Chapter 11: Souls of The Damned!

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On the next morning, Law and Laxus sit within a train that travelled to its destination, said destination being the town of Osiris. Law stared out of the window with a bored expression, mindlessly watching the forestry and mountains go by. However, for a while now, she had been feeling eyes on her and even though it hadn't bothered her before, now it was just starting to get annoyingly irritating.

She looks away from the window and narrows her eyes at the young man sitting across from her. Laxus matched her gaze, undeterred and uncaring of her annoyance.

"Take a picture, it will last longer." Law stated.

Laxus smirked "I can't wait to watch all of this blow up in your stupid little face."

"What happened to not letting me ruin Fairy Tail's reputation?" Law asked, "If you're so sure about me failing this mission then there's no reason for you to be here."

"Fairy Tail's reputation will be just fine. I'll just do what you can't and actually finish the job." Laxus states with a shrug, "I can't promise you'll be alive to see that though."

Law scoffs "If anyone is dying during this mission, you can be sure it'll be you."

Laxus' smirk grew coupled along with a glare "Guess we'll just have to wait and see."

Law matched his glare "Guess we will."

'If you get in my way then I'll be the one....' Laxus thought.

'The moment you get in my way is the moment that I'll be the one...' Law thought.

'To kill you!' Law and Laxus thought as they continued to glare at each other.


Within the darkness of a large and barely lit room, opens the crazed and menacing eyes of some sort of gigantic monster. The monster grinned with acidic drool flowing out of its mouth in a deadly gush. It rolled its massive body over to look at the suited individuals in the room, all of them wearing stylized suits of different colors.

"That smell..." the monster stated in an almost lustful tone.

"W-What was that Master?" a woman in a yellow suit asked.

The monster looked down at the woman and grabbed her, causing her to let out a scream as the monster laughed.

"Don't you smell it!? That glorious smell! Not one, not two, but millions of them! They are so close, so very close~" the monster stated as it drooled even more.

"M-Master, please let her go!" Another suited individual exclaimed.

"W-We can find another for you! Please just not one of us! Not again!" Another suited individual exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, but that smell! Having it in the air is just making me so hungry!" the monster shouted as it looked at the terrified woman in its hands and reached for her with her other hand.

It reached into the woman as she screamed and it pulled out her soul, gobbling it whole while the woman's body went limp, and the monster dropped her like she was nothing.

"I need it! I need more! Give them to me!" the monster shouted as its eyes glowed with a pink hue "Find me more souls!!!"


Law and Laxus arrive at Osiris and spot an older man with an intimidating gaze holding a sign with the words 'Fairy Tail' written on it and behind him were two suited men in sunglasses that appeared to be his personal bodyguards.

He was a short man with a stocky build whose appearance was somewhat like that of a Mafia boss. He sported an oiled-up and slicked-back hairstyle befitting that of a crime don. His facial features had a very stern look to them further accentuated by his rather sharp but hooking beak-like nose. He also had a five o'clock stubble on his upper lip. He wore a black-and-white pinstriped suit, complete with a green scarf around his neck, with the excess tucked inside the suit. His accessories consisted of golden rings with precious stones mounted on them on all his fingers, a long and stylized coat with gold trimmings, a fedora hat and he smoked a cigar. This was the mayor of Osiris, Sal Capone.

"Who's that joker?" Laxus asked, but his question went unanswered as Law approached Capone and he rolled his eyes, but followed, nonetheless.

"You two from Fairy Tail?" Capone asked.

"That depends," Laxus replied with a cocky smirk, "Who's asking?"

The two guards suddenly pulled out their pistols and both aimed them at both sides of Laxus' head.

"Disrespectful punks like you deserve one between the eyes." Capone stated.

"Oh, really now?" Laxus asked, starting to pull his hands out of his pocket.

"Can you point me in the direction of the mayor before you kill him? I'm on a job and this is a waste of time." Law stated, garnering their attention.

"Well, I'll be. If it isn't the Shapeshifter of Death." Capone said and both his guards tensed up at that which annoyed Laxus, "Rumor has it you joined Fairy Tail. That true?"

"Does it matter?" Law asked.

"Well as the mayor of this place, I'd at least like to know who or what I'm dealing with." Capone revealed and both Law and Laxus widened their eyes in surprise as Capone smirked, "Took you wizards long enough to show up."

"No way! You sure you ain't some kind of mafia boss that's just impersonating the mayor or something!?" Laxus exclaimed.

Capon chuckled, "As flattering as that sounds, I'm the real deal, pal."

"Go figure." Laxus muttered.

"C'mon, we've got business to discuss." Capone stated and he started walking into town with his guards following.

Law and Laxus looked at each other then back at the mayor, following him as well.


