Chapter 8: Death of the Demon!

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The Hand Demon stopped screaming and growled as its eye twitched in pain. Gritting its teeth, the demon regenerated the arm and glared at both Shadow and Cana.

"L-Law?" Cana asked, seeing the guild mark on Shadow's left glove.

"Run." Shadow stated as put her down behind him and glared at the Hand Demon.

"W-what?" Cana stuttered out.

The Hand Demon shot a bundle of arms forward, each hand clawing at them. Shadow sliced all the arms into pieces in a swift motion but more arms grew from the stumps and continued to reach for them. Shadow grabbed Cana and quickly dodged the arms and they slammed down onto the ground they were standing on.

Cana coughed from the dust but soon stopped to only widen her eyes once the dust cleared. The multitudes of hands had not only broken the ground but they had drilled right through. Shadow narrowed his eyes as the Hand Demon retracted the arms and madly grinned at them.

"Cana!" Shadow shouted, gaining her attention as the Hand Demon commenced his attack once again and shot a multitude of arms forward once again towards them "Run away! Now!"

Shadow sliced up the arms as Cana stood up and ran the other way, deep into the forest. Shadow jumped backwards to dodge the overwhelming amount of arms but then another arm shot forward in a way to punch Shadow but he blocked it though the force of the punch pushed him back to a tree and he struggled to push it back.

"Not so fast, girly! I hate fast food!" The Hand Demon laughed as he shot an arm towards the direction Cana ran.

"Cana!" Shadow shouted but the fist continued to push him back "Damn! Black Tornado!"

Shadow spun in a red tornado, slicing the fist apart along with the tree. He dashed towards the arm and cut it in half as the demon screamed and pulled the bleeding stump back.

"I don't know what you are but I'll make sure to kill you slowly!" The Hand Demon shouted.

"Sorry," Shadow stated as he waved the sword down, throwing the blood that was on the sword to the ground "I don't do slow."

"Do you think you are special, huh!? I've feasted on animals, humans, wizards and even wyverns! A small black rat like you, will only be a late night snack." The Hand Demon stated as many arms untangled from it sand showed themselves "Don't worry, I'll savor every bite."

"That's right, keep talking." Shadow stated with a smirk as he pointed his sword at the demon "I'll make you eat those words."


Cana struggled to calm herself down as she hid behind a tree. She could hear the fight ensuing from afar and every time the demon would scream and shout, it just terrified her even more. She wanted to fight, she really did but what could she do? She barely knew any spells and only one of them was an attack spell, she'd just get in Law's way.

'I...I can't stop it. I can't stop shaking. Why? Why aren't I strong enough!?' Cana's thoughts resonated and she began to tear up as memories came back to her.


"I saw you over here alone and thought you'd need a friend." Cana said.

"I don't need friends." Law stated.

"Everybody needs a friend." Cana replied.

"I don't." Law says "I don't need any, I don't want any. So just leave me alone."

Cana stared at her for a moment and smiled once more "Then I'll be your friend."

"Huh!? Didn't you hear me just say that I don't want any friends?" Law asked, now irritated by the girl.

Cana gave her a teasing smile "I don't care, you're my friend now."


'What kind of friend just sits in the sidelines while the other fights for their life? Some wizard I am...' Cana thought as she took off her card belt and tossed it to the ground, causing some of the cards to fall out.


"Look just calm down already," Law said as Cana looked at her "I won't let you die, I promise."

Cana blushed and smiled at that "T-thanks..."


Cana couldn't help but smile when she thought back to that and she perked up when she looked at the fallen cards. She crawled over to the belt and picked up one of the cards, staring at it with curious eyes.


"What are you doing?" Law asked curiously.

"Hm? Oh just preparing. If we're hunting a demon, then I guess I'll have to set my attacks beforehand." Cana explained.

"Is this your magic?" Law asked and Cana nodded.

