Chapter 10: Law vs Laxus! A Shocking Rivalry Begins!

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It was a bright sunny day today and all seemed normal. The Fairy Tail guild was as lively as ever, Makarov sitting on the bar counter and sipping on a beer mug, Macao and Wakaba sitting together and playing some cards, Reedus working on another one of his paintings, and Law, Cana, and Gray sitting at a table together, Law reading a book, Cana arranging her cards and Gray dozing off with his head on the table.

"I'm bored." Gray whined.

"Then go do something." Cana said, placing down another card.

"Like what?" Gray asked.

"I don't know. Go on a mission or something." Cana said with a shrug.

"I checked the board today and all of the missions were just boring chores." Gray replied.

"Isn't that a good thing? You'd get paid for non-life-threatening work for once." Cana asked.

"What good is having ice magic if I ain't gonna freeze bad guys?" Gray asked, sitting up and looking at her.

Cana looked at him and she got an irritated look on her face "And what good is having clothes if you ain't gonna wear them?"

Gray looked down and screamed, seeing that he was in his boxers once again "Not again!"

"Honestly..." Cana said with a sigh, but then she looked at Law with a smile "What'cha reading there, Traffy?"

"Medical records of the different species in the world." Law replied, turning a page.

"Why would you read something so boring?" Cana asked.

Law looked at her with a dark smirk and she got chills running up her spine from her look "To know how I can properly dissect my enemies in the heat of battle."

"O-Oh really? That's nice..." Cana stuttered with a nervous smile 'My teammate is a psychopath!'

Gray stopped putting his pants on and he perked up with a confused expression on his face "You guys hear that?"

"Hear what?" Cana asked, and while Law heard it, she just continued reading.

"It sounds like rumbling." Gray said, looking around for the source of the sound.

"Probably your stomach. Now, please put on your pants!" Cana yelled.

"It's not my stomach. It sounds like..." Gray muttered, recognizing the rumbles.

"Like what?" Cana asked.

"Like thunder." Gray stated.

Suddenly the doors were blasted open and a stream of lightning stopped in front of Makarov. Everyone, besides Law and Makarov, was shocked and surprised by the sudden event.

Makarov calmly opened his eyes as the dust settled to reveal a figure standing in place of the thundershock.

"Laxus." Makarov stated and the person before him smirked.

His name was Laxus Dreyar, a powerful Lightning mage that also happened to be Makarov Dreyar's grandson. He was a tall young man with a muscular build, grey eyes, spiky blonde hair pointing backward with small tufts falling down on his forehead, and a lightning bolt-shaped scar on his right eye. He wore black magic headphones, a dark yellow shirt with a black long-sleeved shirt underneath, baggy dark green pants, and black shoes.

"Hey, gramps." Laxus stated.

"He's back..." Macao muttered nervously.

"Didn't think he'd return so soon..." Wakaba muttered.

"Oh, crap! It's Laxus!" Cana said fearfully.

"Who?" Gray asked.

"The master's grandson. He's a really powerful wizard that always goes on A-Rank missions, he's almost as strong as an S-class wizard." Cana explained.

"No way..." Gray muttered with wide eyes.

"How was the mission?" Makarov asked.

"I aced it as usual. But, I should tell you that on my way back, something was really nagging me." Laxus stated.

"Oh? What would that be?" Makarov asked.

"Nothing too bad. I was just wondering why," Laxus said, taking Law's wanted poster out of his pocket and showing it to Makarov with an angry glare "Why the hell is the most wanted person in all of Fiore a part of Fairy Tail!?"

"Oh no..." Cana muttered, almost everyone in the guild turning to look at Law who ignored them and continued reading.

"The wanted poster is still active? Strange..." Makarov muttered, rubbing his chin.

Laxus grits his teeth and slammed the poster down onto a nearby table.

"Don't play with me, old man! Why would you let a murderer into the guild!? Don't you care what this will make Fairy Tail's image look like!? We might as well become a dark guild if we're letting murderers join!" Laxus shouted.

"Law joined Fairy Tail to better herself. She is a child that holds great power and with that, she needs guidance. The best way to help her was to let her join Fairy Tail, to grow among friends and live a better life. Rejecting her would only send her down a darker path." Makarov stated.

"You seriously think I'm gonna buy all of that!? The Shapeshifter of Death got her name for a reason, gramps! Everyone around her dies and she'll just move on as if nothing happened! Fairy Tail is just gonna end up with the rest of the dark guilds, burning to the ground and full of corpses." Laxus stated as he turned and glared at Law with electricity sparking around him "Isn't that right, Shapeshifter?"