"They call themselves Witch's Isle." Capone states, taking a puff of his cigar from behind his desk whilst Law and Laxus sat in front of him, "Sinister bastards. They parade themselves as this happy and colorful group, but once they get their grubby mitts on ya, well, you better kiss wherever you thought you'd go after the sweet release of death goodbye."

"Murder is one thing but stealing souls..." Laxus muttered with an angered tone.

"The Magic Council sent out a team of S-Class wizards, right?" Law asked and Capone nodded, "Any survivors?"

"None as of yet." Capone responded.

"A whole team of S-Class wizards huh? Must be a powerful guild then." Laxus summarized.

"Sure. You could say that, but their head honcho is obviously their leader. Take her out and the rest should be a cake walk for you." Capone explained and he grimly smirked, "That is if you even can, of course."

"How do you know all of this?" Law asked.

"Well, when your people start disappearing and you start finding skeletal-like corpses, you get into the habit of looking into it." Capone replied.

"How many casualties are we dealing with right now?" Laxus asked.

"68," Capone replied, bringing down the weight of the situation in turn, "And counting."

"I'm going to need a hunting ground. Someplace these disappearances are occurring most." Law stated.

"Well, a lot of people used to get black out drunk at Binks' Bar and a lot of people started to go missing in the streets of that area. It's less active around there right now, but I'm sure that's a good place to start at least." Capone explained, taking a puff of his cigar.

"Guess we're going to Binks' Bar." Laxus said with a smirk, "I was feeling parched anyway."

"Our level of magic energy is too high. We'll be obvious to any would be kidnappers." Law pointed out.

"Then what was the point of asking for a hunting ground location?" Laxus growled with narrowed eyes.

"We obviously need bait, Lightning-ya." Law stated with an eye roll, "At least try to pretend that your head isn't in the clouds."

Laxus glared at her with lighting sparking around him, "I'll make you eat those words, Shapeshifter!"

Before Laxus could do anything, the doors to the office burst open and in entered a woman who sang a tune with a tray of tea and chiffon cakes in hand.

She was a large woman with pink hair gathered in pigtails and with thick lips as well as blush spots on her cheeks. She wore a white dress with a floral design and a light blue shirt worn over it along with a pair of high-heeled boots. This was the mayor's wife, Chiffon Capone.

"My love~ My love~ Oh my love~ It's time for a snack~ My dearest love~" Chiffon sang as she spun around and placed the tray on the desk, presenting the food to Capone.

"Chiffon, you shouldn't have." Capone said with a smile.

Chiffon blushed with a loving smile, "Anything for my big, strong man~"

"C'mere!" Capone stated, pulling Chiffon onto his lap, and giving her a long kiss.

Law and Laxus watched on in horror as the guards standing by the doors dipped their hats from the sight.

"Huh...I really thought you'd be the most disgusting I've ever seen, Lightning-ya, but it seems I've been proven wrong." Law stated, covering her face with her hat.

"At least I saw the look on your stupid face before I go on to start gouging my eyes out." Laxus retorted.

Their kiss ended with a loud 'Mwah!' and the two pulled apart to look at the young wizards.

"What's got the two of you looking away for? Ain't ever seen true love?" Capone asked.

"Don't be so hard on them, my love~ They're still young." Chiffon expressed, hugging Capone's side.

Capone smirked and held onto her, "You're lucky the missus is quite soulful with me or else I wouldn't take that kind of disrespect."

"Soulful?" Law asked as she perked up.

"Yeah? What about it?" Capone asked.

Law raised her hat, revealing a dark smirk aimed at the couple.


"You better be right about this." Laxus said, both him and Law standing atop a rooftop of a building that was near Binks' Bar looking over Chiffon who was fearfully sitting at one of the outside tables with a drink in hand, "This plan already blows."

"We needed bait." Law simply stated.

"Yeah, but the mayor's own wife? Seriously?" Laxus asked.

"I don't care if you're the mayor's wife or a common thug. If you're useful to me then that's all I need." Law stated as she slyly smirked at Laxus, "And besides, on the low chance that this goes wrong, you're the one being held accountable."

Laxus glared at her, "It's your job!"

"With your reputation on the line." Law retorted, "Fitting really."

"Tch. I won't be taking the fall for your screwup. I'll take down whatever the hell is causing all of this after your dumbass gets your soul taken." Laxus said with an excited smirk.

"Souls..." Law muttered.

"Hm? What'd you say?" Laxus asked.

"She's on the move." Law informed, standing up from her crouched position as she watched Chiffon leave the bar.

"Mayor's a pretty desperate schmuck to even allow this." Laxus said as they walked along the rooftop whilst following Chiffon.

