart completely sank. That's what made me realise....what made me realise that..." Gray trailed off and I could see the frustration in his facial expression. He had no idea what to do or say or how to handle things. He was falling apart, asking himself what was real and what wasn't. Did he have feelings for Juvia? Was he really gay?

"You realised you had feelings for Juvia, real ones" His head nods and his hands cover his face in frustration.

"What do I do Erza?"

"For once, I don't really know. All I can say is to follow your heart. It sounds cliche but it's the truth."

Juvia POV

OK I take it back. I don't want them here. All Levy and Lucy have done is fight. Ah I don't need this. I've already got a headache.

"Stop being so jealous"

"I'm not being jealous, you should just take your friends into consideration not just your boyfriend"

"ENOUGH" I yell at both of them. They stop and stare with their mouths slightly agape. "You were here to help me regain my memories not lash out at each other. So grow up or get the hell out"

They don't move from their positions just stand there with guilty looks on their faces. I think I might have gotten through to them. I feel a bit bad for suddenly yelling though.

"Look i'm sorry but i've got a headache and I just want my memories back" I say.

"It's ok Juvia-chan, we should know better" Levy says and Lucy nods they take a seat each side of me and start going through questions and memories of theirs that I was there for too.

So many topics come up both good and bad. But what really amazes me is they are laughing and getting along, being supportive even, just like I remember. Like when Lucy got hit but Natsu in the shopping trolley and Levy was freaking out and the most worried of all of us.

"Wait, I remembered something. When Lucy got hit by the trolley and Levy was distressed"

"That's great Juvia" They both say.

This might be easier than expected.

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