Chapter 12: Cooperate or Die! Rage of the Demonic Fist!

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Law and Laxus craned their necks as they stared up at what you could call the monstrous giant that was Mama Charlotte. They slowly took a few steps back upon noticing her let out an acidic rain of drool under her with the scariest part not only being her arriving statement, but the fact that she was only staring down at Law the whole time.

'This is bad! Terrible even! This...thing! Her magical prowess is immeasurable! Is this Witch's Isle's Master? Is she truly that much of a monster!?' Law thought, feeling the suffocating presence that was Mama Charlotte's power and aura.

Laxus stared up at the giant with a look of true fear. It wasn't her unsettling appearance, no, it was the power. He could feel that magic emanating off of her and it was dangerous. This was the kind of power his gramps would emanate when he went all out and she was just casually letting it waft off of her!

Laxus' right arm shook to signify his fear and he gripped onto it to steady himself, gritting his teeth in frustration, 'Pull yourself together! This ain't a game no more! I can't be scared at something so stupid looking like that! I'm the strongest! Me! The next S-Class! I can't be scared! I won't be scared!'

Laxus glared up at Mama Charlotte with a roar and charged up his electrical aura. Law looked at him, noticing the spike in power and frustration in his eyes, but Mama Charlotte paid no mind to him as she continued to stare at Law hungrily.

"You think you can scare me!? Me!? I'm Laxus Dreyar, you freak! The strongest wizard in all of Fiore!" Laxus shouted as he raised his arm, "Get reduced to ash, freak show!"

"Lightning-ya wait-" Law shouted as she tried to stop him, but it was too late, his lightning struck.

A large bolt of lightning struck from the sky and landed directly on Mama Charlotte. The ground beneath her exploded into a cloud of dust as the powerful strike ended with Laxus huffing and lowering his arm.

"Get bent, loser." Laxus stated with some electricity still sparking around him.

Suddenly, Mama Charlotte burst out of the dust cloud and reached for Law, grabbing her with a manic grin.

"Wha-" Laxus tried to say but he was backhanded away and he was smacked to the air and all the way to the other side of town, crashing through multiple buildings and finally stopping in a church with piles of rubble falling onto him.

"Lightning-ya!!!" Law shouted, looking off at the distance he had been launched, surprisingly worried if that hit had killed him or not.

"Hey! Hey! Just one bite okay? Just a little taste! Okay? Okay!?" Mama Charlotte said desperately as she opened her large mouth and leaned forward to outright bite Law's head off.

Law drew her blade and quickly blocked the bite with her sword on Mama Charlotte's teeth, the two dueling with one keeping the other away, but it was becoming all for naught, because of the clear difference in strength between the two.

Law's eyes glowed blue as her blue aura spiked, "Shadow the Hedgehog!"

Law soon turned into Shadow and the first thing he did was to get out of the iron tight grip the only way he could, "Chaos Control!"

Shadow teleported away just as Mama Charlotte chomped down where Shadow used to be, but then she blinked when she didn't notice a taste or anything, just air. She looked around for Shadow, but he was nowhere to be seen, confusing her even more.

Shadow meanwhile had hidden behind a random tent, taking a breath and reassessing the situation at hand.

'She's like a child! She must be one! But she's too strong! Too unhinged! How is she this powerful!? Lightning-ya's strike did absolutely nothing! She already pushed me into using my chaos powers, that can't be a constant thing with how much they drain me. I have to find a weakness, everything has a weakness! But if she even does catch me then I'm done for! Shadow's fast, but her strength is on a different level! This is a shitty situation!' Shadow contemplated frustratingly.

"Hey...where'd you go? Where'd you go!?" Mama Charlotte shouted childishly as she stomped her feet in a tantrum and each stomp shook the whole area, surprising Shadow "WHERE'D YOU GO!?!?"

Mama Charlotte shouted as she let out a burst of aura that shook the ground and the nearby buildings. It was a domineering energy that stunned Shadow to the core.