"It was either let this happen or I didn't do the job." Law stated, "Obvious bluff on my part, but it got the desired results."

"Hehe, not bad, Shapeshifter." Laxus said with a low smirk.

"What? No unsettling glares of disapproval?" Law asked.

"One thing you should know about me, Shapeshifter, is that..." Laxus said as he positioned his leg behind her, "I'm not above playing dirty."

With that proclamation, Laxus went to kick Law off the roof, but she quickly turned and blocked it, but the force itself had launched her off and towards Chiffon.

"Bastard!" Law shouted angrily.

"Behind her! Two of them!" Laxus informed, disappearing as a burst of lightning.

Law gritted her teeth and turned as Chiffon screamed upon noticing the incoming figure of Law flying towards her. Law drew her sword and flew past Chiffon, stabbing one of the suited kidnappers in the chest.

The skewered kidnapper fell to the ground and Law planted the sword firmly through him, using the hilt as a springboard and launching to the other one with a spinning kick that flung him to the wall nearby. He let out a pained groan and slumped to the ground as Law landed onto the ground and pulled out her sword from the skewered kidnapper.

She sheathed it and turned to look at a surprised Chiffon, "You're not dead. Good."

"W-WHERE DID YOU COME FROM!?" Chiffon exclaimed in a mix of shock and awe.

"Now, where the hell is that blonde haired bastard?" Law asked, looking around for Laxus.

"DON'T IGNORE ME, YOU BRAT!" Chiffon shouted, but Law continued to pay no mind to her.

A yellow streak of lightning flew past both Law and Chiffon, stopping in front of them to reveal Laxus holding onto a similarly dressed person as the one Law had taken down.

"Oh, you're not dead. Crap." Laxus said with an annoyed frown.

Law gripped her blade, ready to unsheathe it whilst sending Laxus a furious glare "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right here, right now?"

"It's cute you think you can." Laxus said with a smirk as he shoved the person he was holding to the ground, "And if you didn't notice, I saved your ass here. Ol'runner over here booked it as soon as you flew in to fight his friends."

"Maybe that wouldn't have happened if you didn't kick me off the damn roof!" Law shouted.

"Maybe so, maybe not. Guess we'll never know." Laxus replied with a cackle that enraged Law even more as Laxus turned to look at the goon, "Now're you doing?"

The goon looked between the two of them with terrified yet defiant eyes, "M-More wizards? Enjoy your lives while you have them 'cause w-when my Master gets word of this, you'll just end up like the rest of 'em!"

"Oh, really?" Law asked looking down at him with a dead stare, "And where exactly is this Master of yours?"

The goon gulped and shook his head, "If you think some creepy kid and punk teenager are gonna get me yapping then I got news for both ya's."

"You don't have to willingly talk to us, but we're gonna find out where the soul sucker is one way or another." Laxus said with a smirk.

Law smirked, "Consider this. If we were to turn you in for the attempted kidnapping of the mayor's wife over there, they'd immediately give you the death penalty. Now there have been many ways of execution, but one Osiris is famous for is the electric chair. It only takes 2,000-2,500 volts to put people like you in a box."

"T-That's it? You're gonna try to scare me with the threat of legal execution? I knew my fate when I joined a Dark Guild. That won't scare me!" The goon protested.

"I was just informing you on the easy way out." Law said as she smirked, "Lightning-ya, what's your usual output?"

Laxus smirked, "The lowest I could output with the biggest handicap I gave myself would be 100,000 volts at the bare minimum."

The goon widened his eyes in utter terror and Chiffon jaw dropped with Law's smirk getting more brazen, "Our dark mage over here seems to be unwilling to go for the easy way out, I believe that's your cue."

Laxus took his hands out of his pockets and started rolling up his sleeves as he walked towards the goon with electricity sparking around him, "C'mon, let's have some fun."

Chiffon watched on in pure terror of her two would be protectors, seeing the gleeful smirks etched on both their faces and the fact that they were still so young was not helping one bit.

'I-Is Fairy Tail a Dark Guild?' Chiffon asked as Law and Laxus' interrogation began.


Law and Laxus walk through the dark streets of Osiris towards the location of the Dark Guild. After getting the information they needed, the two of them escorted a traumatized Chiffon back to the mayor and after an earful from the mafia-esque leader, the two of them went on the hunt.

Laxus cackled as the two of them rounded a corner, "Did you see the look on her face when we fried that loser? Priceless."

"For someone so opposed of me being the murderer that I am, you sure find an awful lot of glee when you do it." Law pointed.

Laxus stopped mid laugh and glared down at Law, "I fried a bad guy, you kill anything in your line of sight. It ain't the same."

