Chapter 9: Icy Shades of Gray!

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It was a normal day in the cheerful town of Magnolia. Many went about their lives as they normally would, either by working or staying by doing what satisfies them. Nothing crazy was happening today, things seemed to be relaxed and calm. Heck, even the Fairy Tail guild wasn't in total chaos even with the recent development it just had.

"So you want to join Fairy Tail, ey?" Makarov asked, sitting on the bar counter as usual.

The young boy before him nodded "Yes sir, I would really appreciate it."

The young boy in question was of average height for his age with short spiky black hair and dark blue eyes. He wore a dark blue shirt and over it a white jacket with fur collars, black jeans and black shoes along with the blue backpack on his back. This was the cool ice mage, Gray Fullbuster.

"Hmm, and what did you say your name was again?" Makarov asked.

"Uh, Gray Fullbuster, sir." Gray said.

"And why do you want to join our guild?" Makarov asked.

"My master said I'd find a place to call home here." Gray replied as Makarov stared at him for a moment.

Makarov smiled "Well, alright then. Welcome to Fairy Tail."

"Wait, really? That's it?" Gray asked in surprise.

"Yeah, you expected there to be more?" Macao asked from one of the tables.

"I mean, yeah, didn't think it would be this easy." Gray replied.

Makarov hopped off the counter with the official guild stamp in hand "It is that easy. You trust us and we trust you, that's how it works around here. Now, where would you like your guild mark and what color?"

"Well...uh...hmm..." Gray let out as he thought about it but then pulled down the left side of his shirt to reveal the left side of his chest "Can I get it here and can it be a dark blue?"

"Unusual place but alright." Makarov said with a shrug as he stamped Gray's chest, leaving the dark blue Fairy Tail guild mark "Welcome to the family Gray, glad to have you on board."

Gray nodded with a smile "Yeah, thanks."

Wakaba chuckled "Another kid? This place is slowly turning into a daycare."

"Huh? What are you guys talking about?" Gray asked.

"What? You didn't think you'd be the only kid in the guild, did you?" Macao asked.

The doors to the guild slammed open and in entered Team Fairy Heart, coming from their latest mission and Cana did not look happy.

"Nice going, Traffy." Cana remarked snidely with a towel on her head.

"Whatever." Law replied with an eye roll as they made their way over to the counter.

"Welcome back you two. How was the mission?" Makarov asked.

"Why don't you ask Picasso over here." Cana said angrily as she pointed at Law.

"How was I supposed to know you suck at painting also." Law asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Also!? What's that supposed to mean!?" Cana exclaimed.

"Didn't you two go on a simple mission this time around?" Macao asked.

"Yeah, but Traffy had the bright idea to try and speed the job up! A paint bucket fell on me and I had to power wash my hair for over an hour!" Cana complained.

"The job was to paint a house, your way was slow and boring. My way was faster and we got the job done quicker, your stupid hair is what slowed us down." Law said with an eye roll as she folded her arms.

"My hair is not stupid! It takes work to look this good. You wouldn't get that since you're such a boy." Cana said.

"I'm a girl!" Law shouted in annoyance.

'Who are these bozos?' Gray asked himself as he watched Law and Cana argue.

"That's Team Fairy Heart." Makarov said to him with a proud smile "They had only formed a week ago but they're a very capable team with many missions under their belt already. It makes me proud to see our younger wizards show such promise and now with you here, we have even more wizards with great potential."

Gray chuckled with his cheeks turning red as he rubbed the back of his head "I wouldn't say that. I'm just a normal ice wizard, that's all."

Law and Cana stopped arguing and turned to look at Gray, Cana with wide eyes and Law with an eyebrow raised.

"You're a what?" Cana asked.

"Say that again." Law demanded.

" ice wizard?" Gray said nervously.

Law and Cana looked at each other with evil smirks and Cana quickly moved over to him, placing her hand on his shoulder.