Mama Charlotte's tantrum soon ended and she sniffed the air, grinning wildly as she looked around.

"Mamama...I can smell you..." Mama Charlotte said, her gaze ending at the tent Shadow hid behind, "Ready or not, here I come!"

Mama Charlotte shot forward at a burst of speed sprinting towards the tent and crashing through it just as Shadow ran and dived into his ball form, shooting under her as a form of escape.

Mama Charlotte stood up and watched as the red ball of speed spun all around her, unmistakably making her dizzy. The rapid spinning had formed a tornado of dust, all with the aim of confusing the giant before him.

"Homing Attack!" Shadow shouted as he shot out of the dust cloud and launched towards her, blade in hand which emulated the spinning of a red buzz saw.

Mama Charlotte immediately took notice of the incoming attack and raised her arm, blocking the strike. Shadow had expected his attack to start slicing her whole arm and a rain of blood to envelop the area, but no, her skin was quite literally holding off his buzz saw like attack to the point that even sparks were shooting out from the clash.

'What is she made of!?' Shadow exclaimed in his mind just as Mama Charlotte raised her other arm and used it to slam him down to the ground.

Shadow spat out a gush of spit from the intense strike and he widened his eyes when he saw that she wasn't done.

"Mamama!" Mama Charlotte laughed as she raised her arm once again in the form of a fist for another strike.

Shadow immediately rolled back and dodged the punched the shattered the ground around them. He formed into a ball once again and rolled away, out of the amusement park.

"Mamama! Playing tag now? Okay!" Mama Charlotte exclaimed as she jumped and emulated his rolling style, following after him in a gigantic pink ball of death.

'I have to get her out of here! Out of the town! Too many casualties if we keep fighting here!' Shadow thought, turning a corner and she followed.

Shadow directed their route towards the outer forest around the town, hoping to use the trees not only as cover, but the whole forest as a battle ground where he could let loose of everything he had. It was his only choice. Either give it everything he had or die in the most horrific way he could.

As he reached the forest, he delved deeper to gain a distance on her, hoping the trees could slow her down, but she just barreled through all of them.

She jumped out of her rolling ball mimicry and dived towards Shadow with a wide open mouth, diving to eat him whole. Shadow thought fast and dived onto one of the trees then ricochet off of it onto another, jumping through them and disappearing within the leaves from her view.

He huffed and puffed, taking a breath and wiping the sweat from his brow just as Mama Charlotte stood up, spitting out the sand, rocks and tree bark she had gobbled up.

"No! No! No! No more hide and seek! We're playing a new game!" Mama Charlotte shouted childishly as she reached into her chest with Shadow watching to discover any kind of weakness.

He, however, soon widened his eyes upon seeing her hand go through her chest and come out seconds later with a pink flame-like orb in her hand.

"Soul Party!" Mama Charlotte cast as a magic circle appeared on her arm and she swiped the orb all around the forest.

The soul orb split into hundreds of different parts and shot into multiple trees, even the one Shadow was hiding in.

The ground began to shake as Mama Charlotte laughed and cheered happily. The trees that had been hit with the soul orb pieces started to move and Shadow was horrified to see grinning faces appear onto each and every one of the trees.

"Mamamama! Where's the rat my pretties!? Give her to me! It's party time!" Mama Charlotte called out and the trees cheered and laughed.

"Yes Mama!" The trees shouted.

"Hehehe...I know you're in there..." The tree Shadow hid in stated as its branches started to move and reach up to grab Shadow.

Shadow spun and sliced the branches, causing the tree to scream in pain. The rest noticed this and he jumped off of the tree, dashing off. It wouldn't be so easy as multiple vines from all directions shot towards him in an effort to either grab him or pierce through his body.

Reminiscent of the way the Hand Demon attacked, Shadow started dodging and slicing apart the vines in a swift and experienced fashion.