"Yup! Magic Card. I use magical cards to do a whole bunch of things but we may be at a disadvantage since I'm not usually the fighting type and I just started out the wizard gig." Cana explained as she packed the cards up and put them back in the holster of her belt "It may not be as strong as Take-Over magic but I'll try my best."


Cana clenched her fist and glared at the card with newfound determination as she collected the cards and picked up the belt "It may not be as strong as Take-Over magic but I'll try my best."


Shadow ducked and dodged the arms coming at him and sliced apart the ones that were getting too close but that only made even more grow and attack him.

"Hahahaha! Yes! Yes! Run! Keep running! Eventually you'll realize how futile it is and then you'll end up in my stomach!" The Hand Demon laughed.

"Tch, annoying bastard..." Shadow muttered as he turned and sliced up the arms chasing him.

He skids to the right and spun into a red ball "Homing Attack!"

Shadow shot forward towards the Hand Demon, uncurling midair and slicing apart the arms surrounding him as he got closer. The Hand Demon widened its eyes as Shadow thrust his sword forward in an effort to stab him and an audible clang reverberated through the air.

Shadow widened his eyes in shock since the Hand Demon had blocked the stab with his large yellow teeth. Shadow tried to pull the sword back but it was stuck in between one of the gaps, effectively keeping him in place.

The Hand Demon could not miss the opportunity and converged three arms from its back and over its head towards Shadow.

"Fireball!" A girl shouted and a fireball flew towards them, hitting the arms and exploding into flames upon contact.

The Hand Demon screamed in pain as it waved the flaming hands around in an effort to put them out as Shadow finally pulled out the sword and jumped away from the demon. He looked towards the direction the fireball was casted and he was shocked to see Cana holding four red cards in her hand.

"Cana...?" Shadow asked and Cana sent him a thumbs up.

"Aargh! You!? YOU!! Damn you, girl!!" The Hand Demon shouted as he converged multiple arms towards Cana.

Shadow dashed to Cana and grabbed her as the arms drilled through the ground she had been standing on. He continued to run while carrying her over his shoulder as the arms chased them.

"What are you doing here!? I thought I told you to run!" Shadow shouted.

"No way! We're a team and that means we should do everything together!" Cana exclaimed stubbornly.

"Cana!" Shadow shouted as he jumped to dodge more upcoming hands "This isn't a game!"

"I know but I'm a wizard too and I'll never get stronger if I just run away all the time." Cana stated determinedly and Shadow looked into her eyes, he could see the determination in them and he could tell she was itching for a fight.

Shadow rolled his eyes as he looked away "Man you're annoying."

"What's that supposed to mean!?" Cana shouted as more hands were incoming.

Shadow jumped on one of them, sliced up another one then jumped onto another and sliced up two others. He landed on the ground and dropped Cana, making sure to keep her behind him.

"How many of those fireballs you got leftover?" Shadow asked.

"Huh? Oh, u-uh four! I've got four." Cana said, showing him the cards.

"On my say, you shoot one okay!?" Shadow shouted.

"Right!" Cana stated with a nod and Shadow smirked.

Shadow dashed towards the Hand Demon and the arms attacked. He sliced and diced through them as more emerged from its back and shot up to the sky, all of them raining down in a barrage towards Shadow.

"Cana now!" Shadow shouted.

"Fireball!" Cana cast as one red card glowed and she threw it.

It formed into a fireball and exploded on the arms and all of them were ablaze which caused the demon to scream. Shadow reached the demon and sliced its body upwards. The Hand Demon screamed louder as large amounts of blood gushed out but then Shadow noticed something horrifying about this, the Hand Demon was smiling.

Multiple hands shot out from his sliced open stomach and grabbed onto Shadow, pulling him in as the outer hands covered the stomach cut.

"Law!" Cana shouted in shock.

"Haah...That's better. Now..." The Hand Demon stated as he grinned at her "Your turn."

"Hey, bring her back. Bring her back right now!" Cana shouted tearfully.