"Welcome to the team, buddy!" Cana exclaimed cheerfully.

Law appeared on his other side and placed a hand on his other shoulder with a dark smirk "We'll be sure treat you right."

"Huh? What's up with you two, all of a sudden?" Gray asked, looking between them nervously.

"As a new member of our team, it's customary to go on a job together." Cana said, taking out a job from her satchel "And would you look at that! You picked a great job."

"Wait, no I didn't!" Gray exclaimed.

"Looks like we're going out again, see you all later!" Cana exclaimed with a wave as she ran for the doors.

"Struggling will only make it worse." Law stated as she picked Gray up and ran after Cana.

"What!? No! Help me!!!" Gray screamed as Macao, Wakaba and Makarov laughed and waved as they left.


Gray sat in a carriage, opposite of Cana and Law, glaring at them with his arms folded. Law paid no mind to it but Cana was beginning to get irritated by the angry look.

"Alright, what's your problem, kid?" Cana asked.

"What's my problem? What's my problem!? My problem is that you two kidnapped me and are taking me to a random place for no reason!" Gray shouted.

"That's not true." Cana said, feigning innocence "It wasn't for no reason."

"You're just gonna gloss over the kidnapping part!?" Gray exclaimed.

"Geez, if we knew you would be such a grump then we wouldn't have brought you along." Cana said and a tic was visible on Gray's head.

"You kidnapped me!" Gray shouted.

"You're already here, so stop whining. It's getting annoying." Law said with an irritated look.

"Tch, why am I even here? What do you guys want from me?" Gray asked.

"Well, you said you were an ice wizard, right?" Cana asked.

"Yeah, so what?" Gray asked.

"Check it." Cana said as she handed him the job flyer.

"Help, Mt. Hakobe is about to collapse! Ice wizard needed to seal up crack to prevent potential avalanche. Beware of the many dangers on the mountain. Reward 200,000 Jewels." Gray read and he gave them an annoyed look "You're using me for a job?"

"Yup." Law replied nonchalantly.

"Traffy!" Cana exclaimed as she looked at Gray with a nervous smile "Not use, more...require your assistance."

Gray rolled his eyes and handed the flyer back to her, sitting back with a sigh "Can't be helped I guess, at least there's a reward out of it."

"Yup! 100,000 Jewel for me and Traffy." Cana said and Law nodded in agreement.

"What about me!?" Gray shouted.

The carriage came to a stop and the driver told them that he could only go this far, which was fine for the young wizards. They hopped off the carriage and it went back the way it came, leaving the three kids on the snowy roads of the icy mountain.

"Man, it's cold." Cana said, rubbing her arms as she shivered.

"Didn't think to pack warmer?" Gray asked.

"Shut it." Cana retorted with a shiver.

"Don't be so weak, Alberona-ya." Law said and both Cana and Gray looked to see Law keeping a straight face while her body shivered against the cold.

"You're cold too!" Cana shouted.

Gray took off his jacket and held it out for them "Here."

"Huh? Won't you be cold?" Cana asked.

"I'm an ice wizard, remember? We don't get cold." Gray said with a smirk.

"Alberona-ya can have it, I'll be fine." Law said.

"A-are you sure, Traffy?" Cana asked and Law nodded.

She took the jacket and put it on, grateful for whatever warmth it gave her as they began their trek.

"So, where's this crack?" Gray asked.

"Job requester said it was up at the top, that's where we're supposed to go." Cana explained and Gray nodded "So, what's your name, Ice-boy?"

"Gray, Gray Fullbuster." Gray replied "What about you guys?"

"I'm Cana Alberona and that's Law, but I like to call her Traffy. It's my special nickname for her." Cana said with an accomplished smirk.

"Is that true, Traffy?" Gray asked with his own smirk.

Law glared at him and drew her sword a bit "That's Law to you. Alberona-ya only gets to call me that."