But then, Mama Charlotte cackled as she came barreling in, not a care if she trampled through her newly created minions, and reached for Shadow.

He noticed that the vines and branches were coming at all sides and right behind him were the deadly clutches of Mama Charlotte, once again, leaving him with little to no choice.

"Chaos Control!" Shadow shouted as his inhibitor rings glowed and he teleported out of their clutches and landed above Mama Charlotte.

Instead of running, he went on the offensive and aimed a precise strike at the center of the top of her skull.

"Injection Shot!" Shadow shouted as the strike became more precise and clear to him.

He thrust forward and stabbed through her head, surprising not only himself, but her and her minions.

'I did it! I broke through!' Shadow stated to himself with wide eyes and he smirked angrily.

"MAMA!!!" The trees shouted with horrified faces as Mama Charlotte stayed stiff with her eyes rolling at the back of her head.

"Black Tornado!" Shadow shouted as he started to spin at rapid speed and form a red tornado.

Mama Charlotte started screaming in pain as sparks akin to the buzz saw clash the had earlier dispersed, only this time he was actually hurting her and the sparks had mixed with blood splattering out of the top of her skull as he continued to drill through.

Shadow noticed that not only was she in great pain, but something else of significance had been happening. He saw that out of her mouth, more and more pink flame-like orbs were spewing out, but they weren't coming out to inhabit something, no, they were floating out and dispersing to the sky.

'That's it!' Shadow thought as it all clicked for him.

"GET OFF! GET OFF! GET OFF!!!" Mama Charlotte screamed, letting out a pink shockwave of aura.

The burst of aura blasted Shadow off of her head and destroyed any and all forestry around her, including her minions, leaving a gigantic crater.

Shadow was launched through the air, similar to Laxus, only this time he was blasted through some trees, skidding through the ground and even bounced on a nearby lake like a skipping stone tossed expertly across it.

Mama Charlotte huffed and took in deep breaths as she felt a warm liquid slid down the side of her head. She confusedly touched it and saw that it was red. It was blood. Her blood! She could bleed?

Her body stiffened at the sight of the blood and her vision started to blur. She started to take quick breaths with her heart beating erratically. She started to cry and toss away the blood from her hands, wiping it from her brow, but it continued to gush out.

"No...NO....NO!!! ARGHHHH!!!!" Mama Charlotte screamed as she wildly stomped, jumped and rolled around with a manic look on her face.

At the point her aura could not be contained and everyone in the town of Osiris could hear the and feel the pained scream and the pain she had been feeling.

Meanwhile, Shadow swam up from the lake and swam to land, crawling up and out of the water with tired and heavy breaths. He briefly glowed a blue glow, almost reverting back to Law, but he forced himself to stay in the form. He had a job to finish after all.

Footsteps approached him and he looked up to see Laxus glaring down at him, but he wasn't in the best of shape as well, signified by the cuts, bruises, scratches all over his body, and the most apparent being the sharp piece of wood stuck in his left shoulder and one of his eyes being red with blood running down the side of his head.

"L-Lightning-ya...?" Shadow asked, surprised and confused as to when he got there and how he knew where she was.

"You look like shit." Laxus stated, picking Shadow up and helping him sit down.

Shadow coughed, spitting out some water, "You look in the mirror recently?"

Laxus smirked, "I think everyone in this battle does, including the walking tantrum over there. You really did a number on her."

"How did you-" Shadow was about to ask, but the Laxus cut him off.

"I was watching." Laxus stated, looking off at the far distant Mama Charlotte continuing with her tantrum.

"You were watching me fight for my life and the thought of helping me never came up!?" Shadow said angrily.

"I was doing exactly what you were doing, except from an outside perspective." Laxus said with a shrug, "Looking for a weakness."

"Well, do you have any?" Shadow asked.

"You might've opened one up for me." Laxus said as he pointed to her head and Shadow finally took notice at what he was pointing at.