"Law..." Cana muttered as Law stopped reading and shut her book.

"If you think for one second I'm gonna pass up the chance of taking you down here and now, then you're in for a rude awakening!" Laxus stated, taking his hands out of his pocket with more electricity sparking around him "Don't worry, I won't kill ya. I'll just be dragging your bloodied remains to the Magic Council and collect that bounty of yours. How do you feel about that?"

Law looked over her shoulder with a bored look on her face and raised her arm, giving Laxus the middle finger.

This enraged Laxus and rushed at Law, transforming into a lightning current while doing so. The two clashed, Law blocking Laxus' lightning-infused punch with her now drawn sword. She grits her teeth as she got pushed back by Laxus' strength, but then she kicked him away and he skids back from her, giving her some breathing room.

Laxus looked at his hand he noticed that his knuckles were bleeding, which was certainly a surprise to him since the lightning infused on his fist should've protected it from getting cut.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Law asked and Laxus stopped looking at his hand to look at her smirking face "I'm not gonna take the blame if you die."

Laxus scoffed "You're one cocky little shit, you know that?"

"Arrogant, brash, loud, and a hypocrite? Should you really be talking about others, Lightning-ya?" Law asked, tossing his sword's sheath to Cana, who barely caught it.

Laxus glared at her and rushed at her again, but this time, Law did the same. The both of them were too fast for normal eyes, moving around the guild as if they were teleporting and only glimpses of them clashing were visible once in a while.

"Where are they!? I can't even see them!" Wakaba exclaimed, ducking under a table.

"Shouldn't you be doing something, master!?" Macao exclaimed.

"Unfortunately, monsters like them speak only one language..." Makarov said with a sigh "Take it outside, you brats!"

Suddenly the ceiling exploded and the both of them shot through it, leaving a smoking hole in the process. Everyone was shocked to see this and Cana ran outside of the guild, Gray following along with the other members of the guild.

"Over there!" Gray shouted, pointing up at the guild's roof.

Everyone looked to see Law and Laxus standing at odds with one another, the both of them glaring at each other and ready to fight.

"You're not gonna win this, Shapeshifter." Laxus stated.

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that." Law stated, her eyes glowing blue and a blue aura surrounding her "Shadow the Hedgehog."

"Shadow..." Gray muttered, "She's taking this seriously."

"She should." Macao said and Gray looked at him "Laxus is known for his brutality."

'Please be okay, Law!' Cana expressed in her mind worriedly, clutching the sheath tightly.

Laxus laughed at seeing Law's new form "Seriously? That's it? A short black rat in shoes!? Are you really the Shapeshifter of Death?"

"Why don't you come over here and find out?" Shadow taunted and Laxus smirked.

He rushed at Shadow and raised his arm to bring his fist down on her, but Shadow moved so fast, it seemed like he disappeared from view. Laxus widened his eyes, sensing danger from behind him. He turned to block the overhead slash from Shadow with his lightning, but doing so was a mistake because the lighting was cut and Shadow managed to cut his hands.

Laxus grits his teeth in anger and pain, turning into a lightning current and zipping over to a rooftop of another building across the guild.

'It happened again! Something's up with that sword, I gotta get it away from her somehow!' Laxus said to himself.

"Homing Attack!" Shadow shouted, curling up into a red ball and shooting forward at Laxus.

Laxus transformed into lightning and dodged the attack, only to be surprised when the deadly ball followed him.

The guild members watched on in awe as blurs of Shadow's red and Laxus' yellow, zoomed around the entire area. Only Makarov was able to see how fast they were going, the others were barely spotting afterimages of them.

"They're so fast!" Gray exclaimed.

"Is Law actually keeping up with Laxus?" Wakaba asked.

"No." Makarov replied and they looked at him "Laxus is trying to keep up with Law."

Shadow dodged another lightning bolt from Laxus and landed back onto the guild's roof, Laxus landing on the roof of another building, seemingly out of breath with multiple cuts around his body.

"You done yet?" Shadow asked.

'How the hell is this rat faster than me!? I move at lightning speeds at minimum, yet she's got me out of breath!? Hell no! I'll end this in one shot, just like always!' Laxus thought as he smirked at her "Don't get ahead of yourself, rat! I've already won!"

Shadow scoffed "And you called me the cocky little shit?"

Laxus glared at her and his eyes turned yellow as lightning sparked all over his body. He raised his clenched fist in the air and chanted "Resounding through the air, the roar of thunder, plunge from the heavens and reap destruction! Raging bolt!"