"Hahahaha! It's too late girly, the rat's gone and you're next!" The Hand Demon laughed.

"Bring back my Law!" Cana shouted as she threw another card "Fireball!"

The card turned into a fireball and shot towards the Hand Demon who converged multitudes of arms towards it to block the hit, it grits its teeth from the pain of the flames but it blocked it nonetheless.

She ran towards the demon, pulling out ten more cards and igniting another fireball card. Arms converged and attacked her but she jumped over one and dodged two more but another punched her back. This didn't deter her though, she ran through the dust with scratches and bruises and continued to make her way towards the demon.

"Fireball!" Cana shouted as she threw the card and it turned into a fireball that hit the demon in the face and it screamed, holding onto its burning face.

She continued to run towards it and lowered down to the ground to slide right between its legs as it put out the fire. She made it to the other side and threw her final fireball at the angered demon.

"Fireball!" Cana shouted but the demon blocked the burning ball of destruction.

The Hand Demon started to laugh as he noticed her now empty hands "Hahahaha! Is that it!? Is that the best you can do!? Burning my face won't kill me! I'll heal! But just so you know, there's no healing where you're going."

The Hand Demon hungrily licked his lips as he said this but then the unexpected happened, Cana was the one to start smirking this time.

"I'm not done yet..." Cana stated as a bright light shined under the Hand Demon.

He looked down to see the ten cards she was holding scattered under him and they were glowing in an assortment of colors like red, blue, yellow and green.

"W-what is this!?" The Hand Demon asked.

"If I'm going out then it'll be in a blaze of glory." Cana stated as she thrust her palm forward and clenched it "Cards of Congratulations!"

The cards turned into fireworks and they shot up into the demon, exploding in a show of blinding rainbow lights as the demon screamed. The fires were spreading around its body and it had to use all of its hands to put them out.

Its stomach was suddenly sliced open once again and Shadow shot out and jumped to the sky.

"Finish it, Law!" Cana shouted.

"Homing Attack!" Shadow shouted as he spun in the air.

He shot down to the Hand Demon and sliced him in half like a buzz saw. He landed on the ground and held the sword with two hands this time.

"Black Tornado!" Shadow spun and crated a tornado that ripped the entire demon apart, cutting it into thousands of pieces as blood flew all round Shadow.

Shadow stopped spinning and at this points the Hand Demon was just a pool of blood, no chunks or pieces left. Shadow turned towards Cana and smirked, giving her a thumbs up as she smiled in relief but soon started falling over in exhaustion.

In a split second, Shadow was already next to her and caught her. With a blue flash, Shadow transformed back into Law.

"We did it, Traffy." Cana said with a grin.

"Yeah, good job Cana." Law said with a smile as Cana happily giggled.


Back at Fujikasane Village, Sakonji and Hotaru continued to dig up two more graves but then they heard footsteps approaching them and looked up with their shovels at the ready in case they needed to defend themselves.

They were shocked to see Law, with Cana in her arms, walking towards them. It wasn't the blood, bruises, scratches or dirt on them that was shocking, it was the fact that they made it out of the forest alive that was shocking.

"The demon's dead." Law stated as she walked past them.

This shocked them once again and they were stunned with silence as Sakonji fell to his knees, tears falling out from under his mask.


The next day, Law and Cana were making their way out of the village but were then shocked to see all the villagers gathered in front of the entrance, cheering and clapping for them.

"Uh...what's this about?" Cana asked.

"They must be happy the demon's dead and now their village is free." Law said.

"Well, at least you did as promised and killed the demon." Cana said.

"No." Law stated as she looked at her "We killed the demon."

Cana brightened up and tackled Law with a hug "TRAFFY!!"

"Oi! That was not an invitation to hug me, damn it!" Law shouted, trying to push her away.

"Will you two get a room already!?" Sakonji shouted as he emerged from the crowd with Hotaru.