Shadow's sword was still stabbed through directly at the top of her head. Leading to a cause as to why she was still bleeding and in immense pain.

"Your sword inhibits magic right?" Laxus asked and Shadow nodded, "That might be the weakness we need then. That thing turned her into a walking, talking lightning rod, and seeing as her magical energy is going to be inhibited, my lightning can finally have an effect."

"The aura is one layer; her own skin is another." Shadow informed, "She's unnaturally durable. You're going to have to dish out everything you have to even think about having an effect on her."

Laxus smirked dangerously, "No holding back? Just the way I like it."

"Before we go in all gung ho, you might've noticed it too if you're telling the truth about watching." Shadow said.

"The souls?" Laxus asked and Shadow nodded.

"When I actually hurt her, those souls drifted out of her. It's impossible for things to have more than one soul, but in her case, she is able to use them in a way that she can weaponize them and give life to the things around her." Shadow explained.

"So she's been stealing thousands of souls to not only eat, but make herself stronger." Laxus said and Shadow nodded once again, "She could build an army, or monsters that are much more powerful with the right soul."

"The right soul being mine." Shadow said, "I'm exactly like her."

"Your magic." Laxus deduced.

"I don't steal souls like her, or at least I don't think I can, but I do possess more than one soul, more than she ever could. I feel them within me, and I can use them. Become them. Like the Shadow the Hedgehog that stands before you." Shadow explained, holding his chest, "If she gets to me and consumes me, all those souls will be hers, she won't need to feed anymore."

"Because she'll be the strongest living thing in the world..." Laxus said with a serious nod.

"Look, I know you and I are not on the best of terms, and I know-" Shadow was about to continue, but Laxus just rolled his eyes and cut him off.

"Just shut the fuck up, will ya?" Laxus said, cracking his knuckles, "I don't need some heartfelt speech to know an ally from foe. I ain't your friend, nor do I want to be, but you're the only interesting thing in our stupid guild. I've been waiting for someone like you."

Shadow smirked, "You finally accept me as part of the guild?"

"You're my rival now, Shapeshifter." Laxus stated with a smirk of his own, "You're not going to die here. I won't let it happen. We're far from our peak of strength and only when we reach that point will I kill you myself."

"A battle to the death in the future at our strongest point..." Shadow said with an amused smirk, "I like the sound of that."

Laxus grinned as lightning sparked around him, ripping off his now raggedy shirt, pulling out the piece of wood and flexing his muscles, "Then let's do it! Let's get stronger together by beating that soul sucking freak! Right here!"

"Right now!" Shadow shouted and Laxus cackled as he shot forward in a burst of lightning and Shadow dashed across the lake, both heading towards Mama Charlotte.


"MAMAMA!!!" Mama Charlotte screamed as her rampage ensued, but then she paused and sniffed the air, turning to see two bright lights racing towards her, one red, one yellow. She grinned a demonic grin as her acidic spit frothed out of her mouth and magical aura flexed in pink sparks, "Souls..."

Shadow continued to run, hoping the long lasting effects of his next decision didn't outright kill him. He took off his inhibitor rings and immediately the surge of power within him increased immediately with his aura becoming more orange with some lightning shooting off of him, and his eyes glowing a bright orange. He let out a powerful wave of energy just as Mama Charlotte had done as well.

Laxus smirked, continuing his path towards Mama Charlotte as well, "Well, I'll be damned."

Not one to get left behind, Laxus let loose all the power within him with a powerful draconic roar. His muscles grew bigger, his eyes whited out and the skin on his arms became scaly.

He clenched his fist just as the sky above Mama Charlotte turned dark and thunder boomed above. He raised his clenched fist in the air and chanted "Resounding through the air, the roar of thunder, plunge from the heavens and reap destruction! Raging bolt!"

