Chapter 27- Ups and Downs

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Erza POV

Everything seems to be going back to normal. Thank gosh. Levy and Lucy are back to being friends thanks to Natsu and Gajeel. Who ever thought that they had enough brains to think up such a decent idea? Juvia is slowly regaining her memories and Gray is spending every spare moment with her trying to regain them, it's nice to see them together after all thats happened. I also made everyone promise to at least think of me when something happens, they agreed because I told them they if I was the last to know especially after quite a few days that I would kill someone. Sure scared them I did.

I have got Karate later on today, I am so looking forward to it. Jellal and I have been getting really close and I mean really close. We are even hanging out outside of lessons. But sadly we aren't anything more than friends. It'll happen though, I just know it.

Mira POV

Uh the biggest downfall of being a teacher is the bloody marking. I'm sitting at my dining room table at one o'clock on a Saturday. I've been here for two hours already and i'm not even finished yet.

Knock knock

My head swifts to look at the door. I wasn't expecting anyone today, I would have at least cleaned up if I knew someone was coming. this house is a mess.

I move from my seat at the table and walk over to the door. I open the door slowly and see the person I least want to see standing there. It's been months since we last talked, why now?

"What?" I say not even bothering to be polite. His facial expression changes from nervous to a little disturbed which makes me feel good. Take that Laxus.

"I wanted to talk"

"To talk about what? and anyway you've had months to talk to me, don't you think it's a bit late to be doing it now" Laxus sighs, obviously getting frustrated with me.

"Ah, can I come in at least?"

"No, answer my questions" Who the hell does he think he is answering my question with another.

"I wanted to at least talk about this kid thing"


I slam the door in his face and stand there for a bit. What does he not get about me not wanting to talk about this. I lean up against the door and slide down until i'm sitting on the floor. My arms wrap around my knees and tears start to fall.

"Mira please open up, lets talk" No matter what I won't move. I won't let him hear me cry either.

"Fine Mira i'm leaving but please at least think about talking" His footsteps trail off into the distance and then a car is heard driving away.

I then freely cry out loud. I would love to talk about kids, I would love to carry his child but it's a bit hard when I am not able to have children. Children is the one thing i've wanted all my life but i'm unable to carry. Dammit. I'm sorry Laxus.

Natsu POV

Lucy and I lay under some trees at a park not far from my house. We just stare up at the sky not saying a word. I love moments like this. Something has been constantly playing at my mind though.

"Hey Luce, can I ask you something?"

Her heads turns towards me and smiles. "Of course, what is it?" She then turns her whole body and leans on her elbows. Then begins to play with the grass.

"What are your thoughts on marriage?" I dart my eyes from her to the sky not wanting to see her reaction but I just can't help myself.

She blushes and sits up uncomfortably. "Well ever since I was little I had always wanted to get married and have a big white wedding. Marriage to me is a good thing........why?" I can hear the nervousness in her voice.

"Um just wond-"

"Yes, I will marry you" We stare at each other for a while not knowing what to do. She cut me off and answered the question I wasn't going to ask her for another month or two. I guess I don't need to ask now.

She quickly covers her mouth and looks away. "I'm sorry, i'm such an idiot. I thought you were asking me to marry you but you weren't and now I look like a bloody idiot. I made this awkward and ruined the moment here at the park. I should go before I make things worse" She goes to stand and walk away but I quickly take her hand and forcefully make her sit again.

Lucy turns to me with a bright red face and watery eyes. So I do the stupidest thing to do in this situation, I laugh. But then I kiss her.

After pulling away, Lucy looks quite confused. "Why are you laughing?"

"Well I wasn't gonna ask that question for another couple of months but since you have already answered, I won't have to bother answering" Lucy's facial expression goes from confused to happy to crying again all in a split second. Oh crap did I do something wrong?

"Woah Luce, what's wrong? Aren't you meant to be happy?"

Luce then starts to laugh and now it's my turn to be confused. "No these are tears of happiness you idiot. I'm glad I didn't make a complete fool of myself. But wow Natsu, we are gonna get married!"

We both laugh together and end up hugging. "Yeah Luce, we are gonna get married"

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