"Hypocrisy at its finest." Law stated as she stopped in front of a large amusement park entrance.

"My dear, Shapeshifter," Laxus said as he moved towards the chained gate to the park, "I don't know the meaning of the word."

Laxus kicked gate and it blew off its hinges, falling to the ground.

"So much for the quiet approach." Law muttered with a sigh.

"Hey! You soul sucking pieces of shit! Come out and face my divine wrath!" Laxus shouted.

If the gate being kicked down didn't alert them then that surely did as many suited individuals in multicolored suits started popping out of the woodworks of the park.

"More wizards." One of the dark mages stated.

"They're sending kids this time, seriously?" Another asked.

"Whatever, let's do this quick before they wake up the Master." Another stated as a green magic circle appeared around his hands.

"Hey, Shapeshifter," Laxus said as Law looked at him, "The one that takes out the most over here gets dibs on the Master, deal?"

"This is all a game to you?" Law asked in an irritated tone.

"When you spend as much time taking out small fry as I have, it all starts to get boring after a while. Naturally, I had to find a way to spice things up." Laxus said with a shrug.

"You're insane." Law stated, drawing her sword.

"And you're a murderer." Laxus said as electricity sparked around him, "What a team we are, huh!?"

Law smirked in amusement as she dashed forward towards the mages on the right with Laxus zipping towards more on the left.

The mages started launching an array of elemental attacks that Law sliced and diced through with ease. She dodged a plume of fire shot at her and sliced off the hands that had fired the plume. The mage that had received such damage screamed a pained and ear-piercing scream as Law kicked them in the jaw and used their face as a jumping point to leap towards another mage, stabbing them in the throat.

"You little-" Before another mage could even say, Law twisted her blade and blood sprayed out of the stabbed mage's throat and Law aimed the sprinkler of blood towards the mages and they all tried to cover their eyes and faces from being blinded by the red rain.

With the distraction in motion, Law dashed towards them, sliding, and slicing one in the knees, bring them to the ground, she jumped and drop kicked another in the gut and as they doubled over, she raised her sword up and cut off the mage's head.

She jumped up and spun, kicking the head like a soccer ball towards another mage and the two skulls headbutted. Her carnage continued with the pained and horrified screams getting louder and louder.

You'd think things were better off on Laxus' end, but no, he was causing a light show by zipping either past or through the mages and electrocuting any on sight.

One of the mages was a healer and she tried her best to heal the fellow mages around her, bit every so often a flash of electricity would zip past her and each time this happened the mages around her started getting fewer by the second, until eventually, she was the last one standing.

She looked around fearfully for any sign of Laxus, but he was nowhere to be seen until she felt a hand on her shoulder.

She slowly turned and widened her eyes to see Laxus smirking at her.

"Hey." Laxus stated as he sent a vicious jolt of electricity through her body and frying her completely.

"You done yet?" Law asked walking up to him and Laxus looked behind her to see the bloodied massacre that had ensued.

"That whole bloodbath and you didn't even get a speck on you?" Laxus asked.

Law shrugged with a dark smirk, "I'm an artist of my craft."

"Well, you can stay here and admire my work while I go ahead and find that Guild Master." Laxus said in amusement.

"Huh? I'm the one that's going to take down the Master of this sorry group, not you." Law protested.

"Get your eyes checked Shapeshifter. I won the wager." Laxus said, pointing to the burned and ashy remains of the mages he had fought.

"Am I supposed to count every dust grain of their ashes? You don't have any bodies to show for a kill count, I obviously won." Law retorted.

"Yeah, sure, like all the missing limbs strewn around over there are able to be counted." Laxus said with an eye roll.

"At least they're still there!" Law argued.

"OOOH! WHAT! WHAT! WHAT! IS THAT NOISE!!!" A loud girlish voice shouted in a boom of a voice that shook the area around them.

Both Laxus and Law slowly turned towards the big tent of the amusement park where earth-shaking footsteps could be heard approaching.

"Wait! Is that?" The booming voice asked as an audible sniff was heard and a gasp followed, "IT IS! THE BUFFET OF SOULS!!!"

The footsteps quickened their loud pace and a giant shadowed figure launched out of the tent and landed in front of the two of them with a loud earth-shaking boom.

Law and Laxus widened their eyes in shock with their jaws dropped at the sight before them.

In front of them was what you would call a giant child. She had a round face and had freckles on her cheeks, her hair was kept in two buns on both sides of her head. Her nose was triangular, and she wore a polka-dotted dress that was reaching her neck and had a bow at the top.

"HELLO! I'm the sweetest and nicest person ever, Mama Charlotte!" Mama Charlotte introduced as she started to drool at the sight of Law, "Please, if you don't mind me asking. Can I eat you?"

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