A gigantic bolt of lightning struck down from the clouds and landed a direct strike onto Mama Charlotte who screamed in pain as Laxus continued to roar, letting loose more of his power.

"SOUL LIFE!!!" Mama Charlotte shouted as she pulled out a large soul orb from herself, powering through the pain of the lightning.

She thrust the orb forwards and it dissipated into the lightning. She grinned as grabbed Laxus' lightning attack in her hand cackled as she threw the bolt like a javelin.

Laxus widened his eyes as the lightning bolt instantly him and knocked his body back.

"Lightning-ya!" Shadow shouted, worried that it was the killing blow, but Laxus surprised not only him, but Mama Charlotte as well.

He reeled forward, having caught the lightning in his mouth and spat it out back at her.

"Lightning Dragon's Roar!!!" Laxus cast, letting out a concentrated, destructive beam of lightning that hit her and even if she did try to block with her arms, the beam was actually burning her skin.

Mama Charlotte used all of her strength and dissipated the beam, her hands shaking from the burns she had received, "SPARKY MAN BAD! VERY BAD!"

Laxus smirked and just pointed to her left and she turned to only be barreled in by the super powered charge of Shadow.

She screamed as he continued to spin and drill into her stomach. Magic and durability be damned; this attack was killing her.

"N-NO!!!" Mama Charlotte shouted as she reached down and tried to grab Shadow, but the aura around him was impenetrable and any attempt at touching it was burning her skin as well.

"Still alive!? Not for long!" Shadow shouted as his aura became redder, "CHAOS BLAST!!!"

Mama Charlotte widened her eyes and Laxus covered his from the bright flash just as the whole area exploded in a red shockwave, enveloping the whole forest.

Almost all of the citizens and that of the neighboring towns had awoken and they all bore witness to the red mushroom cloud that was Shadow's explosion. They watched on in shock as the shockwave rocked the entire area, spreading all around and caused an earthquake of disastrous proportions.

It had taken a while, but the explosion eventually died down and Laxus was glad he had constituted himself into lightning and escaped the wake of the blast in time. He watched in pure awe at the level of destruction it had caused.

The entire forest and half of the town had become a massive crater that was so deep, the bottom was a dark abyss. Suddenly a bountiful of souls shot out from the abyss, screaming and wailing as they dissipated to the sky.

He thought the job had been done. It was all over, until he heard it...

"MAAAAMAMAMAAAA!!!" Mama Charlotte screamed in pure agony

Without hesitation, he turned into lightning and dashed down the crater, hoping the shapeshifter he'd come to know wasn't dead after all of that.

Once he reached the bottom, he was beyond surprised to see her still alive and still rampaging, but she was in horrendous shape. One of her arms had its bones completely broken, both of her eyes were bloodshot, her dress was raggedy, and almost every orifice was bleeding with dozens of burns and scratches covering her body.

He looked around and spotted that Shadow had reverted back into Law and she was barely holding on, heavy breaths and she couldn't even stand. He ran to her, to help her, but she held her arm out to keep him back.

"One more...I need one more..." Law muttered as Mama Charlotte dead set her gaze at Law and Laxus, "LIGHTNING-YA!!! On my signal, we finish this!!! Give it everything you've got!!!"

Laxus stared at her desperate face and nodded, charging up the last of his lightning. Law roared as she clutched her tattooed arm, her blue aura shooting up with the last her body could manage.

"I-I am...I AM...!!!" Law shouted as she transformed in a bright blue flash.

She transformed into a very muscular man that wore a dark-coloured Gi with the sleeves removed. He had red hair with a topknot, sharp, pointed teeth, and he was wearing brown sandals. Around his waist was length of rope. Over his hands he wore brown training gauntlets. He had tanned skin and crimson eyes, and wears his deceased master's prayer beads around his neck

"I am Akuma, and I will teach you the meaning of pain!" Law's new form, Akuma, stated getting into a fighting stance.

