Chapter 28-Welcome home

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Natsu POV

Lucy and I had a great time at the park and now I have a fiance which is really hard to believe, trust me i've pinched myself a couple of times just to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Luce and I have agreed to kept it quiet until end of school year because we probably aren't going to get married until then anyway. We have agreed how ever that we will tell Lucy's dad before then because he has a right to know and a few of our close friends. The thing is though that I might ask for her father's permission and do it again properly with a ring but that'll have to wait a little.

I go to open the door to my house and it's already unlocked, I remember locking it though. No one else has a key to the house either. Someone must've broken in and they may still be in there. I rush around to the side of my house where I hide my sports stuff and grab my baseball bat. I make my way back to the door and enter.

Who ever it is is really clean because when I enter, the house is just the way I left it. It's strange because I thought they like to trash your house as well as steal from you. I cautiously sneak my way through the house not making a sound so the thief doesn't know i'm here.

A sound comes from the kitchen and I follow it. I stop just before entering the kitchen to take a deep breath. This is a life or death situation and I need to be prepared. I should have just called the cops but i'm here now so I better get this over and done with. I quickly turn the corner and see a man standing face to face with me. My baseball bat is centimetres from his face but I stopped just in time.

The man has red hair and is nicely dressed from head to toe. His hair is short and has flame markings though the sides. His eyes are an onyx colour. Dad.

"Hey Natsu"

After all these years he only shows up now. I don't know how to feel. Should I be angry because he had been gone for so long or should I be happy that he is back. Two years is a long time for him to be gone. It's taken quite a toll on me too.

"Dad" I say not be able to move. This is too much for me to think about.

"Can you drop the bat please?" He says and I remember what's going on. I drop the bat and dad hugs me. I return the hug and I can feel the tears begin to flow. I don't know how long i've wanted to see him again. But he did leave me, he made me fend for myself with no idea what to do.

I push him back and his face looks shocked. He has no idea why i'm not 100% happy he is back. "No, you left me with nothing but a note in the cookie jar which took me a week to find. Why should I welcome you back? Why should I care when you didn't? Obviously I meant nothing to you if you can just pack up and leave like you did. Why did you leave me dad?"

He has nothing to say at first, he just responds with a shocked expression. I think I might leave but I need an answer, I can't go on knowing he is ok and not knowing why he left.

"I-I can't tell you"

"Why? Why? Why can't you tell your own son?" My voice begins to raise and tears begin to fall faster.

"It's for the best that you don't know" I can't believe this. He can't even tell me why he left. What could be so bad that he couldn't even tell me.

"Maybe it was best you didn't come back then" With that I leave my house and end up going back to the park. I don't want him back anymore.

Authors note: Go read my other books if you want because they need more reads and you may even like them. Remember to Vote, Comment and follow me.

Until next time,

Shiro_Yuki out

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