Makarov widened his eyes "No, Laxus! That attack will destroy the entire guild!"

"What!?" Macao exclaimed as everyone let out shouts and cries of worry.

A large bolt of lightning descended from above towards Shadow who looked up at the blindingly quick attack.

"Black Tornado!" Shadow shouted, spinning in place and forming a red tornado that swallowed up the lightning bolt.

Everyone widened their eyes once Shadow stopped spinning and the lightning bolt had been dissipated.

"What!? Impossible!" Laxus shouted.

"The guild is fine..." Wakaba muttered.

"It happened so fast...what happened?" Macao asked.

Cana smiled "Traffy saved the guild."

Makarov smiled "Law cut the attack into pieces so small, it had to dissipate."

"Huh!? How though!? How do you cut lightning!?" Gray exclaimed.

"You either have to be extremely skilled with a sword or extremely fast." Macao said.

"Turns out Traffy's both." Cana said with a smirk.

"You damn rat!" Laxus shouted, charging at Shadow and the two clashed.

Shadow dodged Laxus' barrage of punches and used his size to his advantage, jumping on Laxus' leg and spinning on his arm to land a kick to Laxus' face. The force of the kick launched Laxus off the roof and he was sent crashing to the ground in front of the guild members.

"Homing Attack!" Shadow shouted, spinning in place and shooting towards Laxus.

Laxus growled and let out a roar, swinging his arm in an arc motion, causing a lightning bolt in the form of a blade to attack Shadow. The lightning clashed with Shadow's sword, but it managed to cut through and Shadow landed a severe cut along Laxus' chest, skidding to a stop behind him.

"Laxus!" Makarov exclaimed worriedly.

"Shut up!" Laxus shouted, gritting his teeth and holding onto his bleeding chest.

"This fight is over." Shadow stated.

"Hell no! It ain't over until one of us falls! And I'm still standing!" Laxus shouted, charging up an overwhelming amount of lightning into his right arm, and clenching his right hand into a fist.

Shadow smirked "Alright, let's see you still stand after this."

He held onto his sword tightly and took a running stance. The both of them glared at one another then charged at each other for one last clash. Laxus' lightning-infused fist was about to hit Shadow in the stomach and Shadow's sword was right next to Laxus' neck.

"Stop this travesty at once!" A pompous voice shouted and the two stopped in their tracks, the pressure from their stopped attacks creating a powerful gust of wind.

Everyone turned to look at who had stopped the fight and it was a representative of the Magic Council with a few knights backing her up. It was a woman with a frog for a head in robes that were the official uniform for the Magic Council workers.

"Is that a representative of the Magic Council?" Macao asked in surprise.

"Why are they here?" Wakaba asked.

"What business does the Magic Council have for us?" Makarov asked.

"By order of the Magic Council, Trafalgar Law is to be brought before the Council members by a special request." The representative announced.

"They want Law?" Gray asked.

"What are they gonna do with Traffy?" Cana asked.

Shadow transformed back into Law and walked over to Cana, taking the sheath from her and putting her sword back in place. Laxus was starting to succumb to his wounds and he fell to his knees, clutching his injured chest.

"Take Laxus to the infirmary, he's lost a lot of blood." Makarov ordered and Macao and Wakaba nodded, running over to Laxus.

"I'm fine!" Laxus shouted, but then he let out a pained groan.

"No, you're not. The fight is over, focus on recovering while I deal with this." Makarov stated, looking at Law "Shall we get this over with?"

Law nodded and started walking, but then Cana grabbed onto her hand with a worried look on her face.

"Traffy..." Cana muttered.

Law moved her hand away and patted Cana on the head "I'll be fine. Stop worrying so much, Alberona-ya."

Cana hesitantly nodded and Law joined Makarov, the both of them getting led away by the council representative and the knights.

"Shapeshifter!" Laxus shouted and Law stopped walking "Don't think this is over! We will fight again!"

Law didn't respond and continued walking away as Laxus was taken into the guild and the rest of the members were left to process the day's events.


"A special mission?" Makarov asked, him and Law standing before the ten holographic figures once again.

"Yes." One of the council members replied with a nod "Trafalgar Law is to identify a dark guild in the town of Osiris and eliminate them."

"Osiris? That far?" Makarov asked in surprise.

"Will that be an issue?" Another member asked.

"No, no, it's just...why Law? Why not any of the other guilds that are closer to the town?" Makarov asked.

"Trafalgar is one of the very few we have assurance of completely eliminating the guild. She has a history of wiping dark guilds off the face of the map and that is what we want her to do with this guild." Another member explained.