"Shin Shun Goku Satsu!" Akuma roared as a red aura surrounded him and in an instant he dashed towards Mama Charlotte, faster than both her and Laxus could witness.

He jumped and grabbed her by the collar and everything went dark. Everything became devoid of colour and Laxus couldn't see a single thing, until he heard them.

One strike. A flash of purple. The second strike. Another flash of purple. Soon enough the flashes of purple were the only things he could see within the darkness and they ended with one final powerful strike of purple.

The darkness dissipated and everything went back to normal as Akuma stood over Mama Charlotte's body with his kanji glowing a fiery red on his back. Mama Charlotte looked dead as her limp body laid on the ground with one last pink flame-like orb leaving her body, burning in purple flames.

In a blue flash, Akuma transformed back into Law. She stumbled a bit and almost fell, but she turned and ran from her body whilst looking at Laxus, "NOW!!!"

"Lightning Dragon's Iron Hammer!!!" Laxus cast, pulling his completely electrified arm back and punching his fist forward.

The lightning in his arm shot forward and landed a direct hit on Mama Charlotte. The strike was so powerful, it managed to escape the crater and shoot to the sky, parting the dark clouds above, covering everything in a bright blinding flash.


That was it. The hard fought battle was over. The entire battlefield was quiet. No screams, no explosions, no lightning. Just the wind blowing any nearby dust into the newly formed canyon.

In the middle of said canyon and stuck to the ground was Law's sword, Mama Charlotte's body nowhere to be found. Lying around the sword on the steaming dirt were the bruised, battered and exhausted bodies of Law and Laxus.

Laxus breathed heavily and he let out a chuckle, but it was soon choked up with a painful spit take of his blood.

"W-We did it, Shapeshifter..." Laxus said in relief, but he didn't receive a single response from her, "Shapeshift-"

"D-Don't hurts to talk..." Law said in between pained breaths and Laxus smirked, letting out another chuckle that made him spit out more blood, "...Idiot..."

"Well! Well! Well!" They heard a man shout and from the top of the canyon stood the mayor, Sal Capone, with the rest of his citizens, "You Fairy Tail wizards sure are a lively bunch!"

The two of them didn't respond as they stared up at him and his people, tiredly. He smirked as he took a puff of his cigar with the sun starting to rise behind him.

"Problem solved?" Capone asked and the citizens looked down at them with a mix of shock, surprise and most of all, hope.

"Well...what do we say to the people, Shapeshifter?" Laxus asked with a smirk.

"...Piss...Off..." Law heaved out.

Laxus laughed, holding his stomach in pain, giving a genuine grin up to the mayor, "Problem solved, chief!"

Capone smirked as the citizens cheered and celebrated at their victory. The tyrannical reign of Witch's Isle was over, sure the cost of that was half the town and the entire forest with a couple of mountains getting completely vaporized, but nevertheless, the ends justify the means.

Fairy Tail had taken down a prominent dark guild, and such news would be sure to circulate all around Fiore, especially the names of the two wizards that were the victors of such a bout. It was successful mission accomplished on the side of good on this day.


About a week later, the news had spread all over Fiore and everyone was ranting and raving about the victory...and property damage.

A train arrives at Magnolia and out steps an exhausted and bandaged up Laxus who was using a crutch to walk and on his other hand he was holding Law's sword by the sheath.

"Home sweet home...finally..." Laxus muttered tiredly, but then he blinked in surprise when he was Makarov and a magic council attendant waiting for him with smiles on their faces, "Gramps? The hell are you doing here?"

"What? An old man can't see his grandson home after he's hailed as a hero all throughout Fiore?" Makarov asked with a newspaper in the back of his hand which was shaking angrily.

"Oh...well, thanks gramps-" Laxus was cut off by Makarov jumping up and slapping the top of Laxus' head with the newspaper, "OW! What was that for!?"