"N-noted." Gray said nervously.

Cana smiled with a small blush 'Thanks, Traffy.'

"Man, she's kinda scary." Gray whispered to Cana.

"Yeah, but she's cool. Just don't make her mad and you'll be fine." Cana said with a shrug.

Gray nodded "I'll keep that in mind."

"Anyway, did you always know ice magic? I've never seen it before." Cana asked.

Gray smiled "I was taught by my master Ur, well...former master."

"What happened to them?" Cana asked.

Gray's smile became solemn "I'd rather not talk about it."

Cana nodded but then bumped into Law's back once she stopped. She was about to say something but widened her eyes once she saw that they were in front of a large cave.

"There's no way to go but in." Gray said.

"Keep your guard up." Law said "Who knows what's in there."

They both nodded and went into the cave, Law walking ahead with Gray walking next to her and Cana walking behind Law. They reached the main area of the cave and they were surprised to see that it was covered in ice, from the floors to the walls and even the ceiling, just an icy cave with a gigantic crack on a wall that led up past the ceiling and up the mountain.

"This is it." Cana said, glad they found it so quickly "Do your thing, Gray."

Gray took one step forward but Law held her arm out in front of him which made him stop.

"Hmm? What's wrong, Traffy?" Cana asked.

"Yeah, What's up?" Gray asked.

"That." Law replied, looking up.

They looked up to see a shadowed monster jump from hanging on the ceiling and land on the ground in front of them.

"Whoa!" Gray said with wide eyes as Law drew her blade.

"A Vulcan!" Cana said with wide eyes.

The Vulcan appeared to be large, anthropomorphic monster that resembled a primate. It possessed distinctive facial features, an elongated chin, prolonged ears, and a pointed head that resembled a single horn on top of its head. The Vulcan had gargantuan arms and sequentially large hands that attached to its muscular torso. In comparison to their upper body, the Vulcan evidently possessed a pair of smaller-scaled legs that feature a long tail connected to the bottom of its torso. The fur on its arms formed a decorative pattern unique to its species.

The Vulcan let out a roar which caused Cana to hide behind Law and hold onto her while Law just narrowed her eyes at the Vulcan and Gray glared at it.

"What's the plan here!?" Gray exclaimed.

"Easy." Law said, running towards the Vulcan "We kill it."

"Hm?" The Vulcan let out as he looked at Law then Gray then Cana, eyes becoming hearts and steam spraying out of his nose "Woman!"

The Vulcan jumped, avoiding Law's slash, and landed in front of Gray and Cana. It backhanded Gray away and grabbed Cana, who let out a scream, as it sniffed her. Law glared at the Vulcan and jumped towards, aiming to slice its head off but it's senses picked up the incoming danger and it rolled away dodging Law's attack once again.

"Tch, annoying bastard." Law said as Gray groaned and met up with her.

"That kinda hurt." Gray said, holding his aching head.

"Help me, you idiots!" Cana shout but then the Vulcan held her upside down and her dress began to succumb to gravity but she quickly held it in place, now screaming with a blush "Ahh! Don't look at my underwear!"

"Speaking of underwear..." Law said, turning to look at Gray who was now in his boxers.

Gray looked at her then himself, letting out a surprised cry "Aw, man! Not again!"

"Woman~" The Vulcan said with a perverted laugh, leaning towards Cana.

"Not in a million years, monkey!" Cana shouted, taking out her card and it glowed red as she threw it "Fireball!"

The card lit up into a ball of flames and hit the Vulcan in the face, causing it to let out a scream and drop Cana. She let out a scream but Law had already come in with the save, circling around and back to Gray.

"Thanks, Traffy." Cana said as Law nodded and put her down.

"We're not gonna let her show us up now, are we?" Gray asked with a smirk.

Law smirked as her eyes glowed blue "Shadow the Hedgehog."

With a flash, Law had become Shadow and he glared at the Vulcan, ready for a fight.