"How dangerous is this guild if it requires such extremes?" Makarov asked.

"Because the last town this dark guild had been identified in, all of its citizens had lost all of their souls." A member stated and Makarov and Law widened their eyes.

"They steal souls?" Law asked.

"We believe this to be the case." Another member said with a nod.

"We sent out a team of S-Class wizards on the job and they have yet to return." Another member informed.

"If they are this dangerous, then why must Law go alone!? She is still a child!" Makarov shouted.

Law twitched her eye in irritation, taking such a view on her as an insult "Oi, I can take care of myself."

"Think of this as a test for her." Another member stated.

"A test?" Makarov asked and Law quirked up an eyebrow.

"We've been going around Fiore, taking down any and every single one of the Shapeshifter's bounty posters. Such a thing is no easy feat." Another member informed.

"If Trafalgar manages to succeed in accomplishing this mission then we will officially announce and spread the word of her bounty's cancellation." The head member stated.

"And if she fails the mission?" Makarov asked.

"Failure to accomplish the mission and pass the test will result in..." A council member announced, but Law finished that sentence for her.

"Death." Law stated with a narrowed gaze.


"I don't like this." Makarov stated, the both of them walking out of the meeting room.

"You don't have to like it. I'm doing it anyway." Law said.

"Aren't you worried about losing your soul?" Makarov asked.

"No, I'm worried about losing all of my souls." Law stated.

Makarov widened his eyes "All of your souls?"

"Shadow may be a transformation, but I still feel like a completely different person as him. I feel his powers, his instincts, and even slivers of his emotions. Shadow is alive and he is not the only soul inhabiting my body. I can feel their power, I'm just not strong enough to reach them. Shadow is already hard enough to control...maybe one day I'll be strong enough to reach the others, but not now." Law explained, looking at her tattoos.

"Even more reason as to why you shouldn't do this! A guild that steals souls will be more than happy to have you show up at their door." Makarov stated.

"Do you not trust me, Makarov-ya?" Law asked, turning to look at him with a serious gaze.

Makarov paused and matched her gaze "I've trusted you ever since I met you."

"Then trust me to be able to do this. I'll be back alive and victorious." Law stated with a smirk "Don't underestimate a wizard of Fairy Tail."

Makarov started smiling until they heard the sound of thunder and an arrogant laugh rang through the air. A thunderbolt shot through the nearby windows and landed right next to them, dissipating and revealing a bandaged up Laxus standing before them.

"How sweet. The little rat's got you wrapped around her tiny little fingers." Laxus mocked.

"Laxus, why are you here?" Makarov asked.

"I don't know what's going on, but I'm in." Laxus stated.

"In?" Law asked.

"Yeah. A special request from the council sounds like fun, and you'd be damned to think I'm gonna let you ruin Fairy Tail's reputation when you screw it up." Laxus stated, both of them glaring at each other.

"Listen to me, Laxus. This job is much too dangerous for you. Your injuries are still recovering, for Pete's sake!" Makarov warned.

"Like I care, old man." Laxus stated, "I'm going and nothing you say or do is gonna stop me."

Law smirked "You're gonna die."

Laxus smirked back at her "Not before you."

'Oh no! Having these two monsters team-up is such a terrible idea!' Makarov thought worriedly as he looked between the two glaring wizards.

And so their quest begins! Trafalgar D. Water Law and Laxus Dreyar must work together to defeat a very powerful foe. Can this impromptu team manage to work together? Or will their rivalry lead to their end?


Shadow the Hedgehog:

· Sonic Adventure 2

· Sonic Adventure 2: Battle

· Sonic Pinball Party

· Sonic Battle

· Sonic Heroes

· Sega Superstars

· Sonic Gem Collection

· Shadow the Hedgehog

· Sonic Riders

· Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)

· Sonic Rivals

· Sonic and the Secret Rings

· Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games

· Sonic Rivals 2

· Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity

· Super Smash Bros. Brawl

· Sega Superstars Tennis

· Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood

· Sonic Unleashed

· Sonic and the Black Knight

· Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games

· Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games

· Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing

· Sonic Free Riders

· Sonic Colors

· Sonic Generations

· Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games

· Sonic Jump

· Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed

· Sonic Dash

· Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games

· Sonic Jump Fever

· Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U

· Sonic Runners

· Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games

· Sonic Runners Adventure

· Sonic Forces: Speed Battle

· Sonic Forces

· SEGA Heroes

· Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

· Team Sonic Racing

· Sonic Racing

· Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020

· Sonic at the Olympic Games (2020)

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