"A CANYON! OSIRIS HAS A BRAND NEW CANYON THANKS TO THE WIZARDS OF FAIRY TAIL!?!?" Makarov shouted, showing him the news article on the front page, "YOU JUST WANT ME TO BE HOMELESS! DON'T YOU!? DON'T YOU!?"

"Hey! In my defense, it was the Shapeshifter's doing!" Laxus defended himself in an irritated tone.

"And where exactly is Law now? Huh!?" Makarov shouted.

Laxus turned around to show the hilt of Law's sword having a bandage tied to it and the bandage led to a bundle with Law completely covered up in it, with only her eyes glaring through and her hat atop her bandaged head.

"Oh my..." The magic council attendant said in surprise.

"Law, my sweet summer child!? Are you okay!?" Makarov shouted in shock and worry.

Law just hummed with her glare remaining constant much to Laxus' amusement, Makarov's horror and the magic council attendant's confusion.

"Well," The attendant said, clearing her throat and gaining their attention, "Seeing as you're all here, sort of, the mayor of Osiris had confirmed that the mission was in fact a success and judging by the public's perception, Witch's Isle is no more."

"Meaning?" Makarov asked with a smirk.

"From henceforth, Trafalgar Law's bounty is officially discontinued!" The attendant announced loudly.

Makarov laughed happily with a cheer and Law sighed in relief, but Laxus pouted in irritation.

"Damn..." Laxus said.

Law gained a tick mark, shouting and cursing at Laxus, but her whole speech of slurs was covered up and muffled, much to Laxus' sadistic amusement.

"What? You say something? I can't hear you! Hahaha!" Laxus laughed as Law wildly swung around with her swearing tirade.

He wild swinging knocked Laxus' crutch to the ground and he widened his eyes as he fell to the ground.

"Good going, you little bastard!" Laxus shouted, glaring angrily at Law.

Law wasn't deterred though and she sat up, glaring back at him as lightning sparked between the two.

"Are they always like this?" The Council attendant asked with a sweat drop.

"Looks like it." Makarov said with a sigh.


Shadow the Hedgehog:

· Sonic Adventure 2

· Sonic Adventure 2: Battle

· Sonic Pinball Party

· Sonic Battle

· Sonic Heroes

· Sega Superstars

· Sonic Gem Collection

· Shadow the Hedgehog

· Sonic Riders

· Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)

· Sonic Rivals

· Sonic and the Secret Rings

· Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games

· Sonic Rivals 2

· Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity

· Super Smash Bros. Brawl

· Sega Superstars Tennis

· Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood

· Sonic Unleashed

· Sonic and the Black Knight

· Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games

· Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games

· Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing

· Sonic Free Riders

· Sonic Colors

· Sonic Generations

· Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games

· Sonic Jump

· Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed

· Sonic Dash

· Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games

· Sonic Jump Fever

· Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U

· Sonic Runners

· Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games

· Sonic Runners Adventure

· Sonic Forces: Speed Battle

· Sonic Forces

· SEGA Heroes

· Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

· Team Sonic Racing

· Sonic Racing

· Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020

· Sonic at the Olympic Games (2020)


· Super Street Fighter II Turbo

· Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams

· Street Fighter Alpha 2

· Street Fighter Alpha 3

· Street Fighter EX

· Street Fighter: The Movie

· Street Fighter III 2nd Impact: Giant Attack

· Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future

· Street Fighter IV

· Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition

· Street Fighter V

· Street Fighter 6

· X-Men: Children of Atom

· X-Men vs. Street Fighter

· Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter

· Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes

· Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

· Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3

· SNK vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium

· Capcom vs. SNK: Millennium Fight 2000

· Capcom vs. SNK 2

· SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos

· SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters Clash

· Tekken 7

· Namco x Capcom

· Street Fighter X Tekken

· Street Fighter X Mega Man

· Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo

· Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix

· Cyberbots: Full Metal Madness

· Asura's Wrath

· Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

· Monster Hunter Rise

· Brawlhalla

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