"Awesome! So that's what other magic looks like!" Gray exclaimed excitedly with stars in his eyes, but then he snapped out of it and smirked at the Vulcan, getting into his casting position "But, don't think I'm just gonna stand around and do nothing."

"Where are your pants?" Cana asked, taking out her cards.

"Not right now, Cana!" Gray exclaimed with an embarrassed blush.

"I'll take the right, Ice-ya take the left, Alberona-ya cover us." Shadow ordered.

Both of them nodded "Right!"

Shadow ran at the right side and Gray ran at the left as Cana lit up three of her fireball cards in each hand, she had saved up enough to buy more and her preparation finally paid off. The Vulcan was deciding on who to attack and chose to focus on Shadow, trying to block the slash but all that did was cause it to lose its fingers.

"Homing Attack!" Shadow shouted, curling into a red ball then shooting forward. He sliced the Vulcan's entire arm into pieces then travelled around its body, leaving it bloody with all the cuts from his katana. The Vulcan let out a scream as Gray's hands glowed blue and he started to cast his magic.

"Ice-Make: Ice Geyser!" Gray shouted as he thrust his hands forward and the ground under the Vulcan glowed. Suddenly, towers of ice spikes shot out from the ground under the Vulcan which stabbed multiple parts of its body and freezing it in place.

"Great Fireball!" Cana shouted as she threw all the cards at the Vulcan, forming a giant fireball. The fireball hit the Vulcan, enveloping it and burning it into nothing but ash.

"Oh yeah! We did it!" Gray exclaimed, seeing as there was nothing left of the Vulcan.

"Yeah!" Cana exclaimed with a smirk.

Shadow transformed back into Law and she still held her bored expression "Gray,"

"Huh? Y-yeah?" Gray asked, thinking he had done something wrong.

"Put on some pants." Law stated, causing Gray to fall over and Cana to giggle at their antics.

After a little while, Gray had gotten dressed and sealed the crack up with little to no effort. They soon started their trek back down the mountain, eager to get their reward.

"So, are you guys gonna give me a cut or what?" Gray asked.

"Well, you did help us out so I guess we can make an exception this one time, right Traffy?" Cana asked.

"Even if I said no, you'd give him anyway." Law replied.

"Aww, you know me so well." Cana said, hugging her from behind as they walked.

Law narrowed her eyes as she muttered "One of these days..."

Gray chuckled "You guys are cool. Maybe Fairy Tail won't be as bad as I thought"

They continued their walk, with mainly Cana and Gray chatting and laughing but Law said something once in a while as they made their way down the mountain.


Meanwhile, at the Magnolia train station, the last train had arrived for the afternoon and only a few passengers exited the train.

One passengers was a young boy with an arrogant smirk on his face as electricity sparked around his entire body and he confidently stated "Home sweet home."


Shadow the Hedgehog:

· Sonic Adventure 2

· Sonic Adventure 2: Battle

· Sonic Pinball Party

· Sonic Battle

· Sonic Heroes

· Sega Superstars

· Sonic Gem Collection

· Shadow the Hedgehog

· Sonic Riders

· Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)

· Sonic Rivals

· Sonic and the Secret Rings

· Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games

· Sonic Rivals 2

· Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity

· Super Smash Bros. Brawl

· Sega Superstars Tennis

· Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood

· Sonic Unleashed

· Sonic and the Black Knight

· Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games

· Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games

· Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing

· Sonic Free Riders

· Sonic Colors

· Sonic Generations

· Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games

· Sonic Jump

· Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed

· Sonic Dash

· Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games

· Sonic Jump Fever

· Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U

· Sonic Runners

· Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games

· Sonic Runners Adventure

· Sonic Forces: Speed Battle

· Sonic Forces

· SEGA Heroes

· Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

· Team Sonic Racing

· Sonic Racing

· Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020

· Sonic at the Olympic Games (2020)

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