"Oh look, it's the mask wearing weirdos." Cana said, letting go of Law.

"What is a weirdo? A strange case that asks a stranger about the strange wilds of disillusioned weirdness in its complexities of being weird?" Hotaru rambled.

"I'm not gonna miss you, that's for sure!" Cana shouted.

"In any case," Sakonji stated as he got down on his knees and bowed to them "Thank you for rescuing us, wizards of Fairy Tail."

Many more villagers followed suit, letting out their thanks, some even tearful ones. Hotaru didn't like it but he did so as well and even though she wouldn't show it, Cana was smirking devilishly on the inside.

"Thanks aren't necessary." Law said to them.

"Yeah, we were just doing our job." Cana said with a shrug and a smile.

"Speaking of which," Sakonji said as he stood up, pulling out a sack of jewels "Here's the payment for said job."

"Really!?" Cana asked with stars in her eyes but Law on the other hand looked away at the desolate looking village and spotted the many graves by the fields.

"No thanks." Law stated, grabbing Cana by the hand and started walking past everyone.

"Hm?" Hotaru asked.

"Wha-? Traffy!? What are you doing!? We were about to get paid!" Cana exclaimed.

"Yes, that's right. We must compensate you for your troubles." Sakonji stated and the other villagers nodded in agreement.

"Use it to fix your village, it's an eyesore." Law stated without turning around.

"Traffy..." Cana muttered as she looked back at the village and finally understood why Law had said that.

"An eyesore!?" Hotaru exclaimed angrily along with some other villagers but Sakonji held him back by grabbing onto his shoulder.

"If you will not accept any payment then at least tell us your names so we can honor your actions." Sakonji stated.

"Yes, please at least let us do that." One of the villagers begged.

Law sighed and turned around "Trafalgar Law."

"Oh, I'm Cana Alberona." Cana said.

"Really? I preferred annoying girl." Hotaru stated.

"Damn you!" Cana exclaimed angrily as she shook her fist at him.

Sakonji nodded "And I assume you two are a team?"

They both looked at each other then back at Sakonji and nodded.

"What is your team called?" Sakonji asked.

"The cool girl and her annoying sidekick." Hotaru said as Cana tried to attack the man but Law held her back.

"We're team..." Law paused as she looked at Cana who looked back at her and they seemed to have some sort of silent agreement on what the name would be as they looked back at Sakonji.

"We're Team Fairy/Heart." Law and Cana said at the same time but then looked confused.

"What!? What the hell do you mean, Team Fairy!?" Law shouted.

"As if Team Heart is better!" Cana shouted.

"Is everything about you Fairy Tail wizards, fairies to you!?" Law shouted.

"What's Team Heart supposed to even mean anyway!?" Cana shouted.

"It's symbolic!" Law retorted.

Cana scoffed "Yeah right! What's supposed to happen when the master orders us to attack. "Team Heart Attack!" we'd sound like a complete joke!"

"And Team Fairy makes us sound like we're unimaginative and love Fairy Tail with every fiber of our being!" Law shouted.

"I do love Fairy Tail with every fiber of my being!" Cana retorted.

"Exactly! That's the problem!" Law shouted.

"What's that supposed to mean!?" Cana shouted.

The villagers watched the back and forth between the two and eventually they all, besides Sakonji, started laughing in amusement, causing the two to stop arguing.

"Then it's settled. Thank you for your assistance, Team Fairy Heart!" Sakonji stated with a nod.

"Hooray for Team Fairy Heart!" The villagers shouted and cheered.

"See what you did?" Law whispered.

"This is your fault and you know it." Cana whispered back.

Law turned around and started walking away. Cana waved at the villagers and ran after Law, smiling at her and she just rolled her eyes with a small smile on her face.

A new team has been formed within the Fairy Tail guild, one of great potential, great prowess and a developing friendship that could lead to more. Now only time will tell what might happen in the future and what challenges lie for team Fairy Heart.


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